Find Packages ============= If a FindXXX.cmake file for the library you are packaging is already available, it should work automatically. Variables **CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH** and **CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH** are set with the right requirements paths. CMake **find_library** function will be able to locate the libraries in the package's folders. So, you can use **find_package** normally: .. code-block:: cmake project(MyHello) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) include(conanbuildinfo.cmake) conan_basic_setup() find_package("ZLIB") if(ZLIB_FOUND) add_executable(enough enough.c) include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(enough ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Zlib not found") endif() In addition to automatic **find_package** support, **CMAKE_MODULE_PATH** variable is set with your requirements root package paths. You can override the default behavior of any find_package() by creating a ``findXXX.cmake`` file in your package. Creating a custom FindXXX.cmake file ------------------------------------ Sometimes the "official" CMake FindXXX.cmake scripts are not ready to find our libraries (not supported library names for specific settings, fixed installation directories like ``C:\OpenSSL``, etc.) Or maybe there is no "official" CMake script for our library. So in these cases we can provide a custom **FindXXX.cmake** file in our conan packages. 1. Create a file named FindXXX.cmake and save it in your conan package root folder. Where XXX is the name of the library that we will use in the **find_package** CMake function. For example, we create a ``FindZLIB.cmake`` and use ``find_package(ZLIB)``. We recommend to copy the original FindXXX.cmake file from Kitware (folder Modules/FindXXX.cmake), if available, and modify it to help finding our library files, but it depends a lot, maybe you are interested in creating a new one. If it's not provided you can create a basic one, take a look at this example with the ZLIB library: **FindZLIB.cmake** .. code-block:: cmake find_path(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES zlib.h PATHS ${CONAN_INCLUDE_DIRS_ZLIB}) find_library(ZLIB_LIBRARY NAMES ${CONAN_LIBS_ZLIB} PATHS ${CONAN_LIB_DIRS_ZLIB}) set(ZLIB_FOUND TRUE) set(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(ZLIB_LIBRARIES ${ZLIB_LIBRARY}) mark_as_advanced(ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR) In the first line we are finding the path where our headers should be found, we suggest the CONAN_INCLUDE_DIRS_XXX. Then the same for the library names with CONAN_LIBS_XXX and the paths where the libs are CONAN_LIB_DIRS_XXX. 2. In your file add the ``FindXXX.cmake`` to the ``exports_sources`` field: .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" ... exports_sources = ["FindXXX.cmake"] 3. In the package method, copy the ``FindXXX.cmake`` file to the root: .. code-block:: python class HelloConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" ... exports_sources = ["FindXXX.cmake"] def package(self): ... self.copy("FindXXX.cmake", ".", ".") .. _`conan's boost package`: .. _`conan's zlib package`: