.. spelling:: dragly mathieu melmdk raulbocanegra rhel tivek tru yogeva .. _changelog: Changelog ========= Check https://github.com/conan-io/conan for issues and more details about development, contributors, etc. .. important:: Conan 1.64 shouldn't break any existing 1.0 recipe or command line invocation. If it does, please submit a report on GitHub. Read more about the :ref:`Conan stability commitment`. 1.64.0 (04-Apr-2024) -------------------- - Feature: Add ``--output-folder`` to ``export-pkg`` command to be used when ``layout()`` is declared. `#15741 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Promote cppstd_flag in the new conan.tools.build module. `#15731 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: `conan.tools.meson` helper requires meson >= 0.57.0. `#15706 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix flags passed by AutotoolsToolchain when cross compiling from macOS to a non-Apple OS. Backported from Conan 2. `#15948 `_ - Fix: Avoiding reconfigure process. Using `--destdir` param instead. Deprecated `reconfigure` param in `Meson.configure() function`. `#15706 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.63.0 (12-Feb-2024) -------------------- - Feature: Improved `get_libs` algorithm for BazelDeps. `#15299 `_ - Feature: Changed shared lib name in conan-new templates. `#15299 `_ - Feature: Add tracking of different ref to ``. `#15287 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Adding a workaround to avoid `tqdm` failing on macOS. `#15628 `_ - Bugfix: `BazelDeps._get_libs()` was gathering binary names. `#15410 `_ - Bugfix: Non-visible transitive dependencies are not included in the requires (PkgConfigDeps). `#15320 `_ - Bugfix: `from_old_cppinfo` helper checks if the old cpp_info is not `None` before merging. `#15320 `_ - Bugfix: Fix `NMakeDeps` quoting issues. `#15288 `_ - Bugfix: Make `` only track for same user/channel. `#15287 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.62.0 (14-Nov-2023) -------------------- - Feature: Removed extra_xxxx attributes from BazelToolchain `#15073 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: BazelDeps global refactor. Adding each component as an isolated target, better requirements management (including requirements coming from build-context), adding C/C++ flags, etc. `#14959 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: BazelDeps works fine in editable mode. `#14959 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `bazel_target_name` and `bazel_repository_name` properties. `#14959 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added mechanism to consume shared/static libraries for `bazel_lib` template in all the platforms. `#14959 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: `BazelToolchain` creates a `conan_bzl.rc` file which defines the `conan-config` configuration. If it exists, Bazel helper will use it automatically. `#14958 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add clang-17 support to settings. `#14915 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for gcc 10.5 `#14865 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for gcc 11.4 `#14865 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for gcc 13.2 `#14865 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Use importlib in Python >= 3.12 `#14841 `_ - Bugfix: Solve crash of ``conan lock install`` when the provided lockfile was created from a ``conanfile.txt`` `#14836 `_ 1.61.0 (13-Sept-2023) --------------------- - Feature: Add SConsDeps generator. `#14713 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support fox Xcode 15. `#14533 `_ - Feature: New ``trim_conandata()`` function to make things explicit, not depend on hook. `#14169 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new ``tools.cmake:install_strip`` conf to add ``--strip`` option to cmake install. `#14167 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow users to cross-build out of the box with Visual Studio recipes based on MesonToolchain. `#13141 `_ - Fix: Increase warning for legacy generators. `#14662 `_ - Fix: Allow Pyyaml 6.0.X versions to avoid cython 3.0 issues. `#14323 `_ - Fix: Change the xcconfig variable from `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` to `SYSTEM_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` changes the command line from `-i` to `-isystem` and avoids warnings that arise from including package headers. `#14157 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Consider revision for build_requires in cli arguments. `#14679 `_ 1.60.2 (26-Jul-2023) -------------------- - Fix: Allow Pyyaml 6.0.X versions to avoid cython 3.0 problems. (backport #14323) `#14363 `_ 1.60.1 (30-May-2023) -------------------- - Bugfix: Fix lockfile usage with transitive tool-dependencies. `#13902 `_ 1.60.0 (11-May-2023) -------------------- - Feature: Define new version expression ``tool_requires("pkg/")`` to get the host requirement version (Backport of 2.0 https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/13712). `#13719 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide compatibility with servers containing Conan 2.0 packages with user and no channel. `#13590 `_ - Feature: Add MacOS SDK version 13.1. `#13585 `_ - Feature: New ``move_folder_contents()`` file helper to re-arrange repos folders. `#13509 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow ``conan_version`` in profile.jinja and global.conf jinja templating. `#13377 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Add gcc 13 to default settings.yml. `#13848 `_ - Fix: Prepare Conan 1.60 to not break if Conan 2.X starts adding metadata files to packages. `#13351 `_ - Bugfix: Fix AutotoolsToolchain when unknown compiler. `#13815 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed graph_lock.py - lock_node(): consider context of build_require from lockfile. `#13788 `_ - Bugfix: Fix for ``conan search pkg/*@`` and ``conan upload pkg/*@``, to filter packages without user/channel. `#13173 `_ 1.59.0 (16-Feb-2023) -------------------- - Feature: Update `requirements.txt` to use distro package version <=1.8.0. `#13124 `_ - Feature: Add new ``Git.fetch_commit`` method, for a faster alternative than clone. `#13096 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `msvs_toolset` method to `conan.tools.microsoft.visual` to identify which toolset version is associated to the compiler version. `#13041 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add a `CONAN_DISABLE_STRICT_MODE` environment variable as a workaround to be able to build old packages which used CMakeDeps or MSBuildDeps without switching to the new CMakeToolchain or MSBuildToolchain generator as well. `#13039 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Show meaningful message if CMakePresets.txt does not exist (normally, when CMakeToolchain was not added as a generator). `#13019 `_ - Feature: Add `conan.tools.android.android_abi()` function to return the Android standard ABI name based on Conan. `#12873 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Local build was not adding default dirs in MesonToolchain (only in Linux). `#13132 `_ - Bugfix: Solve 500 error in :command:`conan search` to conan_server with revisions enabled of a missing package. `#13070 `_ - Bugfix: Fix issue in `fix_apple_shared_install_name` handling dylib files with multiple architectures (universal). `#13034 `_ 1.58.0 (30-Jan-2023) -------------------- - Feature: Update gcc versions supported in settings. `#12972 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Conan packages using the CMakeDeps generator will now stop printing status messages if the QUIET argument is passed to the respective find_package() CMake call. `#12967 `_ - Feature: Guess Apple SDK path in `MesonToolchain` in case of cross-build on macOS if `tools.apple:sdk_path` is not set by user. `#12923 `_ - Fix: ``CMakeToolchain`` generates preset files with more than 1 configure preset. `#13004 `_ - Fix: Allow not propagating components to consumers. `#12966 `_ - Fix: `fix_apple_shared_install_name()` now fixes all dylib in libdirs and executables in bindirs regardless of shared option. `#12960 `_ - Fix: NMakeDeps support cpp_info.defines and cpp_info.system_libs of dependencies. `#12944 `_ - Fix: Refactoring of `NMakeToolchain` to expose similar attributes than other toolchains, and honor build config like cflags, cxxflags, sharedlinkflags, exelinkflags, defines & compiler_executables. `#12665 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Define CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH in toolchain file generated by CMakeToolchain, when only one profile is used. `#12974 `_ - Bugfix: `Version` comparison (greater than) with integer was raising an error. `#12935 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``cmake_layout`` for single-config configurations when defining ``build_folder_vars``. `#12925 `_ - Bugfix: fix failure of removing options for build_requires in cross-build. `#12905 `_ 1.57.0 (12-Jan-2023) -------------------- - Feature: AutotoolsToolchain helper functions: `update_configure_args`, `update_make_args`, and `update_autoreconf_args` can also add new values `#12889 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `unix_path_package_info_legacy` function for those cases in which it is used in `package_info` in recipes that require compatibility with Conan 1.x. In Conan 2, path conversions should not be performed in the `package_info` method. `#12887 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added to AutotoolsToolchain helper functions: `update_configure_args`, `update_make_args`, and `update_autoreconf_args` to update/prune flags effortlessly. `#12884 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow skip the generation of conanvcvars.bat with empty ``tools.microsoft.msbuild:installation_path`` `#12882 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds new `raise_invalid` argument for `check_min_vs` to avoid raising if the check fails. `#12880 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds a conf variable for supplying linker scripts to the linker using the `-T` flag. `#12854 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: CMakeToolchain also write CMake Test Presets. `#12846 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add the ability to provide a `--component` argument with the `cmake.install` function. `#12762 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: `AutotoolsToolchain.configure_args` are adequately initialized. `#12884 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Deprecate ``c++2a`` for gcc 12, replace with ``c++20``. `#12796 `_ - Bugfix: `AutotoolsToolchain.configure_args` was overwriting Conan's pre-calculated arguments. `#12884 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix ``remove_broken_symlinks`` failing at relative paths symlinks. `#12876 `_ - Bugfix: Fix KeyError 'buildPresets', the field is optional according to the specification. `#12874 `_ - Bugfix: Fix bug to pass a valid GNU triplet when using AutotoolsToolchain and cross-building on Windows. `#12870 `_ - Bugfix: Fix XcodeDeps in "editable" mode root package_folder=None. `#12841 `_ - Bugfix: Make ``cmake_layout`` to use single-config folder for generated files. `#12829 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Allow ``compatibility()`` for lockfiles. `#12778 `_ 1.56.0 (21-Dec-2022) -------------------- - Fix: Avoid extra line end while printing files with :command:`conan get`. `#12717 `_ - Fix: Fix new Environment `.ps1` files when spaces in path `#12653 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``CMakeDeps`` when a ``tool_requires`` needs to be built from source and it has transitive dependencies that are regular ``requires``. `#12736 `_ - Bugfix: Fix issue in `fix_apple_shared_install_name` when libdirs or bindirs have subfolders. `#12732 `_ - Bugfix: Fix issue with `PkgConfigDeps` not creating `.pc` files in build context. `#12712 `_ - Bugfix: Fix issue with `CMakeDeps` not creating `xxx-config.cmake` files in build context. `#12675 `_ 1.55.0 (30-Nov-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Add `prefix` argument to `AutotoolsToolchain`. `#12620 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide the ability to set CMakeDeps properties from