.. _header_only: How to package header-only libraries ==================================== Without unit tests ------------------ Packaging a header only library, without requiring to build and run unit tests for it within conan, can be done with a very simple recipe. Assuming you have the recipe in the source repo root folder, and the headers in a subfolder called ``include``, you could do: .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" # No settings/options are necessary, this is header only exports_sources = "include/*" no_copy_source = True def package(self): self.copy("*.h") If you want to package an external repository, you can use the ``source()`` method to do a clone or download instead of the ``exports_sources`` fields. - There is no need for ``settings``, as changing them will not affect the final package artifacts - There is no need for ``build()`` method, as header-only are not built - There is no need for a custom ``package_info()`` method. The default one already adds "include" subfolder to the include path - ``no_copy_source = True`` will disable the copy of the source folder to the build directory as there is no need to do so because source code is not modified at all by the ``configure()`` or ``build()`` methods. - Note that this recipe has no other dependencies, settings or options. If it had any of those, it would be very convenient to add the ``package_id()`` method, to ensure that only one package with always the same ID is create irrespective of the configurations and dependencies: .. code-block:: python def package_id(self): self.info.header_only() Package is created with: .. code-block:: bash $ conan create . user/channel With unit tests --------------- If you want to run the library unit test while packaging, you would need this recipe: .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile, CMake class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" settings = "os", "compiler", "arch", "build_type" exports_sources = "include/*", "CMakeLists.txt", "example.cpp" no_copy_source = True def build(self): # this is not building a library, just tests cmake = CMake(self) cmake.configure() cmake.build() cmake.test() def package(self): self.copy("*.h") def package_id(self): self.info.header_only() .. tip:: .. _header_only_unit_tests_tip: If you are :ref:`cross building ` your **library** or **app** you'll probably need to skip the **unit tests** because your target binary cannot be executed in current building host. To do it you can use :ref:`tools.get_env() ` in combination with :ref:`CONAN_RUN_TESTS ` env variable, defined as **False** in profile for cross building and replace ``cmake.test()`` with: .. code-block:: python if tools.get_env("CONAN_RUN_TESTS", True): cmake.test() Which will use a ``CMakeLists.txt`` file in the root folder: .. code-block:: cmake project(Package CXX) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include_directories("include") add_executable(example example.cpp) enable_testing() add_test(NAME example WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin COMMAND example) and some ``example.cpp`` file, which will be our "unit test" of the library: .. code-block:: cpp #include #include "hello.h" int main() { hello(); } - This will use different compilers and versions, as configured by conan settings (in command line or profiles), but will always generate just 1 output package, always with the same ID. - The necessary files for the unit tests, must be ``exports_sources`` too (or retrieved from ``source()`` method) - If the package had dependencies, via ``requires``, it would be necessary to add the ``generators = "cmake"`` to the package recipe and adding the ``conanbuildinfo.cmake`` file to the testing CMakeLists.txt: .. code-block:: cmake include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake) conan_basic_setup() add_executable(example example.cpp) target_link_libraries(example ${CONAN_LIBS}) # not necessary if dependencies are also header-only Package is created with: .. code-block:: bash $ conan create . user/channel .. note:: This with/without tests is referring to running full unitary tests over the library, which is different to the :command:`test` functionality that checks the integrity of the package. The above examples are describing the approaches for unit-testing the library within the recipe. In either case, it is recommended to have a *test_package* folder, so the :command:`conan create` command checks the package once it is created. Check the :ref:`packaging getting started guide`