.. _conan_imports: conan imports ============= .. code-block:: bash $ conan imports [-h] [-if INSTALL_FOLDER] [-imf IMPORT_FOLDER] [-u] path Calls your local conanfile.py or conanfile.txt 'imports' method. It requires to have been previously installed and have a conanbuildinfo.txt generated file in the --install-folder (defaulted to current directory). .. code-block:: text positional arguments: path Path to a folder containing a conanfile.py or to a recipe file e.g., my_folder/conanfile.py With --undo option, this parameter is the folder containing the conan_imports_manifest.txt file generated in a previousexecution. e.j: conan imports ./imported_files --undo optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -if INSTALL_FOLDER, --install-folder INSTALL_FOLDER Directory containing the conaninfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.txt files (from previous 'conan install'). Defaulted to --build-folder -imf IMPORT_FOLDER, --import-folder IMPORT_FOLDER Directory to copy the artifacts to. By default it will be the current directory -u, --undo Undo imports. Remove imported files The ``imports()`` method might use `settings`, `options` and `environment variables` from the specified profile and dependencies information from the declared ``deps_XXX_info`` objects in the conanfile requirements. All that information is saved automatically in the *conaninfo.txt* and *conanbuildinfo.txt* files respectively, when you run :command:`conan install`. Those files have to be located in the specified :command:`--install-folder`. **Examples** - Import files from a current conanfile in current directory: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install . --no-imports # Creates the conanbuildinfo.txt $ conan imports . - Remove the copied files (undo the import): .. code-block:: bash $ conan imports . --undo