Attributes ========== name ---- This is a string, with a minimun of 2 and a maximum of 50 characters (though shorter names are recommended), that defines the package name. It will be the ``/version@user/channel`` of the package reference. It should match the following regex ``^[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\+\.-]$``, so start with alphanumeric or underscore, then alphanumeric, underscore, +, ., - characters. The name is only necessary for ``export``-ing the recipe into the local cache (``export`` and ``create`` commands), if they are not defined in the command line. It might take its value from an environment variable, or even any python code that defines it (e.g. a function that reads an environment variable, or a file from disk). However, the most common and suggested approach would be to define it in plain text as a constant, or provide it as command line arguments. version ------- The version attribute will define the version part of the package reference: ``PkgName/@user/channel`` It is a string, and can take any value, matching the same constraints as the ``name`` attribute. In case the version follows semantic versioning in the form ``X.Y.Z-pre1+build2``, that value might be used for requiring this package through version ranges instead of exact versions. The version is only strictly necessary for ``export``-ing the recipe into the local cache (``export`` and ``create`` commands), if they are not defined in the command line. It might take its value from an environment variable, or even any python code that defines it (e.g. a function that reads an environment variable, or a file from disk). Please note that this value might be used in the recipe in other places (as in ``source()`` method to retrieve code from elsewhere), making this value not constant means that it may evaluate differently in different contexts (e.g., on different machines or for different users) leading to unrepeatable or unpredictable results. The most common and suggested approach would be to define it in plain text as a constant, or provide it as command line arguments. description ----------- This is an optional, but strongly recommended text field, containing the description of the package, and any information that might be useful for the consumers. The first line might be used as a short description of the package. .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" description = """This is a Hello World library. A fully featured, portable, C++ library to say Hello World in the stdout, with incredible iostreams performance""" homepage -------- Use this attribute to indicate the home web page of the library being packaged. This is useful to link the recipe to further explanations of the library itself like an overview of its features, documentation, FAQ as well as other related information. .. code-block:: python class EigenConan(ConanFile): name = "eigen" version = "3.3.4" homepage = "" .. _package_url: url --- It is possible, even typical, if you are packaging a thid party lib, that you just develop the packaging code. Such code is also subject to change, often via collaboration, so it should be stored in a VCS like git, and probably put on GitHub or a similar service. If you do indeed maintain such a repository, please indicate it in the ``url`` attribute, so that it can be easily found. .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" url = "" The ``url`` is the url **of the package** repository, i.e. not necessarily the original source code. It is optional, but highly recommended, that it points to GitHub, Bitbucket or your preferred code collaboration platform. Of course, if you have the conanfile inside your library source, you can point to it, and afterwards use the ``url`` in your ``source()`` method. This is a recommended, but not mandatory attribute. license ------- This field is intended for the license of the **target** source code and binaries, i.e. the code that is being packaged, not the ```` itself. This info is used to be displayed by the :command:`conan info` command and possibly other search and report tools. .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" license = "MIT" This attribute can contain several, comma separated licenses. It is a text string, so it can contain any text, including hyperlinks to license files elsewhere. This is a recommended, but not mandatory attribute. author ------ Intended to add information about the author, in case it is different from the conan user. It is possible that the conan user is the name of an organization, project, company or group, and many users have permissions over that account. In this case, the author information can explicitely define who is the creator/maintainer of the package .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" author = "John J. Smith (" This is an optional attribute .. _user_channel: user, channel -------------- The fields ``user`` and ``channel`` can be accessed from within a ````. Though their usage is usually not encouraged, it could be useful in different cases, e.g. to define requirements with the same user and channel than the current package, which could be achieved with something like: .