.. _xcode: |xcode_logo| Apple/Xcode _________________________ Conan can be integrated with **XCode** in two different ways: - Using the **cmake** generator to create a **conanbuildinfo.cmake** file. - Using the **xcode** generator to create a **conanbuildinfo.xcconfig** file. With CMake ---------- Check the :ref:`Integrations/cmake` section to read about the **cmake** generator. Check the official `CMake docs`_ to find out more about generating Xcode projects with CMake. .. _`CMake docs`: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/manual/cmake-generators.7.html With the *xcode* generator -------------------------- You can use the **xcode** generator to integrate your requirements in your *Xcode* project. This generator creates an ``xcconfig`` file, with all the *include paths*, *lib paths*, *libs*, *flags* etc, that can be imported in your project. .. |xcode_logo| image:: ../images/xcode_logo.jpg Open ``conanfile.txt`` and change (or add) the **xcode** generator: .. code-block:: text [requires] Poco/1.7.8p3@pocoproject/stable [generators] xcode Install the requirements: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install . Go to your **Xcode** project, click on the project and select **Add files to**. .. image:: ../images/xcode1.png Choose ``conanbuildinfo.xcconfig`` generated. .. image:: ../images/xcode2.png Click on the project again. In the **info/configurations** section, choose **conanbuildinfo** for *release* and *debug*. .. image:: ../images/xcode3.png Build your project as usual. .. seealso:: Check the :ref:`Reference/Generators/xcode ` for the complete reference. .. seealso:: Check the :ref:`Tools section about Apple tools` to ease the integration with the Apple development tools in your recipes using the toolchain as a :ref:`build require`. .. seealso:: Check the :ref:`Darwin Toolchain package` section to know how to **cross build** for ``iOS``, ``watchOS`` and ``tvOS``.