Build policies ============== By default, :command:`conan install` command will search for a binary package (corresponding to our settings and defined options) in a remote, if it's not present the install command will fail. As previously demonstrated, we can use the :command:`--build` option to change the default :command:`conan install` behaviour: - :command:`--build some_package` will build only "some_package". - :command:`--build missing` will build only the missing requires. - :command:`--build` will build all requirements from sources. - :command:`--build outdated` will try to build from code if the binary is not built with the current recipe or when missing binary package. With the ``build_policy`` attribute the package creator can change the default conan's build behavior. The allowed build_policy values are: - ``missing``: If no binary package is found, conan will build it without the need of invoke conan install with :command:`--build missing` option. - ``always``: The package will be built always, **retrieving each time the source code** executing the "source" method. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 6 class PocoTimerConan(ConanFile): settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" requires = "Poco/1.7.8p3@pocoproject/stable" # comma-separated list of requirements generators = "cmake", "gcc", "txt" default_options = "Poco:shared=True", "OpenSSL:shared=True" build_policy = "always" # "missing" These build policies are especially useful if the package creator doesn't want to provide binary package, for example, with header only libraries. The ``always`` policy, will retrieve the sources each time the package is installed so it can be useful for providing a "latest" mechanism or ignoring the uploaded binary packages.