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" def requirements(self): self.requires("Say/0.1@%s/%s" % (self.user, Only package recipes that are in the conan local cache (i.e. "exported") have an user/channel assigned. For package recipes working in user space, there is no current user/channel. The properties ``self.user`` and ```` will then look for environment variables ``CONAN_USERNAME`` and ``CONAN_CHANNEL`` respectively. If they are not defined, an error will be raised. .. _settings_property: settings -------- There are several things that can potentially affect a package being created, i.e. the final package will be different (a different binary, for example), if some input is different. Development project-wide variables, like the compiler, its version, or the OS itself. These variables have to be defined, and they cannot have a default value listed in the conanfile, as it would not make sense. It is obvious that changing the OS produces a different binary in most cases. Changing the compiler or compiler version changes the binary too, which might have a compatible ABI or not, but the package will be different in any case. For these reasons, the most common convention among Conan recipes is to distinguish binaries by the following four settings, which is reflected in the `` template used in the `conan new` command: .. code-block:: python settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" When Conan generates a compiled binary for a package with a given combination of the settings above, it generates a unique ID for that binary by hashing the current values of these settings. But what happens for example to **header only libraries**? The final package for such libraries is not binary and, in most cases it will be identical, unless it is automatically generating code. We can indicate that in the conanfile: .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" # We can just omit the settings attribute too settings = None def build(self): #empty too, nothing to build in header only You can restrict existing settings and accepted values as well, by redeclaring the settings attribute: .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): settings = {"os": ["Windows"], "compiler": {"Visual Studio": {"version": [11, 12]}}, "arch": None} In this example we have just defined that this package only works in Windows, with VS 10 and 11. Any attempt to build it in other platforms with other settings will throw an error saying so. We have also defined that the runtime (the MD and MT flags of VS) is irrelevant for us (maybe we using a universal one?). Using None as a value means, *maintain the original values* in order to avoid re-typing them. Then, "arch": None is totally equivalent to "arch": ["x86", "x86_64", "arm"] Check the reference or your ~/.conan/settings.yml file. As re-defining the whole settings attribute can be tedious, it is sometimes much simpler to remove or tune specific fields in the ``configure()`` method. For example, if our package is runtime independent in VS, we can just remove that setting field: .. code-block:: python settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" def configure(self): self.settings.compiler["Visual Studio"].remove("runtime") .. _conanfile_options: options, default_options --------------------------- Conan packages recipes can generate different binary packages when different settings are used, but can also customize, per-package any other configuration that will produce a different binary. A typical option would be being shared or static for a certain library. Note that this is optional, different packages can have this option, or not (like header-only packages), and different packages can have different values for this option, as opposed to settings, which typically have the same values for all packages being installed (though this can be controlled too, defining different settings for specific packages) Options are defined in package recipes as dictionaries of name and allowed values: .. code-block:: python class MyPkg(ConanFile): ... options = {"shared": [True, False]} There is an special value ``ANY`` to allow any value for a given option. The range of values for such an option will not be checked, and any value (as string) will be accepted: .. code-block:: python class MyPkg(ConanFile): ... options = {"shared": [True, False], "commit": "ANY"} When a package is installed, it will need all its options be defined a value. Those values can be defined in command line, profiles, but they can also (and they will be typically) defined in conan package recipes: .. code-block:: python class MyPkg(ConanFile): ... options = {"shared": [True, False], "fPIC": [True, False]} default_options = "shared=False", "fPIC=False" The options will typically affect the ``build()`` of the package in some way, for example: .. code-block:: python class MyPkg(ConanFile): ... options = {"shared": [True, False]} default_options = "shared=False" def build(self): shared = "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON" if self.options.shared else "" cmake = CMake(self)"cmake . %s %s" % (cmake.command_line, shared))"cmake --build . %s" % cmake.build_config) Note that you have to consider the option properly in your build scripts. In this case, we are using the CMake way. So if you had explicit **STATIC** linkage in the **CMakeLists.txt** file, you have to remove it. If you are using VS, you also need to change your code to correctly import/export symbols for the dll. This is only an example. Actually, the ``CMake`` helper already automates this, so it is enough to do: .. code-block:: python def build(self): cmake = CMake(self) # internally it will check self.options.shared"cmake . %s" % cmake.command_line) # or cmake.configure()"cmake --build . %s" % cmake.build_config) # or You can also specify default option values of the required dependencies: .. code-block:: python class OtherPkg(ConanFile): requires = "Pkg/0.1@user/channel" default_options = "Pkg:pkg_option=value" You can also specify default option values of the conditional required dependencies: .. code-block:: python class OtherPkg(ConanFile): default_options = "Pkg:pkg_option=value" def requirements(self): if self.settings.os != "Windows": self.requires("Pkg/0.1@user/channel") This will always work, on Windows the `default_options` for the `Pkg/0.1@user/channel` will be ignored, they will only be used on every other os. If you need to dynamically set some dependency options, you could do: .. code-block:: python class OtherPkg(ConanFile): requires = "Pkg/0.1@user/channel" def configure(self): self.options["Pkg"].pkg_option = "value" Option values can be given in command line, and they will have priority over the default values in the recipe: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install -o Pkg:shared=True -o OtherPkg:option=value You can also defined them in consumer ``conanfile.txt``, as described in :ref:`this section` .. code-block:: text [requires] Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable [options] Poco:shared=True OpenSSL:shared=True And finally, you can define options in :ref:`profiles` too, with the same syntax: .. code-block:: text # file "myprofile" # use it as $ conan install -pr=myprofile [settings] setting=value [options] MyLib:shared=True You can inspect available package options, reading the package recipe, which is conveniently done with: .. code-block:: bash $ conan get Pkg/0.1@user/channel requires -------- Specify package dependencies as a list of other packages: .. code-block:: python class MyLibConan(ConanFile): requires = "Hello/1.0@user/stable", "OtherLib/2.1@otheruser/testing" You can specify further information about the package requirements: .. code-block:: python class MyLibConan(ConanFile): requires = (("Hello/0.1@user/testing"), ("Say/0.2@dummy/stable", "override"), ("Bye/2.1@coder/beta", "private")) Requirements can be complemented by 2 different parameters: **private**: a dependency can be declared as private if it is going to be fully embedded and hidden from consumers of the package. Typical examples could be a header only library which is not exposed through the public interface of the package, or the linking of a static library inside a dynamic one, in which the functionality or the objects of the linked static library are not exposed through the public interface of the dynamic library. **override**: packages can define overrides of their dependencies, if they require the definition of specific versions of the upstream required libraries, but not necessarily direct dependencies. For example, a package can depend on A(v1.0), which in turn could conditionally depend on Zlib(v2), depending on whether the compression is enabled or not. Now, if you want to force the usage of Zlib(v3) you can: .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): requires = ("A/1.0@user/stable", ("Zlib/3.0@other/beta", "override")) This **will not introduce a new dependency**, it will just change Zlib v2 to v3 if A actually requires it. Otherwise Zlib will not be a dependency of your package. .. _version_ranges_reference: version ranges ++++++++++++++ The syntax is using brackets: .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): requires = "Pkg/[>1.0,<1.8]@user/stable" Expressions are those defined and implemented by [python node-semver](, but using a comma instead of spaces. Accepted expressions would be: .. code-block:: python >1.1,<2.1 # In such range 2.8 # equivalent to =2.8 ~=3.0 # compatible, according to semver >1.1 || 0.8 # conditions can be OR'ed .. container:: out_reference_box Go to :ref:`Mastering/Version Ranges` if you want to learn more about version ranges. build_requires -------------- Build requirements are requirements that are only installed and used when the package is built from sources. If there is an existing pre-compiled binary, then the build requirements for this package will not be retrieved. They can be specified as a comma separated tuple in the package recipe: .. code-block:: python class MyPkg(ConanFile): build_requires = "ToolA/0.2@user/testing", "ToolB/0.2@user/testing" Read