consumer side. `#12609 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``NMakeDeps`` generator. `#12599 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implement ``editable`` env-vars via ``layouts.xxx.buildenv_info`` and ``layouts.xxx.runenv_info`` and conf via ``layouts.xxx.conf_info``. `#12598 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add gcc 12.1 and 12.2 to `settings.yml`. `#12562 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `tools.build:compiler_executables` configuration to set compilers variables in CMakeToolchain, MesonToolchain, and AutoToolsToolchain, e.g., `CMAKE__COMPILER` in `CMakeToolchain`. `#12556 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow placeholders in `EnvVars`. `#12517 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `NMakeToolchain`. `#12516 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added generators folder to `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable in `CMakeToolchain`. `#12513 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Ensure that `CMakeToolchain` will enforce usage of `pkg-config` executable set in `tools.gnu:pkg_config` config. `#12513 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `cli_args` argument to CMake build helper configure method. `#12509 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `target` argument to `Autotools.install()`. `#12491 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Make available ``XCRun().settings`` read attribute. `#12486 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Automatically add the msys2 ``usr/bin`` folder where ``bash.exe`` is to the PATH. `#12457 `_ - Feature: Add `tools.meson.mesontoolchain:extra_machine_files=["FILENAMES"]` to `Meson` build helper to append machine files to the the ones created by Conan. `#12117 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `.user_presets_path` attribute to `CMakeToolchain` to customize the location of `CMakeUserPresets.json` or to skip generating it. `#11917 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Raise a clear error if ``settings.compiler`` is not defined for ``MesonToolchain``. `#12623 `_ - Fix: Fix `runenv` for `cmake.test()`. `#12580 `_ - Fix: Remove hardcoded definitions of `CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER` in `CMakeToolchain`. `#12556 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove the extra ``-s`` from default build_type compiler flags, added to modern ``AutotoolsToolchain``. `#12518 `_ - Fix: Give priority to `-j` argument set by user in recipe over the default set by conan in `Autotools` build helper. `#12505 `_ - Bugfix: Make `conan lock update` raise a suitable exception. `#12601 `_ - Bugfix: Do not include build-context dependencies in Bazel BUILD file. `#12543 `_ - Bugfix: Do not fallback to a compatible binary if a package is requested to be built from source for a given configuration. `#12536 `_ - Bugfix: Fixing when ``package_folder=None`` for ``MSBuildDeps`` in editable mode. `#12529 `_ - Bugfix: The `CMakeDeps` generator was not working properly when the consumer maps configurations of the dependencies using `CMAKE_MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_XXX`. `#12049 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.54.0 (07-Nov-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Make `conanfile.build_folder` available in `generate()` for test_package. `#12443 `_ - Feature: Add `libcxx` settings to meson `cpp_link_args`. `#12397 `_ - Feature: Do not add architecture to system packages by default, only when cross-compiling. `#12349 `_ - Feature: Added distro to `global.conf` Jinja rendering. `#12311 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``included_files()`` method in ``from conan.tools.scm import Git``. `#12295 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `stdcpp_library` to `conan.tools.build` to get name of C++ standard library to be linked. `#12269 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `upload_policy='skip'` that not upload binaries (without raising an Exception, simply skip the binaries). `#12253 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The tool `fix_apple_shared_install_name` now also patches the `/bin` executables found to point to the libraries at `../lib/xxx.dylib`. `#12249 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``conanfile.win_bash_run`` and ``tools.microsoft.bash:active`` config for better Windows bash management. `#12178 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Improve description for `verify_ssl` parameter in CLI. `#12359 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Overwrite deactivate script to unset only the last activated virtual environment. `#12353 `_ - Fix: Use `settings_target` in XCRun instead of settings as default and provide argument `use_settings_target ` to select using the active context settings. `#12319 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix issue where find_program does not work for a tool requirement in the build context, when the dependency is also a regular requirement in the host context. `#12464 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``default_cppstd()`` import error `#12446 `_ - Bugfix: When recipes have `shared` and `fPIC` as options, define `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` and `CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` as CACHE variables in the generated `cmake_toolchain.cmake` instead of regular variables, so that they are not masked by further calls to `options()`. `#12401 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid Conan crash when ``tools.env.environment:auto_use=True`` is enabled and no ``generate()`` method. `#12386 `_ - Bugfix: Fix MSBuildDeps xml component names. `#12365 `_ - Bugfix: Fix new ``VirtualBuildEnv`` and ``VirtualRunEnv`` generators problems with dots in architecture or config. `#12294 `_ - Bugfix: Fix Autotools install on Windows. The default argument passed is `DESTDIR=unix_path(self, self.package_folder)`. `#12193 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.53.0 (04-Oct-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Implement a new ``[runenv]`` section in the Profile, to define the runtime environment. `#12230 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `compiler.version` 11.3 for GCC in settings. `#12215 `_ - Feature: Make `conan.tools.apple.XCRun()` public. `#12172 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add message to help users that have old CMake versions invoking CMake manually with the same information stored in the CMakePresets. `#12169 `_ - Feature: Make `conan.tools.scmGit.run()` public. `#12165 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``MSBuildToolchain.properties`` to define extra properties. `#12147 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Update requirements.txt to use distro package version <=1.7.0. `#12140 `_ - Feature: Added method `rm_safe` to `settings` and `options`. `#12094 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add missing configurations for `conan config list` and show the results ordered by key. `#12087 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define ``source_folder`` in test_package when ``layout()`` is defined. `#12075 `_ - Feature: Support for Xcode 14 and new iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS versions. `#12064 `_ - Feature: Add ``cpp_info.libdir|bindir|includedir`` interface to access ``cpp_info.libdirs[0]`` in recipes `#12030 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improve Clang support in Windows. `#11492 `_ - Fix: Fix missing binary ``conan search dep/1.0 --table`` message when a binary is missing. `#12184 `_ - Fix: Remove too noisy messages from environment files `#12168 `_ - Fix: Add support for windows on ARM64 native platform. `#12145 `_ - Fix: Avoid changing MSBuildDeps filenames with ``-`` while trying to avoid wrong XML formats. `#12141 `_ - Fix: Fix XcodeDeps using full package reference in case of package with components. `#12097 `_ - Fix: Fixed a bug when getting the values from the `self.conf` in the conanfile of a `test_package` with build_requirements declaring the `self.conf_info`. `#12095 `_ - Fix: `CMakeToolchain.cache_variables` parse option value as expected. `#12086 `_ - Fix: Fix XcodeDeps handle hyphen in component requirements. `#12084 `_ - Fix: Add the ``test_requires`` to ``CMakeToolchain`` directories/folders to find cmake files inside them. `#12081 `_ - Fix: Set gnu17 as clang 16 cppstd default. `#12067 `_ - Bugfix: Implement correct ``libcxx`` support in ``MesonToolchain``. `#12156 `_ - Bugfix: Add "endeavouros" to the list of distros with pacman. `#11971 `_ 1.52.0 (31-Aug-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Added mechanism to create .pc files for build requirements. `#11979 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``MSBuild().build(.., targets=["target1"])`` argument to new ``MSBuild``. `#11968 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Refactored `PkgConfigDeps` code. `#11955 `_ - Feature: Removed warning messages from `PkgConfigDeps` if any duplicated `*.pc` file. `#11955 `_ - Feature: Add ``is_msvc(..., build_context=False)`` argument. `#11949 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support remotes.json in Conan 1.X. `#11936 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `BUILD_TESTING=OFF` to CMakeToolchain presets if `tools.build:skip_test`. `#11935 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow traits in `self.requires()` for 2.0 compatibility. `#11934 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Make the version of the Conan client available under `conan` and make it a `Version` object so it can be compared. `#11928 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ability to pass additional arguments to `conan.tools.scm.Git.clone()`. `#11921 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Promote `to_apple_arch` in the new `conan.tools.apple` module. `#11915 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `export_conandata_patches` tool. `#11911 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Fail sooner and with a meaningful error if the specified required version is not satisfied. `#11908 `_ - Feature: Implement ``cmake_layout(..., build_folder="build)`` build folder argument. `#11889 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new members to ``ConanFileInterface`` for ``self.dependencies`` access. `#11868 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Defines the `PACKAGE_ROOT_` variable in XcodeDeps generated files. `#11818 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added clang 16 to settings. `#11780 `_ - Feature: Allow the authorization process in conan_server to be customized, just like authentication. `#11776 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Change `conan.tools.files.get/download` default checksums to `None`, instead of empty string. `#11939 `_ - Fix: When the `layout()` is declared in the recipe, the files such as `conainfo.txt`, `conanbuildinfo.txt` were written in the `test_package` folder, now there are written in the `generators_folder`. `#11820 `_ - Bugfix: Fix conversion if `options` passed in `compatibility()` method. `#11991 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Prevent mutation of loaded data from conanfile.yml if accesses multiple times during the same run when calling `apply_conandata_patches()`. `#11860 `_ - Bugfix: Do not skip __pycache__ folder if `CONAN_KEEP_PYTHON_FILES`. `#11828 `_ - Bugfix: Added `+` and `-` symbols to be replaced by `_` in XML element names. `#11826 `_ - Bugfix: The `tool.scm.Version` model has been ported from 2.X to keep the same behavior in Conan 1.X. `#11823 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed `cpp_std` flags when using C++20. `#11819 `_ - Bugfix: Use "android-" format for the ANDROID_PLATFORM argument to be compatible with old NDK versions. `#11799 `_ - Bugfix: Fix XcodeDeps component handling in transitive dependencies `#11772 `_ 1.51.3 (18-Aug-2022) -------------------- - Fix: The tool `is_apple_os` can be imported from `conan.tools.apple` and receives an instance of `Conanfile`. `#11896 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Prevent `None` folders to be processed in