.. _search_json: Search output [EXPERIMENTAL] ---------------------------- The :command:`conan search` provides a :command:`--json` parameter to generate a file containing the information of the search process. The output JSON contains a two first level keys: - **error**: ``True`` if the upload completed without error, ``False`` otherwise. - **results**: A list of the remotes with the packages found. Each element contains: - **remote**: Name of the remote. - **items**: List of the items found in that remote. For each item there will always be a recipe and optionally also packages when searching them. - **recipe**: Document representing the uploaded recipe. - **id**: Reference. e.j: "OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable" - **packages**: List of elements representing the binary packages found for the recipe. - **id**: Package ID. e.j: "8018a4df6e7d2b4630a814fa40c81b85b9182d2b" - **options**: Dictionary of options of the package. - **settings**: Dictionary with settings of the package. - **requires**: List of requires of the package. - **outdated**: Boolean to show whether package is outdated from recipe or not. **Examples:** - Search references in all remotes: :command:`conan search eigen* -r all` .. code-block:: json { "error":false, "results":[ { "remote":"conan-center", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"eigen/3.3.4@conan/stable" } } ] }, { "remote":"upload_repo", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"eigen/3.3.4@danimtb/stable" } }, { "recipe":{ "id":"eigen/3.3.4@danimtb/testing" } } ] }, { "remote":"conan-community", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"eigen/3.3.4@conan/stable" } } ] } ] } - Search packages of a reference in a remote: :command:`conan search paho-c/1.2.0@conan/stable -r conan-center --json search.json` .. code-block:: json { "error":false, "results":[ { "remote":"conan-center", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"paho-c/1.2.0@conan/stable" }, "packages":[ { "id":"0000193ac313953e78a4f8e82528100030ca70ee", "options":{ "shared":"False", "asynchronous":"False", "SSL":"False" }, "settings":{ "os":"Linux", "arch":"x86_64", "compiler":"gcc", "build_type":"Debug", "compiler.version":"4.9" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":false }, { "id":"014be746b283391f79d11e4e8af3154344b58223", "options":{ "shared":"False", "asynchronous":"False", "SSL":"False" }, "settings":{ "os":"Windows", "compiler.threads":"posix", "compiler.exception":"seh", "arch":"x86_64", "compiler":"gcc", "build_type":"Debug", "compiler.version":"5" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":false }, { "id":"0188020dbfd167611b967ad2fa0e30710d23e920", "options":{ "shared":"True", "asynchronous":"False", "SSL":"False" }, "settings":{ "os":"Macos", "arch":"x86_64", "compiler":"apple-clang", "build_type":"Debug", "compiler.version":"9.1" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":false }, { "id":"03369b0caf8c0c8d4bb84d5136112596bde4652d", "options":{ "shared":"True", "asynchronous":"False", "SSL":"False" }, "settings":{ "os":"Linux", "arch":"x86", "compiler":"gcc", "build_type":"Release", "compiler.version":"5" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":false } ] } ] } ] } - Search references in local cache: :command:`conan search paho-c* --json search.json` .. code-block:: json { "error":false, "results":[ { "remote":"None", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"paho-c/1.2.0@danimtb/testing" } } ] } ] } - Search packages of a reference in local cache: :command:`conan search paho-c/1.2.0@danimtb/testing --json search.json` .. code-block:: json { "error":false, "results":[ { "remote":"None", "items":[ { "recipe":{ "id":"paho-c/1.2.0@danimtb/testing" }, "packages":[ { "id":"6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7", "options":{ "SSL":"False", "asynchronous":"False", "shared":"False" }, "settings":{ "arch":"x86_64", "build_type":"Release", "compiler":"Visual Studio", "compiler.runtime":"MD", "compiler.version":"15", "os":"Windows" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":false }, { "id":"95cd13dfc3f6b80d3ccb2a38441e3a1ad88e5a15", "options":{ "SSL":"False", "asynchronous":"True", "shared":"True" }, "settings":{ "arch":"x86_64", "build_type":"Release", "compiler":"Visual Studio", "compiler.runtime":"MD", "compiler.version":"15", "os":"Windows" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":true }, { "id":"970e773c5651dc2560f86200a4ea56c23f568ff9", "options":{ "SSL":"False", "asynchronous":"False", "shared":"True" }, "settings":{ "arch":"x86_64", "build_type":"Release", "compiler":"Visual Studio", "compiler.runtime":"MD", "compiler.version":"15", "os":"Windows" }, "requires":[ ], "outdated":true }, { "id":"c4c0a49b09575515ce1dd9841a48de0c508b9d7c", "options":{ "SSL":"True", "asynchronous":"False", "shared":"True" }, "settings":{ "arch":"x86_64", "build_type":"Release", "compiler":"Visual Studio", "compiler.runtime":"MD", "compiler.version":"15", "os":"Windows" }, "requires":[ "OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable:606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077", "zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7" ], "outdated":true }, { "id":"db9d6ba7004592ed2598f2c369484d4a01269110", "options":{ "SSL":"True", "asynchronous":"False", "shared":"True" }, "settings":{ "arch":"x86_64", "build_type":"Release", "compiler":"gcc", "compiler.exception":"seh", "compiler.threads":"posix", "compiler.version":"7", "os":"Windows" }, "requires":[ "OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable:f761d91cef7988eafb88c6b6179f4cf261609f26", "zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable:6dc82da13f94df549e60f9c1ce4c5d11285a4dff" ], "outdated":true } ] } ] } ] }