more: :ref:`Build requiremens ` exports -------- If a package recipe ```` requires other external files, like other python files that it is importing (python importing), or maybe some text file with data it is reading, those files must be exported with the ``exports`` field, so they are stored together, side by side with the ```` recipe. The ``exports`` field can be one single pattern, like ``exports="*"``, or several inclusion patterns. For example, if we have some python code that we want the recipe to use in a ```` file, and have some text file, ``info.txt``, we want to read and display during the recipe evaluation we would do something like: .. code-block:: python exports = "", "info.txt" Exclude patterns are also possible, with the ``!`` prefix: .. code-block:: python exports = "*.py", "!*" This is an optional attribute, only to be used if the package recipe requires these other files for evaluation of the recipe. .. _exports_sources_attribute: exports_sources --------------- There are 2 ways of getting source code to build a package. Using the ``source()`` recipe method and using the ``exports_sources`` field. With ``exports_sources`` you specify which sources are required, and they will be exported together with the ****, copying them from your folder to the local conan cache. Using ``exports_sources`` the package recipe can be self-contained, containing the source code like in a snapshot, and then not requiring downloading or retrieving the source code from other origins (git, download) with the ``source()`` method when it is necessary to build from sources. The ``exports_sources`` field can be one single pattern, like ``exports_sources="*"``, or several inclusion patterns. For example, if we have the source code inside "include" and "src" folders, and there are other folders that are not necessary for the package recipe, we could do: .. code-block:: python exports_sources = "include*", "src*" Exclude patterns are also possible, with the ``!`` prefix: .. code-block:: python exports_sources = "include*", "src*", "!src/build/*" This is an optional attribute, used typically when ``source()`` is not specified. The main difference with ``exports`` is that ``exports`` files are always retrieved (even if pre-compiled packages exist), while ``exports_sources`` files are only retrieved when it is necessary to build a package from sources. generators ---------- Generators specify which is the output of the ``install`` command in your project folder. By default, a *conanbuildinfo.txt* file is generated, but you can specify different generators and even use more than one. .. code-block:: python class MyLibConan(ConanFile): generators = "cmake", "gcc" Check the full :ref:`generators list`. build_policy ------------ With the ``build_policy`` attribute the package creator can change the default conan's build behavior. The allowed ``build_policy`` values are: - ``missing``: If no binary package is found, conan will build it without the need of invoke conan install with **--build missing** option. - ``always``: The package will be built always, **retrieving each time the source code** executing the "source" method. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2 class PocoTimerConan(ConanFile): build_policy = "always" # "missing" .. _short_paths_reference: short_paths ----------- If one of the packages you are creating hits the limit of 260 chars path length in Windows, add ``short_paths=True`` in your .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile class ConanFileTest(ConanFile): ... short_paths = True This will automatically "link" the ``source`` and ``build`` directories of the package to the drive root, something like `C:/.conan/tmpdir`. All the folder layout in the conan cache is maintained. This attribute will not have any effect in other OS, it will be discarded. From Windows 10 (ver. 10.0.14393), it is possible to opt-in disabling the path limits. Check `this link `_ for more info. Latest python installers might offer to enable this while installing python. With this limit removed, the ``short_paths`` functionality is totally unnecessary. Please note that this only works with Python 3.6 and newer. .. _no_copy_source: no_copy_source -------------- The attribute ``no_copy_source`` tells the recipe that the source code will not be copied from the ``source`` folder to the ``build`` folder. This is mostly an optimization for packages with large source codebases, to avoid extra copies. It is **mandatory** that the source code must not be modified at all by the configure or build scripts, as the source code will be shared among all builds. To be able to use it, the package recipe can access the ``self.source_folder`` attribute, which will point to the ``build`` folder when ``no_copy_source=False`` or not defined, and will point to the ``source`` folder when ``no_copy_source=True`` When this attribute is set to True, the ``package()`` method will be called twice, one copying from the ``source`` folder and the other copying from the ``build`` folder. folders ------- In the package recipe