the `cpp_info`. `#11893 `_ - Fix: CMakeDeps now generates CMake variables as `XXX_INCLUDE_DIR` in the `XXXX-data.cmake` for the global cpp_info even if components are declared in the recipe. It is obtained by merging the components `cpp_info` into a global one. `#11874 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed the `cmake_paths`generator to set the root of the packages to the `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` and `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` `#11883 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeDeps generator was not managing correctly the IMPORTED LOCATION of the libraries for different `build_type`. `#11859 `_ 1.51.2 (11-Aug-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: The `tool.scm.Version` model has been ported from 2.X to keep the same behavior in Conan 1.X `#11830 `_ 1.51.1 (09-Aug-2022) -------------------- - Feature: The `self.info.settings` and `self.info.options` now allow the `get_safe("foo")` as it is available in `self.settings` and `self.options`. `#11803 `_ - Fix: Add `conan.errors` to hidden pyinstaller imports. `#11817 `_ - Fix: Fix choco install invocation. `#11810 `_ - Fix: Add `conan.tools.system.package_manager` to hidden pyinstaller imports. `#11806 `_ - Fix: Add `conan.tools.system` as hidden-import to `pyinstaller.py`, so it is bundled with the installer. `#11805 `_ - Bugfix: Update cmake_layout build and generators folders to honor os path format. `#11809 `_ - Bugfix: `create -kb` wasn't setting up `conanfile.generators_folder` correctly. `#11804 `_ - Bugfix: Legacy `cpp_info` for consumers was losing information in case of depending on a package with a layout. `#11790 `_ - Bugfix: Refactored CMakeDep using always targets instead of lists. `#11788 `_ - Bugfix: Fix toolchainFile key not found with CMake presets. `#11759 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeDeps generator failed for consumers with CMake projects doing an `add_subdirectory` with two different `find_package` calls to the same package, one in the main `CMakeLists.txt` and the other in the subdirectory. `#11756 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeDeps generator stopped to fill the `XXX_LIBRARIES` CMake variable, especially when using components. `#11756 `_ 1.51.0 (28-Jul-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Update system package manager db right before install, instead before check `#11716 `_ - Feature: Do the package manager update just in mode `install` and ignore if mode is `check`. `#11712 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `AutotoolsToolchain` attributes `.cxxflags`, `.cflags`, `.ldflags` and `.defines` can be read at any moment, now is not needed to call `.environment()` to get them calculated. In the other hand, if you want to add additional flags the following attributes have to be used: `.extra_cxxflags`, `.extra_cflags`, `.extra_ldflags` and `.extra_defines` `#11678 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Changed `CMakeDeps` generator so the global target made for a package with components is a target linked with the targets of the components, instead of a target made from merging `cpp_info` objects from the components. `#11673 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support for components in MSBuildDeps. `#11669 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMakePreset.json` now contains `toolset` and `architecture` items when using `Ninja` generator and `msvc` compiler so the IDE (Visual Studio) can set the correct compiler (vcvars) automatically. `#11666 `_ - Feature: Introduced a new conf `tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain.presets:max_schema_version` to generate `CMakePresets.json` and `CMakeUserPresets.json` compatible with the specified json schema version. The minimum value supported is `>=2`. `#11655 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `objc_args`/`objc_link_args`/`objcpp_args`/`objcpp_link_args` to MesonToolchain for Objective-C/C++ language. `#11632 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding default directories to MesonToolchain. `#11618 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide Path accessors in Conanfile. `#11585 `_ - Feature: Introduced a `validate_build()` method in the recipes to validate if the package can be built according to `self.settings` and `self.options` instead of `self.info.settings` and `self.info.options` that it is used to validate the `binary`. `#11580 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ability to download files in the local filesystem using `file://` URIs. `#11569 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `MesonDeps` as a new generator to create an extra file with all the GNU flags from all the dependencies. `Meson` build-helper will add that one (if exists) to complement the created one by `MesonToolchain`. `#11557 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added a new ``self.folders.subproject`` for ``layout()`` to be able to define layouts that goes up to the parent or siblings folders, together with the ``self.folders.root = ".."``. `#11556 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding new ``msys2_ucrt64``, ``msys2_mingw64``, ``msys2_clang64`` subsystems in ``os.subsystem`` for Windows. `#11530 `_ - Fix: Add `conan.tools.scm` as hidden-import to _pyinstaller.py_, so it is bundled with the installer. `#11677 `_ - Fix: The `cmake_build_modules` property can only be declared in the `self.cpp_info`, not in components, where will be ignored. `#11673 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix `Dnf` and `Yum` to accept 100 as a return code. `#11668 `_ - Fix: Get the cpu count for cgroup2 from `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.max`. `#11667 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Improve opensuse detection in `tool.system.package_manager`. `#11660 `_ - Fix: Add raspbian to default `tools.system.package_manager` package manager mapping. `#11654 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Allow templates for :command:`conan new` to contain `Readme.md` and `LICENSE.txt` files. `#11645 `_ - Fix: Remove ``conan_message()`` in ``CMakeDeps``. `#11625 `_ - Fix: In `conans.tools.collect_libs` and `conan.tools.files.collect_libs`, avoids to list other flavors (version, soversion) of the same `dylib` on macOS, so that behavior is consistent on Linux & macOS. `#11527 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: The `AutotoolsToolchain` now clears `None` values from the attributes `.cxxflags`, `.cflags`, `.ldflags` and `.defines`. `#11678 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: The `CMakePresets.json` file contained invalid paths (mixing `/` and `\`) for Windows that caused issues when using `Visual Studio`. `#11652 `_ - BugFix: Avoid ``LocalDebuggerEnv`` overflows in ``MSBuildDeps`` due to addition of PATH env-var. `#11631 `_ - Bugfix: Fix frameworkdirs not taken into account in XcodeDeps generator. `#11617 `_ - Bugfix: `CMakeToolchain` avoid setting `CMAKE_INSTALL_XXX` variables if the values are not defined. `#11614 `_ - Bugfix: Use correct build target in `CMake.test()` for the Ninja Multi-Config generator. `#11594 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeToolchain was crashing when building for `Android os` a package that is removing the `compiler.libcxx` (C library). `#11586 `_ 1.50.2 (11-Aug-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: The `tool.scm.Version` model has been ported from 2.X to keep the same behavior in Conan 1.X `#11830 `_ 1.50.1 (28-Jul-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: Port #11614. CMakeToolchain avoid setting CMAKE_INSTALL_XXX variables if the values are not defined. `#11719 `_ 1.50.0 (29-Jun-2022) -------------------- - Feature: ``VirtualBuildEnv`` and ``VirtualRunEnv`` always generate files, even if empty. `#11536 `_ - Feature: Improve dependency-cycle error to show the cycle. `#11519 `_ - Feature: Aggregate transitive components information in the same package for XcodeDeps. `#11507 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: map `armv8` arch to `ARM64` MSBuild platform in MSBuildDeps generator. `#11505 `_ - Feature: Added `CMakeToolchain(self).cache_variables` to declare `cache_variables` in the `configurePresets` in the `CMakePresets.json` file. Conan reads them to call `cmake` with `-D` when using the `CMake(self)` build helper. These cache variables doesn't support multi-configuration generators. `#11503 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Simplify XcodeDeps generator. `#11491 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Created `self.info.clear()` as an alias of `self.info.header_only()` that will disappear in Conan 2.0. `#11478 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow options having ["ANY"] as a list like Conan 2.X. `#11449 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Ported cppstd related tools from 2.X branch. `#11446 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added tool `rm` at `conan.tools.files` to remove files by pattern in a folder. `#11443 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for `test_requires` in XcodeDeps. `#11415 `_ - Feature: Add relative path support to Git SCM tool. `#11407 `_ - Feature: Changed `cmake_layout` with a more natural and intuitive `folders.build` and `folders.generators`. Also changed the `CMakePresets.json` preset names. `#11391 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: When using the `layout()` (as opt-in of some Conan 2.0 features) the default `includedirs` of the declared components is now `["include"]` the default of the `libdirs` is `["lib"]` and the default for the `bindirs` is `["bin"]`. Previously, the components always had empty fields. Also the default of `cpp_info.resdirs` is now empty. `#11471 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The `CMakeToolchain` will fail if `settings.build_type` is specified in the `'tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder'` conf because the build_type is automatically managed by the CMakeToolchain and CMakeDeps generators by default. `#11470 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: When using the new layout() feature of Conan 2.0, change the default `cpp_info.frameworkdirs = ["Frameworks"]` to `cpp_info.frameworkdirs = []`, because it is more common to not have packaged Apple frameworks and declaring a missing folder can cause issues with the new toolchains. `#11455 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The "include" paths list in a `CMakeUserPresets.json`, when performing a new :command:`conan install`, are now checked, and in case some of them is a missing path (deleted directory), it is cleaned from the list. `#11414 `_ - Fix: Avoid issues in ``VirtualRunEnv`` for undefined variables when ``set -e`` is defined. `#11361 `_ - Bugfix: Fix logic in the generation of `CMakeUserPresets.json` - Conan will only generate the file if it did not previously exist, and will modify an existing one if the file was previously generated by conan. Existing `CMakeUserPresets.json` will be left untouched otherwise. `#11452 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix crash in pylint plugin with pylint >= 2.14.0. `#11445 `_ - Bugfix: Allow using ``PkgConfigDeps`` for ``editable`` packages, not raising an error cause ``package_folder`` is None. `#11440 `_ - Bugfix: The `CMakePresets.json` file, when performing several :command:`conan install` commands, ended-up with several entries of duplicated "buildPresets" if used with a `multi-configuration` cmake generator. `#11414 `_ - Bugfix: `PkgConfigDeps` creates `*.pc` files for `test_requires`. `#11390 `_ 1.49.0 (02-Jun-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Add `install_substitutes` to system package manager tools to be able to install sets of packages that are equivalent with different names for different distros. `#11367 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Do not automatically fix the shared libraries to add the rpath in Apple and add an external tool `tools.apple.fix_apple_shared_install_name` to do it optionally in recipes for packages that do not set the correct `LC_ID_DYLIB`. `#11365 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow pyyaml 6.0 dependency. `#11363 `_ - Feature: Removed Python 2.7 support, as a result of an unsolvable security vulnerability in pyjwt. `#11357 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The ``conanfile.txt`` file now accepts a ``[layout]`` that can be filled with 3 predefined layouts: ``cmake_layout``, ``vs_layout`` and ``bazel_layout``. `#11348 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Remove the parameter ``copy_symlink_folders`` of the ``conan.tool.files.copy`` function and now, any symlink file pointing to a folder will be treated as a regular file. `#11330 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Tools `can_run` validates if it is possible to run a and application build for a non-native architecture. `#11321 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `CMAKE_SYSROOT` support for `CMakeToolchain`. `#11317 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `--sysroot` support for `AutotoolsToolchain` and remove support for `cpp_info.sysroot` in `AutotoolsDeps`. `#11317 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `tools.build:sysroot` conf. `#11317 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improved `cmake_layout` and `CMakePresets.json` feature so you can manage different configurations using the same `CMakeUserPresets.json` not only for multi-config (Debug/Release) but for any set of settings specified in a new conf `tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars` that accepts a list of settings to use. e.g `tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars=["settings.compiler", "options.shared"]` `#11308 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds GCC 9.4 in the list of compilers supported in the settings file. `#11296 `_ - Feature: Raise an error when running CMake if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not defined and the generator is not multi-config. `#11294 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implement a ``check_min_vs()`` checker that will work for both ``Visual Studio`` and ``msvc`` to allow migration from 1.X to 2.0 `#11292 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: More flexibility in Autotools tools to override arguments and avoid all default arguments for `make`, `autoreconf` and `configure`. `#11284 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add components support in XcodeDeps. `#11233 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define new ``tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:toolset_arch`` to define VS toolset x64 or x86 architecture `#11147 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new `xtensalx7` option for the `arch_target` and `arch` settings, allowing targeting Espressif's ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 microcontrollers. `#11143 `_ - Fix: Use `interface_library` with `shared_library` on Windows in BazelDeps. `#11355 `_ - Fix: BazelDeps generator cannot find a lib when it's named with the basename of the lib file. `#11343 `_ - Fix: Avoid empty paths in run environments PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH env-vars. `#11298 `_ - Fix: Use `DESTDIR` argument in `make install` step instead of using the `--prefix` in configure. `#11284 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Add `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` to markdown generator instructions for CMake single config. `#11220 `_ - Fix: Fixing ``--require-override`` over conditional ``requirements()`` method. `#11209 `_ - Fix: Placing quote marks around echo statement in `save_sh` function. `#11123 `_ - Bugfix: Force ``conan_server`` to use ``pyjwt>=2.4.0`` to solve a known vulnerability. `#11350 `_ - Bugfix: Fix case where CMakeDeps generator may use the wrong dependency name for transitive dependencies. `#11307 `_ - Bugfix: Link ``cpp_info.objects`` first in ``CMakeDeps`` generator, as they can have dependencies to ``system_libs`` that need to be after them in some platforms to correctly link. `#11272 `_ - Bugfix: Update cmake_layout generators folder to honor os path format. `#11252 `_ - Bugfix: Catching `KeyError` if `USERNAME` is not set as env variable on Windows. `#11223 `_ - Bugfix: Add Rocky Linux to with_yum. `#11212 `_ 1.48.2 (02-Jun-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Port https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/11365 and https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/11284 to 1.48.2 `#11381 `_ 1.48.1 (18-May-2022) -------------------- - Fix: Add `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` to markdown generator instructions for CMake single config. `#11234 `_ - Bugfix: Fix case where CMakeDeps assumes a module dependency when transitive dependencies do not define `cmake_find_mode` and fallback to a config one. `#11240 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed broken ``apple-clang`` 13.0 compatibility. `#11231 `_ 1.48.0 (03-May-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Do not recommend to set `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` in markdown generator any more as it is already set by the AutotoolsToolchain. `#11120 `_ - Feature: The `cmake_layout` declares `folders.generators = "build/generators"` that is common for different configurations, enabling `CMakePresets.json` to support different `configurePresets` and `buildPresets` for single-config and multi-config generators. `#11117 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMakeToolchain` generator will create (if missing) a `CMakeUserPresets.json` if the `CMakeLists.txt` file is found in the root folder of the project. That file will include automatically the `CMakePresets.json` file contained at `build/generators` folder to allow CMake and IDEs to locate automatically the presets generated by Conan. `#11117 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` is not adjusted in the `conan_toolchain.cmake` anymore, the configuration is moved to the `CMakePresets.json` preparing Conan to support multiple "single-config" configurations in one `CMakePresets.json` file `#11112 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMakePresets.json` (file generated when specified the `CMakeToolchain` generator) is appended with a new `buildPresets` after a :command:`conan install` with a different `build_type` when using a multiconfiguration generator like `Visual Studio`. `#11103 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Removed `PlatformToolset` and added `conantoolchain.props` from `*.vcxproj` file. `#11101 `_ - Feature: Append the folder where the Conan generators were installed to `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` in AutotoolsToolchain. `#11063 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding new ``tools.env.virtualenv:powershell`` conf to opt-in to generate and use powershell scripts instead of .bat ones. `#11061 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added new configuration fields: `tools.apple:enable_bitcode`, `tools.apple:enable_arc` and `tools.apple:enable_visibility`. `#10985 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added new mechanism to inject common Xcode flags in `CMakeToolchain` generator if enabled Bitcode, ARC, or Visibility configurations. `#10985 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New templates for autotools exe and lib. `#10978 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Change `build_script_folder` argument from the configure to the `Autotools` build helper constructor. `#10978 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Replaced `add_definitions` by `add_compile_definitions` in `conan.tools.cmake.*` package. `#10974 `_ - Feature: Added `cxxflags`, `cflags`, and `ldflags` attributes to `MSBuildToolchain`. `#10972 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added mechanism to inject extra flags to `MSBuildToolchain` via `[conf]`. `#10972 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Allow ``Version(self.settings.compiler.version)`` to work for ``new`` tools.scm.Version``. `#11119 `_ - Fix: Make shared libraries build with Autotools relocatable in Macos by patching the install name (LC_ID_DYLIB) and setting to `@rpath/libname.dylib`. `#11114 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: using CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE instead of presets to define variables that don't work in toolchains `#11098 `_ - Fix: Fix quote escaping for defines in pkg_config generator. `#11073 `_ - Fix: Fix quote escaping for defines in PkgConfigDeps generator. `#11073 `_ - Fix: Quote `add_compile_definitions` correctly in CMakeToolchain. `#11057 `_ - Fix: Escape quotes in definitions in CMakeToochain. `#11057 `_ - Fix: Renamed `self.base_source_folder` to `self.export_source_folder`. That variable was introduced to reference the folder where the `export_sources` are. Currently, they are copied to the `source` folder but might be changed in the future to avoid copying them, so `self.export_source_folder` will always point to the folder containing the `exports_sources`. `#11055 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Ensure correct order for libraries in AutotoolsDeps. `#11054 `_ - Fix: Escape quotes in XCodeDeps generator. `#11039 `_ - Fix: The `CMakeDeps` generator now set `INTERFACE_LINK_DIRECTORIES` necessary when using auto link `'#pragma comment(lib, "foo")' ` when the required library sets the property `cmake_set_interface_link_directories`. `#10984 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Renamed variables from the `CMakeToolchain` context in blocks to be all lowercase. e.g: `CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES` to `cmake_osx_architectures`. `#10981 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid ``BazelDeps`` to find a library when a directory with the same name exists. `#11090 `_ - Bugfix: The `binaryDir` field at `CMakePresets.json` is not set if the `conanfile.build_folder` is not available, avoiding a `null` value breaking the specification. `#11088 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed unziping while using `tools.get` or `tools.unzip` with the `strip_root=True` in a `tgz` file with hardlinks inside. `#11074 `_ - Bugfix: The method `get_commit` from the new `conan.tools.scm.Git` was capturing a wrong commit, for example, ignoring commits in subfolders when checking the parent folder. `#11015 `_ - Bugfix: The `json` generator was showing "None" in the `version` field of the dependencies when the `layout()` method was used. `#10960 `_ - Bugfix: The config `default_python_requires_id_mode=unrelated_mode` raised an error, it has been fixed. `#10959 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeToolchain now declares `CACHE BOOL` variables when a bool is stored in a variable: `toolchain.variables["FOO"] = True`. `#10941 `_ 1.47.0 (31-Mar-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Renamed `tools.build:cppflags` to `tools.build:defines` and removed `tools.build:ldflags` (now it's the union between `tools.build:sharedlinkflags` and `tools.build:exelinkflags` in mostly all the cases). `#10928 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding cross-compilation for Android in MesonToolchain. `#10908 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add extra flags via [conf] into XcodeToolchain. `#10906 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Preliminar support for CMakePresets.json. `#10903 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `wrap_mode=nofallback` project-option into `MesonToolchain` as default value. `#10884 `_ - Feature: Added basic `rmdir` tool at `conan.tools.files`. `#10874 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Backport of 2.0 compatibility() recipe method. `#10868 `_ - Feature: Add detection in meson toolchain for cross conditions and requirement of needs_exe_wrapper. Users may specify the exe wrapper in their meson.build now. `#10846 `_ - Feature: Allow `tested_reference_str` to be `None`. `#10834 `_ - Feature: New templates for the :command:`conan new` command with bazel examples: `bazel_exe` and `bazel_lib`. `#10812 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add some support for ``msvc`` compiler older versions. `#10808 `_ - Feature: Added mechanism to inject extra flags via `[conf]` into