.. _user_json: User output [EXPERIMENTAL] ---------------------------- The :command:`conan user` provides a :command:`--json` parameter to generate a file containing the information of the users configured per remote. The output JSON contains a two first level keys: - **error**: Boolean indicating whether command completed with error. - **remotes**: A list of the remotes with the packages found. Each element contains: - **name**: Name of the remote. - **user_name**: Name of the user set for that remote. - **authenticated**: Boolean indicating if user is authenticated or not. **Example:** List users per remote: :command:`conan user --json user.json` .. code-block:: json :caption: *user.json* { "error":false, "remotes":[ { "name":"conan-center", "user_name":"danimtb", "authenticated":true }, { "name":"bincrafters", "user_name":null, "authenticated":false }, { "name":"conan-community", "user_name":"danimtb", "authenticated":true }, { "name":"the_remote", "user_name":"foo", "authenticated":false } ] }