``cmake_multi`` generator ========================= ``cmake_multi`` generator is intended for CMake multi-configuration environments, like Visual Studio and Xcode IDEs that do not configure for a specific ``build_type``, like Debug or Release, but rather can be used for both and switch among Debug and Release configurations with a combo box or similar control. The project configuration for cmake is different, in multi-configuration environments, the flow would be: .. code-block:: bash $ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" # Now open the IDE (.sln file) or $ cmake --build . --config Release While in single-configuration environments (Unix Makefiles, etc): .. code-block:: bash $ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # Build from your IDE, launching make, or $ cmake --build . The ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`` default, if not specified is ``Debug``. With the regular conan ``cmake`` generator, only 1 configuration at a time can be managed. Then, it is a universal, homogeneous solution for all environments. This is the recommended way, using the regular ``cmake`` generator, and just go to the command line and switch among configurations: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install . -s build_type=Release ... # Work in release, then, to switch to Debug dependencies $ conan install . -s build_type=Debug ... However, end consumers with heavy usage of the IDE, might want a multi-configuration build. The ``cmake_multi`` **experimental** generator is able to do that. First, both Debug and Release dependencies have to be installed: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install . -g cmake_multi -s build_type=Release ... $ conan install . -g cmake_multi -s build_type=Debug ... These commands will generate 3 files: ``conanbuildinfo_release.cmake``, ``conanbuildinfo_debug.cmake``, and ``conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake``, which includes the other two, and enables its use. .. warning:: The ``cmake_multi`` generator is designed as a helper for consumers, but not for creating packages. If you also want to create a package, see :ref:`Creating packages` section. Global variables approach ---------------------------- The consumer project might write a ``CMakeLists.txt`` like: .. code-block:: cmake project(MyHello) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake) conan_basic_setup() add_executable(say_hello main.cpp) foreach(_LIB ${CONAN_LIBS_RELEASE}) target_link_libraries(say_hello optimized ${_LIB}) endforeach() foreach(_LIB ${CONAN_LIBS_DEBUG}) target_link_libraries(say_hello debug ${_LIB}) endforeach() Targets approach ----------------- Or, if using the modern cmake syntax with targets (where ``Hello1`` is an example package name that the executable ``say_hello`` depends on): .. code-block:: cmake project(MyHello) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake) conan_basic_setup(TARGETS) add_executable(say_hello main.cpp) target_link_libraries(say_hello CONAN_PKG::Hello1) There's also a convenient macro for linking to all libraries: .. code-block:: cmake project(MyHello) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake) conan_basic_setup() add_executable(say_hello main.cpp) conan_target_link_libraries(say_hello) With this approach, the end user can open the generated IDE project and switch among both configurations, building the project, or from the command line: .. code-block:: bash $ cmake --build . --config Release # And without having to conan install again, or do anything else $ cmake --build . --config Debug .. _cmake_multi_creating_packages: Creating packages ----------------- The ``cmake_multi`` generator is just for consumption. It cannot be used to create packages. If you want to be able to both use the ``cmake_multi`` generator to install dependencies and build your project but also to create packages from that code, you need to specify the regular ``cmake`` generator for package creation, and prepare the *CMakeLists.txt* accordingly, something like: .. code-block:: cmake project(MyHello) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake) include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo_multi.cmake) else() include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake) endif() conan_basic_setup() add_executable(say_hello main.cpp) conan_target_link_libraries(say_hello) Then, make sure that the generator ``cmake_multi`` is **not** specified in the conanfiles, but the users specify it in the command line while installing dependencies: .. code-block:: bash $ conan install . -g cmake_multi .. seealso:: Check the section :ref:`Reference/Generators/cmake ` to read more about this generator.