methods, some attributes pointing to the relevant folders can be defined. Not all of them will be defined always, only in those relevant methods that might use them. - ``self.source_folder``: the folder in which the source code to be compiled lives. When a package is built in the conan local cache, by default it is the ``build`` folder, as the source code is copied from the ``source`` folder to the ``build`` folder, to ensure isolation and avoiding modifications of shared common source code among builds for different configurations. Only when ``no_copy_source=True`` this folder will actually point to the package ``source`` folder in the local cache. - ``self.build_folder``: the folder in which the build is being done - ``self.install_folder``: the folder in which the install has outputed the generator files, by default, and always in the local cache, is the same ``self.build_folder`` - ``self.package_folder``: the folder to copy the final artifacts for the binary package When executing local conan commands (for a package not in the local cache, but in user folder), those fields would be pointing to the corresponding local user folder. .. _cpp_info_attributes_reference: cpp_info --------- This attribute is only defined inside ``package_info()`` method, being None elsewhere, so please use it only inside this method. The ``self.cpp_info`` object can be filled with the needed information for the consumers of the current package: +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | +===========================================+=============================================================================================================================+ | self.cpp_info.includedirs | Ordered list with include paths, by default ['include'] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.libdirs | Ordered list with lib paths, by default ['lib'] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.resdirs | Ordered list of resource (data) paths, by default ['res'] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.bindirs | Ordered list with include paths, by default ['bin'] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.builddirs | Ordered list with build scripts paths, by default ['']. CMake will search in these dirs for cmake files, like findXXX.cmake | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.libs | Ordered list with the library names, by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.defines | Preprocessor definitions, by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.cflags | Ordered list with pure C flags, by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.cppflags | Ordered list with C++ flags, by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.sharedlinkflags | Ordered list with linker flags (shared libs), by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.exelinkflags | Ordered list with linker flags (executables), by default empty [] | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.rootpath | Filled with the root directory of the package, see deps_cpp_info | +-------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. seealso:: Read :ref:`package_info() method docs ` for more info. deps_cpp_info ------------- Contains the ``cpp_info`` object of the requirements of the recipe. In addition of the above fields, there are also properties to obtain the absolute paths: +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | +===========================================+=====================================================================+ | self.cpp_info.include_paths | Same as ``includedirs`` but transformed to absolute paths | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.lib_paths | Same as ``libdirs`` but transformed to absolute paths | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.bin_paths | Same as ``bindirs`` but transformed to absolute paths | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.build_paths | Same as ``builddirs`` but transformed to absolute paths | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | self.cpp_info.res_paths | Same as ``resdirs`` but transformed to absolute paths | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ To get a list of all the dependency names from ```deps_cpp_info```, you can call the `deps` member: .. code-block:: python class PocoTimerConan(ConanFile): ... def build(self): # deps is a list of package names: ["Poco", "zlib", "OpenSSL"] deps = self.deps_cpp_info.deps It can be used to get information about the dependencies, like used compilation flags or the root folder of the package: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 8, 11, 14 class PocoTimerConan(ConanFile): ... requires = "zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable", "OpenSSL/1.0.2l@conan/stable" ... def build(self): # Get the directory where zlib package is installed self.deps_cpp_info["zlib"].rootpath # Get the absolute paths to zlib include directories (list) self.deps_cpp_info["zlib"].include_paths # Get the sharedlinkflags property from OpenSSL package self.deps_cpp_info["OpenSSL"].sharedlinkflags env_info -------- This attribute is only defined inside ``package_info()`` method, being None elsewhere, so please use it only inside this method. The ``self.env_info`` object can be filled with the environment variables to be declared in the packages reusing the recipe. .. seealso:: Read :ref:`package_info() method docs ` for more info. deps_env_info ------------- You can access to the declared environment variables of the requirements of the recipe. **Note:** The environment variables declared in the requirements of a recipe are automatically applied and it can be accesed with the python ``os.environ`` dictionary. Nevertheless if you want to access to the variable declared by some specific requirement you can use the ``self.deps_env_info`` object. