.. _conan_export-pkg: conan export-pkg ================ .. code-block:: bash $ conan export-pkg [-h] [-bf BUILD_FOLDER] [-e ENV] [-f] [-if INSTALL_FOLDER] [-o OPTIONS] [-pr PROFILE] [-pf PACKAGE_FOLDER] [-s SETTINGS] [-sf SOURCE_FOLDER] path reference Exports a recipe & creates a package with given files calling the package() method applied to the local folders '--source-folder' and '--build-folder' and creates a new package in the local cache for the specified 'reference' and for the specified '--settings', '--options' and or '--profile'. .. code-block:: text positional arguments: path Path to a folder containing a conanfile.py or to a recipe file e.g., my_folder/conanfile.py reference user/channel or pkg/version@user/channel (if name and version are not declared in the conanfile.py) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -bf BUILD_FOLDER, --build-folder BUILD_FOLDER Directory for the build process. Defaulted to the current directory. A relative path to current directory can also be specified -e ENV, --env ENV Environment variables that will be set during the package build, -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ -f, --force Overwrite existing package if existing -if INSTALL_FOLDER, --install-folder INSTALL_FOLDER Directory containing the conaninfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.txt files (from previous 'conan install'). Defaulted to --build-folder If these files are found in the specified folder and any of '-e', '-o', '-pr' or '-s' arguments are used, it will raise an error. -o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS Define options values, e.g., -o pkg:with_qt=true -pr PROFILE, --profile PROFILE Profile for this package -pf PACKAGE_FOLDER, --package-folder PACKAGE_FOLDER folder containing a locally created package. If a value is given, it won't call the recipe 'package()' method, and will run a copy of the provided folder. -s SETTINGS, --settings SETTINGS Define settings values, e.g., -s compiler=gcc -sf SOURCE_FOLDER, --source-folder SOURCE_FOLDER Directory containing the sources. Defaulted to the conanfile's directory. A relative path to current directory can also be specified :command:`conan export-pkg` executes the following methods of a *conanfile.py* whenever ``--package-folder`` is used: 1. ``config_options()`` 2. ``configure()`` 3. ``requirements()`` 4. ``package_id()`` In case a package folder is not specified, this command will also execute: 5. ``package()`` Note that this is **not** the normal or recommended flow for creating Conan packages, as packages created this way will not have a reproducible build from sources. This command should be used when: - It is not possible to build the packages from sources (only pre-built binaries available). - You are developing your package locally and want to export the built artifacts to the local cache. The command :command:`conan new --bare` will create a simple recipe that could be used in combination with the ``export-pkg`` command. Check this :ref:`How to package existing binaries `. :command:`export-pkg` has two different modes of operation: - Specifying :command:`--package-folder` will perform a copy of the given folder, without executing the ``package()`` method. Use it if you have already created the package, for example with :command:`conan package` or with ``cmake.install()`` from the ``build()`` step. - Specifying :command:`--build-folder` and/or :command:`--source-folder` will execute the ``package()`` method, to filter, select and arrange the layout of the artifacts. **Examples**: - Create a package from a directory containing the binaries for Windows/x86/Release: Having these files: .. code-block:: text Release_x86/lib/libmycoollib.a Release_x86/lib/other.a Release_x86/include/mylib.h Release_x86/include/other.h Run: .. code-block:: bash $ conan new Hello/0.1 --bare # In case you still don't have a recipe for the binaries $ conan export-pkg . Hello/0.1@user/stable -s os=Windows -s arch=x86 -s build_type=Release --build-folder=Release_x86 - Create a package from a user folder build and sources folders: Given these files in the current folder .. code-block:: text sources/include/mylib.h sources/src/file.cpp build/lib/mylib.lib build/lib/mylib.tmp build/file.obj And assuming the ``Hello/0.1@user/stable`` recipe has a ``package()`` method like this: .. code-block:: python def package(self): self.copy("*.h", dst="include", src="include") self.copy("*.lib", dst="lib", keep_path=False) Then, the following code will create a package in the conan local cache: .. code-block:: bash $ conan export-pkg . Hello/0.1@user/stable -pr=myprofile --source-folder=sources --build-folder=build And such package will contain just the files: .. code-block:: text include/mylib.h lib/mylib.lib - Building a conan package (for architecture x86) in a local directory and then send it to the local cache: **conanfile.py** .. code-block:: python from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools class LibConan(ConanFile): name = "Hello" version = "0.1" ... def source(self): self.run("git clone https://github.com/memsharded/hello.git") def build(self): cmake = CMake(self) cmake.configure(source_folder="hello") cmake.build() def package(self): self.copy("*.h", dst="include", src="include") self.copy("*.lib", dst="lib", keep_path=False) First we will call :command:`conan source` to get our source code in the *src* directory, then :command:`conan install` to install the requirements and generate the info files, :command:`conan build` to build the package, and finally :command:`conan export-pkg` to send the binary files to a package in the local cache: .. code-block:: bash :emphasize-lines: 4 $ conan source . --source-folder src $ conan install . --install-folder build_x86 -s arch=x86 $ conan build . --build-folder build_x86 --source-folder src $ conan export-pkg . Hello/0.1@user/stable --build-folder build_x86 In this case, in the :command:`conan export-pkg`, you don't need to specify the :command:`-s arch=x86` or any other setting, option, or profile, because it will all the information in the :command:`--build-folder` the *conaninfo.txt* and *conanbuildinfo.txt`* that have been created with :command:`conan install`.