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2 import os class RecipeConan(ConanFile): ... requires = "package1/1.0@conan/stable", "package2/1.2@conan/stable" ... def build(self): # Get the SOMEVAR environment variable declared in the "package1" self.deps_env_info["package1"].SOMEVAR # Access to the environment variables globally os.environ["SOMEVAR"] info ---- Object used to control the unique ID for a package. Check the :ref:`package_id() ` to see the details of the ```` object. .. _apply_env: apply_env --------- When ``True`` (Default), the values from ``self.deps_env_info`` (corresponding to the declared ``env_info`` in the ``requires`` and ``build_requires``) will be automatically applied to the ``os.environ``. Disable it setting ``apply_env`` to False if you want to control by yourself the environment variables applied to your recipes. You can apply manually the environment variables from the requires and build_requires: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2 import os from conans import tools class RecipeConan(ConanFile): apply_env = False def build(self): with tools.environment_append(self.env): # The same if we specified apply_env = True pass .. _in_local_cache: in_local_cache -------------- A boolean attribute useful for conditional logic to apply in user folders local commands. It will return `True` if the conanfile resides in the local cache ( we are installing the package) and `False` if we are running the conanfile in a user folder (local Conan commands). .. code-block:: python import os class RecipeConan(ConanFile): ... def build(self): if self.in_local_cache: # we are installing the package else: # we are building the package in a local directory .. _develop_attribute: develop ------- A boolean attribute useful for conditional logic. It will be ``True`` if the package is created with :command:`conan create`, or if the ** is in user space: .. code-block:: python class RecipeConan(ConanFile): def build(self): if self.develop:"Develop mode") It can be used for conditional logic in other methods too, like ``requirements()``, ``package()``, etc. This recipe will output "Develop mode" if: .. code-block:: bash $ conan create user/testing # or $ mkdir build && cd build && conan install .. $ conan build .. But it will not output that when it is a transitive requirement or installed with :command:`conan install`. .. _keep_imports: keep_imports ------------- Just before the ``build()`` method is executed, if the conanfile has an ``imports()`` method, it is executed into the build folder, to copy binaries from dependencies that might be necessary for the ``build()`` method to work. After the method finishes, those copied (imported) files are removed, so they are not later unnecessarily repackaged. This behavior can be avoided declaring the ``keep_imports=True`` attribute. This can be useful, for example to :ref:`repackage artifacts ` .. _scm_attribute: scm --- Used to clone/checkout a repository. It is a dictionary with the following possible values: .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools class HelloConan(ConanFile): scm = { "type": "git", "subfolder": "hello", "url": "", "revision": "static_shared" } ... - **type** (Required): Currently only ``git`` supported. Others like ``svn`` will be added eventually. - **url** (Required): URL of the remote or ``auto`` to capture the remote from the local directory. - **revision** (Required): When type is ``git``, it can be a string with a branch name, a commit or a tag. - **subfolder** (Optional, Defaulted to ``.``): A subfolder where the repository will be cloned. - **username** (Optional, Defauted to ``None``): When present, it will be used as the login to authenticate with the remote. - **password** (Optional, Defauted to ``None``): When present, it will be used as the password to authenticate with the remote. - **verify_ssl** (Optional, Defaulted to ``True``): Verify SSL certificate of the specified **url**. - **submodule** (Optional, Defaulted to ``None``): - ``shallow``: Will sync the git submodules using ``submodule sync`` - ``recursive``: Will sync the git submodules using ``submodule sync --recursive`` To know more about the usage of ``scm`` check: - :ref:`Creating packages/Recipe and sources in a different repo ` - :ref:`Creating packages/Recipe and sources in the same repo `