several toolchains like `AutotoolsToolchain`, `MesonToolchain` and `CMakeToolchain`. `#10800 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support selecting the target to build for XcodeBuild helper. `#10799 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support for Xcode 13.3, iOS 15.4, watchOS 8.5 and tvOS 15.4. `#10797 `_ - Feature: New modern "conan new --template=msbuild_lib|exe" for modern MSBuild VS integration. `#10760 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added a checker for Conan 2.x deprecated `from conans` imports in `pylint_plugin`. `#10746 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `conan.tool.microsoft.unix_path` to convert paths to any subsystem when using `conanfile.win_bash`. `#10743 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``from conan.errors import XXX`` new namespace to be ready for 2.0. `#10734 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow specifying `default_options = {"pkg/*:option": "value"}` or `default_options = {"pkg*:option": "value"}` instead of `default_options = {"pkg:option": "value"}` to make compatible recipes with 2.0. `#10731 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add Clang 15 to default settings. `#10558 `_ - Feature: When the layout is declared, the cwd() in the source() method will follow the declared `self.folders.source` but the `exports_sources` will still be copied to the base source folder. `#10091 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Add support for ``clang`` to ``msvc_runtime_flag()``. It requires defining ``compiler.runtime = static/dynamic`` definition, same as modern ``msvc`` compiler setting. `#10898 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Generate the correct `--target` triple when building for Apple catalyst. `#10880 `_ - Fix: The "conan.tools.files.patch" will (by default) look for the patch files in the `self.base_source_folder` instead of `self.source_folder` but will apply them with `self.source_folder` as the base folder. `#10875 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Setting `CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` for Apple cross-compiling including M1. `#10856 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Do not overwrite values for `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME`, `CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION` and `CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` set from the [conf] or the user_toolchain. `#10856 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix architecture translation from Conan syntax to build system in CMakeToolchain. `#10856 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Several improvements of the Bazel integration (`Bazel`, `BazelToolchain`, `BazelDeps`), new functional tests in all platforms. `#10812 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: `Conf.get()` always returns `default` value if internal `conf_value.value` is `None`, i.e., it was unset. `#10800 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Set `-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM` when the generator is for MinGW and the conf `tools.gnu:make_program` is set. `#10770 `_ - Fix: Remove unused ``clion_layout``. `#10760 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: AutotoolsToolchain adjust the runtime flag of `msvc` (`MTd`, `MT`, `MDd` or `MD`) to `CFLAGS` and `CXXFLAGS` when using the `msvc` as `settings.compiler`. `#10755 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Removed `subsystem_path` from the `conan.tool.microsoft` namespace, superseded by `unix_path`. `#10743 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Show an error message at :command:`conan install` if the ``validate()`` method raises ``ConanInvalidConfiguration``. `#10725 `_ - BugFix: The `find_dependency` called internally in `CMakeDeps` generator to locate transitive dependencies now use the `MODULE/NO_MODULE` following the `cmake_find_mode` property when declared in the dependency. `#10917 `_ - Bugfix: Fix virtualrunenv wrong ``build`` scope. `#10904 `_ - BugFix: Make ``self.folders.root`` apply at package ``conan install .`` too. `#10842 `_ - Bugfix: Fix call to undefined function for markdown generator when components add `system_libs`. `#10783 `_ - Bugfix: solve ``build_policy=never`` bug when ``conan export-pkg --force`` and there already exists a package in the cache. `#10738 `_ - Bugfix: Add transitive dependencies to generated Bazel BUILD files. `#10686 `_ 1.46.2 (18-Mar-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: Fix deprecated imports checker line number. `#10822 `_ - Bugfix: Specifying compiler.version=13 for apple-clang raised a CMake error when using the old cmake generator. `#10820 `_ 1.46.1 (17-Mar-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Added a checker for Conan 2.x deprecated from conans imports in pylint_plugin. `#10811 `_ - Feature: Add apple-clang 13 major version to settings. `#10807 `_ - Feature: Make apple-clang 13 version package-id compatible with 13.0. `#10807 `_ - Feature: Autodetect only major version for apple-clang profile starting in version 13. `#10807 `_ - Feature: Add clang 15 version to settings. `#10807 `_ - Bugfix: Fix call to undefined function for markdown generator when components add system_libs. `#10810 `_ 1.46.0 (07-Mar-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Configuration field `tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:user_toolchain` defined as list-like object `#10729 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Prepare Conan for search remote repos with mix of 1.X and 2.0 binaries. Conan 1.X will not list binaries (``conan search ``) stored in remote repos that were created with Conan 2.0. `#10692 `_ - Feature: Adding jinja rendering of global.conf config file. `#10687 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improve markdown generator instructions. `#10673 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMakeToolchain` and `AutotoolsToolchain` take into account the `cpp.package` info to set the output directories for libraries, executables, and so on when running `cmake.install` or `make install`. `#10672 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `basic_layout`, removed `meson_layout` and added argument `src_folder` to `cmake_layout`as a shortcut for adjusting `conanfile.folders.source`. `#10659 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding ``self.base_source_folder`` for ``exports_sources`` explicit layouts. `#10654 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding ``root`` to layout model to allow conanfile.py in subfolders. `#10654 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added new property `component_version` for `PkgConfigDeps` and legacy `PkgConfig`. `#10633 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Changed `.pc` file description field for components in `PkgConfigDeps`. `#10633 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `sdk_version` setting for `Macos`, `iOS`, `watchOS` and `tvOS`. `#10608 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new `XcodeBuild` build helper. `#10608 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new `XcodeToolchain` helper. `#10608 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``compiler.version`` 12 for GCC in settings. `#10595 `_ - Feature: Introduce new ``conan.tools.scm.Git`` helper, for direct use in ``export()`` method to capture git url and commit, and to be used in ``source()`` method to clone and checkout a git repo. `#10594 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``from conan.tools.files import update_conandata()`` helper to add data to ``conandata.yml`` in the ``export()`` method. `#10586 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add CMake variables, cli arguments and native build system arguments to new ``conan.tools.cmake.CMake`` helper. `#10573 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding more functionality to `ConfDefinition` and `Conf`, something similar to `ProfileEnvironment` and `Environment` ones. `#10537 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Port `conan.tools.Version` to Conan 1.X. `#10536 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Port `conan.tools.build.cross_building` to Conan 1.X. `#10536 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `copy` tool at `conan.tools.files` namespace that will replace the `self.copy` in Conan 2.0. `#10530 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``recipe_folder`` to pylint plugin. `#10527 `_ - Fix: Pin Markupsafe==2.0.1 for py27 and upgrade Jinja2>3 for py3, after Markupsafe latest 2.1 release broke Jinja2 2.11. `#10710 `_ - Fix: Fixed templates for :command:`conan new` with `--template cmake_lib` and `--template cmake_exe` to include Conan 2.0 compatible syntax. `#10706 `_ - Fix: Moved new tool `cross_building` from `conan.tool.cross_building` to `conan.tool.build` to match the location in develop2. `#10706 `_ - Fix: Don't compose folders in Xcode generator using `dep.package_folder`, now `cpp_info.bindirs`, `cpp_info.includedirs`, etc. are absolute. `#10694 `_ - Fix: When the `layout()` method is declared, the `self.package_folder` in the recipe is now available even when doing a `conan install . `, pointing to the specified output folder (`-of` ) or the path of the conanfile if not specified. `#10655 `_ - Fix: Fix creation path of deactivate scripts. `#10653 `_ - Fix: Add support for `[tool_requires]` section in conanfile.txt. `#10642 `_ - Fix: When ``layout()`` is defined, the ``exports`` will not be considered sources anymore, but only the ``exports_sources``. The ``exports`` are used exclusively by the recipe, but not as package source. `#10625 `_ - Fix: Make the ``source()`` method run inside the ``self.source_folder``, in the same way ``build()`` runs in ``self.build_folder``. But only for recipes that define the ``layout()`` method, to not break unless using ``layout()``. `#10612 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove the ``--source-folder`` new argument to ``install`` and ``editable``, not necessary at the moment. `#10590 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix conf `True` and `False` handling in `tools.system.package_manage` helpers. `#10583 `_ - Fix: Change the ``CMakeToolchain`` message to use ``CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE``. `#10552 `_ - Fix: BazelDeps was generating invalid bazel files cause the static_library paths were absolute and not relative. `#10484 `_ - Fix: BazelDeps was crashing when generating packages without libs cause the context was not checking the array size. `#10484 `_ - Fix: Fix Premake test failing on Linux because the Premake executable isn't found. `#10250 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``MesonToolchain`` extra quotes in ``cpp_std`` `#10707 `_ - Bugfix: Add missing ``system_libs`` management in ``AutotoolsDeps``. `#10681 `_ - Bugfix: `GnuDepsFlags` attributes like `frameworks` and `frameworkdirs` are only available for Apple OS. `#10675 `_ - Bugfix: Remove tmp folders created in Conan while checking the output of a command and detecting the compiler. `#10663 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``conan_server`` circular import do to ``conan.tools`` namespace. `#10635 `_ - bugfix: Fix ``meson_layout()`` issue with shared folders. `#10600 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``SystemPackageTool`` when ``mode=verify``, it was still installing packages. `#10596 `_ - Bugfix: ``self.build_folder`` not being computed even if ``layout()`` method is defined in local :command:`conan install`. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/10566 `#10567 `_ - Bugfix: Fix conan_manifest.txt parse error when the filename has ":" in it. `#10492 `_ - Bugfix: Use meson toolchain file from install folder. `#8965 `_ 1.45.0 (02-Feb-2022) -------------------- - Feature: Add system.package_manager tools to `conan config list`. `#10469 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use system package manager helpers `from conan.tools.system.package_manager`. `#10467 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``[tool_requires]`` section to profiles. `#10462 `_ - Feature: Add ``meson_lib`` and ``meson_exe``, :command:`conan new` templates. `#10460 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `is_msvc_static_runtime` method to `conan.tools.microsoft.visual` to identify when using `msvc` with static runtime. `#10437 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improve support for Visual Studio in ``AutotoolsToolchain``. `#10429 `_ - Feature: Make `pkg-config` tooling accessible under `conan.tools.gnu.PkgConfig` and `conan.tools.gnu.PkgConfigDeps`. `#10415 `_ - Feature: Use `.bazel` suffix for generated Bazel files. `#10391 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New tools in `conan.tools.system` for invoking system package managers in recipes. `#10380 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Testing the expected PC files created when the component name matches with the root package one using either `pkg_config` or `PkgConfigDeps` generators. `#10344 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Better definition of clang compiler in Windows in `CMakeToolchain`. `#10333 `_ - Feature: Add VxWorks to OSs in default settings.yml. `#10315 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `is_msvc` to validate if `settings.compiler` is `Visual Studio` and `msvc` compilers. `#10310 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: `os.sdk` field is mandatory for CMakeToolchain and OS in `('Macos', 'iOS', 'watchOS', 'tvOS')`. `#10300 `_ - Feature: Adding ``--source-folder`` and ``--output-folder`` to ``conan editable`` and :command:`conan install` to work with ``layout()``. `#10274 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adding clang 14 to ``settings.yml``. Needed for emsdk package in Conan Center Index. `#10269 `_ - Feature: `PkgConfigDeps` shows `WARN` messages if there are duplicated `pkg_config_name` and/or `pkg_config_aliases`. `#10263 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improvements in ``MesonToolchain``, including some cross-building functionality. `#10174 `_ - Feature: Update content created by the markdown generator. `#9758 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove auto-detection of VS 2022 as ``msvc`` compiler, detect it as ``Visual Studio`` version ``17``. `#10457 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Do not report warning for duplicated component names in CMakeDeps. `#10456 `_ - Fix: Let legacy `Meson` build helper use other backends apart from `ninja`. `#10447 `_ - Fix: `msvc_runtime_flag` returns empty string instead of `None`. `#10424 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Parsing a url with query args in ``conan config install`` results in a bad filename that could fail. `#10423 `_ - Fix: The argument `patch_file` from `tools.files.patch` is now relative to `conanfile.source_folder`by default, unless an absolute path to another location is provided, for example, to a path in the `conanfile.build_folder`. `#10408 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Use install folder for Bazel dependency paths. `#10391 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Enforce `CMP0091` policy to NEW in `CMakeToolchain`. `#10390 `_ - Fix: Add quotes around `conan_message` output variable so it is not modified. `#10388 `_ - Fix: Add ``pathlib`` as hidden-import to pyinstaller.py, so it is bundled with the installer. `#10386 `_ - Fix: Move imports of pre-defined layouts to their build-system domain. `#10385 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Allow ``cmake`` generator checks for Visual Studio 2022. `#10361 `_ - Fix: Do not generate transitive `.props` for `MSbuildDeps` tool-requires. `#10350 `_ - Fix: Manage spaces in ``[buildenv]`` profile definition. `#10343 `_ - Fix: Add ``-debug`` to `LDFLAGS` in ``AutotoolsToolchain`` when necessary. `#10339 `_ - Fix: Fix extra `}` characters in cppstd info message. `#10337 `_ - Fix: Fix quotes in generated environment deactivation scripts. `#10325 `_ - Fix: Fix the ``CMakeToolchain`` generated code, so it doesnt fail for ``-Werror --warn-uninitialized``. `#10292 `_ - Fix: Fix spaces in settings.yml to prevent the YAML linter from complaining. `#10230 `_ - Fix: Convert `NewCppInfo` folders to absolute. `#10207 `_ - Fix: Improved CMakeToolchain robustness regarding ``find_file``, ``find_path`` and ``find_program`` commands allowing better cross-build scenarios and better differentiation of the right context where to get, for example, executables (build vs host). `#10186 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix ``BazelDeps`` using absolute ``glob`` paths instead of relative. `#10478 `_ - BugFix: Avoid BazelDeps exception when depending on a package without libs. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/10471 `#10472 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``AttributeError: 'PackageEditableLayout' object has no attribute 'package_lock'`` that happened when sing ``package_revision_mode`` with ``editable`` packages (and lockfiles). `#10416 `_ - Bugfix: Visual Studio 2022 auto-detected profile was incomplete. `#10322 `_ - Bugfix: Fix the caching of `ConanFile.dependencies` at `validate()` time. `#10307 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid ``package_id`` errors when using ``compatible_packages`` of repeated references (which can happen if using ``private`` dependencies). `#10266 `_ 1.44.1 (13-Jan-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: The `CMakeDeps` generator now uses the property `cmake_build_modules` declared in components of the required packages not only in the root cpp_info. `#10326 `_ - Bugfix: Adding missing hidden-imports to pyinstaller. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/10318 `#10320 `_ - Bugfix: Make `pkg_config` generator listen to root `cpp_info` properties. `#10312 `_ 1.44.0 (29-Dec-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Add `_LIBRARIES`, `_INCLUDE_DIRS`, `_INCLUDE_DIR`, `_DEFINITIONS` and `_VERSION_STRING` variables in CMakeDeps. `#10227 `_ - Feature: Adding a new Block to the CMakeToolchain now doesn't require inheriting `CMakeToolchainBlock`. `#10213 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add build_modules and build_modules_paths to JsonGenerator. `#10203 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `CMakeToolchain` is now prepared to apply several user toolchains. `#10178 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: In the conanfile.py of the test_package, the reference being tested is always available at `self.tested_reference_str`. `#10171 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduced a new `test_type` value `explicit` so a user can declare explicitly the `requires` or `build_requires` manually (using `self.tested_reference_str`), it won't be automatically injected as a require. In Conan 2.0 the `test_type` attribute will be ignored, the behavior will be always explicit, so declaring `test_type="explicit"` will make the test recipe compatible with Conan 2.0. `#10171 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduced `tool_requires` attribute to provide a compatible way to migrate to Conan 2.0, where the current concept of `build_requires` has been renamed to `tool_requires`. `#10168 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Upgrade Conan python jinja requirement to v3.x. `#10159 `_ - Feature: Provided several `conan.tools.files` functions to manage symlinks: Transform absolute to relative symlinks, remove broken symlinks, remove external symlinks and get the symlinks in a folder. These tools will help migrate to Conan 2.0 where the package files won't be automatically cleaned from broken absolute symlinks or external symlinks. `#10154 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Remove legacy folder setters in ``conanfile.xxxx_folder = yyy`` only used for testing. `#10153 `_ - Feature: Add ``Git.version`` property to check the current git version, aligned with ``SVN.version``. `#10114 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add build_requires support in BazelDeps generators. `#9876 `_ - Fix: Fix variable names set by `CMakeDeps` modules. `#10227 `_ - Fix: Call to `find_dependency` in module mode to find transitive dependencies. `#10227 `_ - Fix: remove rpath from .pc files generated by `pkg_config` & `PkgConfigDeps` generators. `#10192 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Deleted CMake warning for already existing targets. `#10150 `_ - Bugfix: Fix passing component's linkflags in CMakeDepes generator `#10205 `_ - Bugfix: `AutotoolsToolchain` was not passing the `compiler` to `get_gnu_triplet` function. `#10141 `_ 1.43.4 (18-Feb-2022) -------------------- - Fix: Limit markupsafe python dependency to <2.1. `#10616 `_ 1.43.3 (13-Jan-2022) -------------------- - Bugfix: The CMakeDeps generator now uses the property cmake_build_modules declared in components of the required packages not only in the root cpp_info. `#10331 `_ - Bugfix: Make pkg_config generator listen to root cpp_info properties. `#10323 `_ 1.43.2 (21-Dec-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Remove ``generator`` argument from ``cpp_info.set_property()`` method. `#10214 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Do not convert to ``cmake_build_modules`` property the legacy ``cpp_info.build_modules``. `#10208 `_ - Bugfix: Compiler `msvc` was not working for CMake legacy generators. `#10195 `_ 1.43.1 (17-Dec-2021) -------------------- - Bugfix: Making aggregate_components non-destructive, which was causing errors in generators with components. `#10183 `_ - Bugfix: Fix the definition of D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI in gcc-like compilers for ``CMakeToolchain`` and ``AutotoolsToolchain``. Define it only to ``D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0`` for new compilers, assuming that the default is already 1. `#10165 `_ 1.43.0 (03-Dec-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Remove `cmake_target_namespace` and `cmake_module_target_namespace` properties. `#10099 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow `CMakeDeps` to set `cmake_target_name` property as an absolute target. `#10099 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add warning in `CMakeDeps` generated CMake files when target names collide. `#10099 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Legacy cmake generators (`cmake_find_package`, `cmake_find_package_multi`) don't listen to new `set_properties` model anymore. `#10098 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: `pkg_config_name` is used as the main name for a package/component and it will be used as the name for the `*.pc` file. `#10084 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added new property`pkg_config_aliases` which admits a list of strings to define different aliases for any package/component. `#10084 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define ``os=baremetal`` in ``settings.yml`` to represent platforms without OS "bare metal". `#10067 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Modern ``tools.gnu.PkgConfig`` to supersede legacy ``tools.PkgConfig``. Includes management of `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` and mapping to a ``cpp_info`` structure `#10065 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``test_requires()`` for 2.0 migration of force_host_context. `#10027 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added C++23 support for Visual Studio and GCC 11.2 one. `#10021 `_ - Feature: Enable ``from conan import ConanFile`` to prepare for future namespace. `#10016 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add backend support to MesonToolchain. `#9990 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix `_FIND_COMPONENTS` CMake generated variable to the correct value associated with the filename, not the package name. `#10098 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Updated the ConanException in installer.py to improve the error message handling. `#10089 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Simplify ``parallel`` definition in new ``conf``, leaving only ``tools.build:jobs``. Use max number of CPUs by default to build in parallel. `#10068 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix the ``msvc`` version model, which is comparison broken with the "main" 19.3 version < 19.22. `#10057 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix the `EnvVar.save_ps1()` method. `#10049 `_ - Fix: CMakeToolchain will not crash if build_type not defined. `#9984 `_ - Fix: Avoid raising an exception for ``conan info --paths`` when there are editables in the graph. `#9944 `_ - Fix: Fix wrong parameter name in CMakeDeps find_library function. `#9932 `_ - Fix: Improve error message when unzipping Conan `.tgz` artifacts. `#9925 `_ - Fix: Respect error code 6 in some situations. `#9905 `_ - Bugfix: Fix parallel package downloading. While downloading conan locks incorrect package ref. `#10038 `_ - Bugfix: Add import for ``CMakeToolchainBlock`` custom Blocks in ``CMakeToolchain``. `#10026 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Option `--require-override` is not working for `conanfile.txt`. `#10013 `_ - Bugfix: Fix unescaped double-quotes for defines in ``Premake`` generator. `#10008 `_ - Bugfix: Use new `tools.cross_building` in MesonToolchain . `#9992 `_ - Bugfix: CMakeDeps generated `*-data.cmake` was not including properly the set of link flags. `#9980 `_ - Bugfix: CMakeDeps was not populating `INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS` to each target. `#9980 `_ - Bugfix: `PkgConfigDeps` was not adding correctly the `Requires` for all the package dependencies. `#9945 `_ - Bugfix: ``user_toolchain`` properly included and path quoted in ``CMakeToolchain``. `#9916 `_ - Bugfix: Solved an issue with the `conan config install` whereby a cryptic error was raised when a user tried to install a directory that previously was a file and vice-versa. `#9908 `_ - Bugfix: Missing framework for Xcode generator with no compiler setting. `#9896 `_ 1.42.2 (22-Nov-2021) -------------------- - Bugfix: Legacy `cmake_multi` generator is not affected by `set_property`. `#10062 `_ 1.42.1 (08-Nov-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Fix XcodeDeps architecture name translation from Conan to Apple identifiers. `#9955 `_ - Bugfix: Fix XcodeDeps bad xcconfig generation when using dash-case-named packages `#9955 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid exception if ``msvc`` compiler not defined in settings.yml file. `#9954 `_ - Bugfix: legacy `cmake` generator is not affected by `set_property`. `#9952 `_ 1.42.0 (29-Oct-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Remove `sdk` condition in _.xcconfig_ files generated by _XcodeDeps_. `#9887 `_ - Feature: Add new Macos version 12.0 (Monterey). `#9886 `_ - Feature: Add `CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` in `CMakeToolchain` if it's set in the conanfile independently from the value of the shared option. `#9868 `_ - Feature: Generate aggregated deactivation file for aggregated environments. `#9862 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: adding preprocessor definitions to ``MSBuildTolchain`` ResourceCompile. `#9843 `_ - Feature: Support `cmake_module_target_name` and `cmake_module_file_name` properties in _cmake_find_package_ generator. `#9832 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define new ``conf["tools.microsoft.msbuild:install_path"]`` for the MSBuild toolchain and remove generation of intel_vars files by ``VCVars``. `#9827 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New Conan _XcodeDeps_ multi-config generator for _Xcode_. `#9807 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Refactor `conan.tools.gnu.pkgconfigdeps` module. `#9806 `_ - Feature: Decoupled ``Environment`` as an abstract environment representation (do not depend on conanfile), and ``EnvVars``, as the specialization for a given conanfile, settings/settings_build, and ``win_bash``. `#9755 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Enabled `patch_string` when using `apply_conandata_patches`. `#9740 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add property "cmake_target_aliases" to create some CMake alias targets using CMakeDeps. `#8533 `_ - Fix: Do not fall back for the property "filename" to target properties, only to legacy "names" definition. `#9894 `_ - Fix: Fix build settings conditional logic to work correctly with Xcode IDE. `#9892 `_ - Fix: Show a more specific error message on 'conan search' when a package version is not valid `#9891 `_ - Fix: Removed the new layout `folders.package` property as it was not clear the value/usage. `#9884 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The "conan package" method now raises an exception when declaring the layout() method. This is part of the migration to Conan 2.0 where the local method "conan package" is removed. `#9884 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Moved experimental LayoutPackager to a `conan.tools.files.AutoPackager` with a new interface. Removed also the `conanfile.patterns` attribute that now is configured directly in the AutoPackager. `#9882 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: When the `layout()` method is declared inside the conanfile.py of a `test-package`, Conan won't generate temporary folders at build/_HASH_ anymore. The build folder will follow the structure declared at the layout() method. `#9882 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix frameworks aggregation in XcodeDeps. `#9881 `_ - Fix: Remove python ``requests`` version from ``User-Agent`` header, it can be problematic sometimes and adds no value. `#9861 `_ - Fix: Change ``MesonToolchain`` to define ``preprocessor_definitions`` as ``[constant]``, because Meson 0.60 now raises errors on it defined in ``[built-in options]``. `#9858 `_ - Fix: Rename ``ConanFileInterface.new_cpp_info`` to ``ConanFileInterface.cpp_info`` (being it a ``NewCppInfo`` object). The `ConanFileInterface` object is only used when accessing `self.dependencies` in a conanfile, so we can make sure that the new develop generators use the final `cpp_info` name. `#9800 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Renamed ``group`` argument in ``Environment`` classes to ``scope``, that can get "build" and "run" values. `#9755 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: New ``win_bash`` behavior failed for dual profile, the new computation of subsystem paths completely depend now on defined settings, but not on ``platform.system()`` or auto-detection. `#9755 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Avoid lockfile raising because of incorrect options when using ``compatible_packages``. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/9591 `#9890 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid VCVars defining ``-vcvars`` argument for VS<=2015. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/9888 `#9889 `_ - Bugfix: Respect the previous value of ``sys.dont_write_bytecode``. `#9865 `_ - Bugfix: :command:`conan export-pkg` now raises an error (ConanInvalidConfiguration exception) if the ``validate()`` method raise that error and results in an invalid `package_id`. `#9818 `_ - Bugfix: Respect the ``build_policy="never"`` even for ``--build=missing`` cli argument. `#9817 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid crash in ``CMakeToolchain`` for custom generator when compiler is not defined. `#9801 `_ - Bugfix: Do not force new authentication when a token is expired, it might not be needed. `#9781 `_ - Bugfix: The CMakeToolchain generator always sets fPIC enabled due to a typo where the actual parameter is not templated but instead hard-coded as `ON`. `#9752 `_ - Bugfix: The path to a patch file in a `conandata.yml` is also relative to the base source folder when the patches are not associated with a version (list of patches). `#9740 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.41.0 (06-Oct-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Added `IntelCC` as public generator. `#9747 `_ . Docs `here `__ - feature: Prepare ``conan.tools.files download, get, ftp_download`` for adoption. `#9715 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support multiple toolchains in one recipe. `#9688 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: ``MSBuildDeps`` generator learned how to handle ``build_requires`` to use executables from them. `#9686 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: ``PkgConfig`` helper now honors `PKG_CONFIG` environment variable. `#9627 `_ - Feature: Make new environment generators multi-config (Release/Debug and arch). `#9543 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Environment ``activate`` scripts will generate ``deactivate`` scripts by default. `#9539 `_ - Feature: Support remote archives other than zip in ``conan config install``. `#9530 `_ - Feature: New "compiler" `intel-cc` with different modes (icx, dpcpp, classic) for Intel oneAPI. `#9522 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add Intel oneAPI support for `CMakeToolChain`, `MSBuildToolchain` and `VCVars`. `#9522 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add objects attribute to the cpp_info so that we can add object files to the linker without having to add those mixed with linker flags. `#9520 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New settings: _xtensalx6_ and _xtensalx106_ for ESP32/ESP8266 platforms. `#7977 `_ - Fix: New environment deactivate scripts fail in Windows because env-var different casing. `#9741 `_ - Fix: Avoid "overcrowding" Windows environment variables with `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`, not used in Windows. `#9678 `_ - Fix: Command :command:`conan package` now works for new ``layout()`` with generators folder. `#9674 `_ - Fix: Don't just print "ERROR: True" on unresolvable conflict. `#9624 `_ - Fix: Fix migrations settings comparison. `#9615 `_ - Fix: Removed unused ``future`` dependency from Python ``requirements.txt``. `#9563 `_ - Fix: Make automatic call of ``VirtualBuildEnv`` and ``VirtualRunEnv`` independent. `#9543 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: ``generator_folder`` was using the ``cwd`` instead of a relative folder to the conanfile, producing layout errors. `#9668 `_ - Bugfix: Support components with symbolic imports. `#9667 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``conan.tools.files.patch`` bug with ``strip`` argument. `#9653 `_ - Bugfix: Add support for Xcode 13/Apple clang 13.0 `#9642 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed bad `Requires` declaration in `*.pc` files. `#9635 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed bug whereby when a conflict of requirements happens, in some special situations, just a message `ERROR: True` was printed in the terminal, making it hard to guess what was going on. `#9633 `_ - BugFix: Fixed a bug where using the new `layout()` the `exports` went to the `conanfile.source_folder` instead of the base source folder in the cache and only the `exports_sources` should go there. `#9536 `_ 1.40.4 (05-Oct-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Check current _cacert.pem_ file when updating Conan and only migrate if the user has not modified the file. If the local file is modified then create a new cacert file but don't overwrite current. `#9734 `_ - Fix: Update Conan debian package to fix ssl certificates problem. `#9723 `_ 1.40.3 (30-Sept-2021) --------------------- - Bugfix: Added root certificate for Let's encrypt. `#9697 `_ 1.40.2 (21-Sept-2021) --------------------- - Bugfix: Add support for Xcode 13/Apple clang 13.0 `#9643 `_ 1.40.1 (14-Sept-2021) --------------------- - Feature: Change default `cmake_layout()` source folder from 'src' to '.' `#9596 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Recovered `base_path` argument for `conan.tools.files.patch` and `conan.tools.files.apply_conandata_patches` to be able to specify a relative folder from the `conanfile.source_folder` directory (that follows the layout() method). `#9593 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Allow user definition of `CMAKE_XXX_INIT` variables in user toolchains when using `CMakeToolchain`. `#9576 `_ - Fix: Upgrade minimum ``requests>=2.25`` in requirements.txt to make it compatible with latest upgrade of ``urllib3`` to 1.26.6 `#9562 `_ - Bugfix: Aggregate `[conf]` from `build_requires` earlier so it is available for generators declared as `generators`. attribute. Close https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/9571 `#9573 `_ - Bugfix: The qmake generator now assigns `QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHLIB` and `QMAKE_LFLAGS_APP` variables instead of the incorrect `QMAKE_LFLAGS` following the official docs. `#9568 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.40.0 (06-Sept-2021) --------------------- - Feature: Update :command:`conan new` modern templates ``--template=cmake_lib`` and ``--template=cmake_exe``. `#9516 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduced a new cpp_info property `cmake_target_namespace` to declare the target namespace for the `CMakeDeps` generator. This feature allows declaring a global target with a different namespace like `Foo::Bar`. `#9513 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Detect Visual Studio 2022 as `msvc`. `#9504 `_ - Feature: Add Clang 13 support. `#9502 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Testing support for Windows CMake + Clang (independent LLVM, not VS) + Ninja/MinGW builds, and CMake + Clang (Visual Studio 16 internal LLVM 11 via ClangCL toolset). `#9477 `_ - Feature: Provide new ``[conf]`` ``core:default_build_profile`` to enable the usage of the build profile as default, and to allow definition of the host profile default in new ``[conf]`` ``core:default_profile``. `#9468 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: **CMakeToolchain** new member `find_builddirs` defaulted to `True` to add the `cpp_info.builddirs` from the requirements to the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/CMAKE_MODULE_PATH`. That would allow finding the config files packaged and to be able to `include()` them from the consumer `CMakeLists.txt`. `#9455 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: **CMakeDeps**. Added a new property `cmake_find_mode` with possible values to `config`(default), `module`, `both` or `none` to control the files to be generated from a package itself. The `none` replaces the current `skip_deps_file` property. `#9455 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: **CMakeDeps**: Added two new properties `cmake_module_file_name` and `cmake_module_target_name`, analog to `cmake_file_name` and `cmake_target_name`, but to configure the name of `FindXXX.cmake` file and the target declared inside. `#9455 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Remove `conan-center` (https://conan.bintray.com) default remote. `#9401 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implement round trip new profile ``[buildenv]`` section, necessary for lockfiles, and specially stdout printing. `#9320 `_ - Feature: Allow ``-o &:option=value`` wildcard for consumer, too, same it was done for settings in 1.39 `#9316 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Adding management of private dependencies, via new ``visible`` trait compatible with 2.0 for new ``CMakeDeps`` and ``MSBuildDeps``. `#9517 `_ - Fix: Remove unused ``deprecation`` pip dependency `#9478 `_ - Fix: Upgrade ``distro`` dependency to allow 1.6.0 `#9462 `_ - Fix: Make :command:`conan remove` accept package reference syntax. `#9459 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fixed old CMake build helper to cross-build to iOS when two profiles are specified. `#9437 `_ - Fix: Fix :command:`conan export` typo in help message. `#9408 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Relax python six dependency to allow 1.16 `#9407 `_ - Fix: Bump urllib3 version to 1.26.6 `#9405 `_ - Fix: The new `Autotools` build helper accepts a `build_script_folder ` argument in the `configure()` method to specify are subfolder where the configure script is. `#9393 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Use `frameworks` in Premake generator. `#9371 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The tool `conan.tools.files.apply_conandata_patches` will use the root source folder to find the patch file and the tool `conan.tools.files.patch` will take the current source folder declared in the `layout()` method to know where is the source to apply the patches. `#9361 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Avoid checking other remotes when ``-r=remote`` is defined and revisions are activated and binary is not found in the defined remote. `#9355 `_ - Bugfix: Setting the `CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` variable as a cache entry. `#9498 `_ - BugFix: Use topological ordering to define `VirtualBuildEnv` composition and precedence of appending variables. `#9491 `_ - Bugfix: Bazel build files have an extra `]` if there are no dependencies. `#9480 `_ - Bugfix: Add AlmaLinux to `with_yum`. `#9463 `_ - Bugfix: **CMakeToolchain**. Fixed a bugfix whereby a variable declared at the `.variables` containing a boolean ended at CMake with a quoted `"True"` or `"False"` values, instead of `ON` / `OFF` `#9455 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fixed bug whereby Conan failed when using `compiler=gcc` with `compiler.version=5` (without specifying a minor version) and `compiler.cppstd=17`. `#9431 `_ - Bugfix: No verbose traceback was been printed for `conanfile.layout()` method. `#9384 `_ - Bugfix: Fix Bazel `cc_library`: `deps` and `linkopts`. `#9381 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed bug whereby using new `layout()` method together with `cppinfo.components` in the `package_info` method caused an exception. `#9360 `_ - Bugfix: Fix `PkgConfigDeps` that was failing in the case of components with requirements. `#9341 `_ 1.39.0 (27-Jul-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Use `CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` to get `-version-min` set in _CMakeToolchain_. `#9301 `_ - Feature: Display ``python_requires`` information in the :command:`conan info` output. `#9290 `_ - Feature: Now it is possible to define settings for a downstream consumer using `-s &:setting=value` or the same syntax in the profile even if the consumer is a `conanfile.txt` or a `conanfile.py` not declaring a name. e.g: Building a Debug application with Release dependencies: `-s build_type=Release -s &:build_type=Debug` `#9267 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `AutotoolsDeps` allows to alter the generated environment corresponding to the information read from the dependencies before calling the `generate()` method. `#9256 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: new `remove` and `items` methods for the `Environment` objects. `#9256 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `VCVars` generator that generates a `conanvcvars.bat` that activates the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt. `#9230 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Skip build helper test and using [conf]. `#9218 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implement a new ``requires = "pkg/(alias)"`` syntax to be able to disambiguate alias requirements and resolve them earlier in the flow, solving some limitations of the previous alias definition. This approach is intended to be the one in Conan 2.0 (issue backported from https://github.com/conan-io/tribe/pull/25). `#9217 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduce the ``-require-override`` argument to define dependency overrides directly on command line. `#9195 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New `self.win_bash` mechanism to enable running commands in a bash shell in Windows. It works only with the new environment definition from the dependencies (`env_buildinfo` and `run_buildinfo`) as long as the new `AutotoolsToolchain`, `AutotoolsDeps` and `Autotools` build helper. It supports automatic conversion of the environment variables values declared as "path" according to the declared subsystem in the conf `tools.win.bash:subsystem`, that is not being auto-detected anymore. `#9194 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: A unique environment launcher (`conanenv.bat/sh`) is generated to aggregate all the environment generators (`VirtualRunEnv`, `VirtualBuildEnv`, `AutotoolsToolchain` and `AutotoolsDeps`) that had been generated so the user can easily activate all of them with one command. `#9161 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use _CMake_ File API. `#9005 `_ - Fix: Add ``bindirs`` definition to ``cmake_layout()``. `#9276 `_ - Fix: Improve error message when ``conan search `` a package in editable mode. `#9262 `_ - Fix: Add ``options`` to ``conanfile.dependencies`` model. `#9258 `_ - Fix: Fix _CMake_ rejecting library name with special characters. `#9245 `_ - Fix: Use filename `[PKG-NAME]-[COMP-NAME]` for `PkgConfigDeps`. `#9228 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Saving all the toolchain args information into `conanbuild.conf` instead of json file. `#9225 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Added warning in the new toolchains (the used in the generate() method) if no build profile is being used. `#9206 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Implemented check that will raise an error in the `CMakeDeps` generator when using the `build_context_activated`, `build_context_suffix` or `build_context_build_modules` attributes if no build profile is being used. `#9206 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The`CMakeDeps` generator will check if the targets specified in the `find_package(foo components x y z)` exist instead of checking against an internal variable. Also, this check will be done at the end of the `xxx-config.cmake` so any included `build_module` can declare the needed targets. `#9206 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Consistent help message for conan profile (sub-command part). `#9204 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Consistently put short arguments (-a) before long ones (--args). `#9199 `_ - Fix: `CC=clang` `--gcc-toolchain` is now identified as _clang_. `#9198 `_ - Fix: The new `VirtualEnv` generator has been split into `VirtualRunEnv` and `VirtualBuildEnv`. Both are automatically generated as before but only `VirtualBuildEnv` will be activated by default. `#9161 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fixing ``workspace install`` when conanfile has ``imports()``. `#9281 `_ - Bugfix: Fix QbsProfile toolchain ``qbs.architecture`` KeyError. `#9192 `_ - Bugfix: Do not define CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET in CMakeToolchain for Ninja generator, and define it in ``vcvars_ver`` instead. `#9187 `_ - BugFix: ``build_requires`` in host context, like gtest, are being propagated downstream by generators in the ``dependencies`` model. `#9171 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix that overridden requirements _"cannot be found in lockfile"_. `#8907 `_ 1.38.0 (30-Jun-2021) -------------------- - Feature: New ``PkgConfigDeps`` generator. `#9152 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Proposal of jinja2 templates for profiles. `#9147 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED` in _CMakeToolchain_. `#9144 `_ - Feature: Add ``context`` information to :command:`conan info` output both to stdout and json outputs. `#9137 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Improved the new `AutotoolsToolchain`, `AutotoolsDeps` and `Autotools` build helper. `#9131 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Initial cross-build support in ``CMakeToolchain`` with definition of ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME``, ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR`` and ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION``, deduced from ``self.settings_build`` (only using the 2 profiles) and from new ``[conf]`` items. `#9115 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Easier access to modify or update context values in ``CMakeToolchain`` blocks. `#9109 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide `[conf]` command line support. `#9103 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added support for using server config from a custom location, setting `CONAN_SERVER_HOME` env variable or using `-d` or `--server_dir` flag when launching the server with `conan_server` command. `#9099 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support for `CMakeDeps` generator of a new property `"skip_deps_file"` to be declared in the `cpp_info` of a package to skip creating `xxx-config.cmake` files for it, allowing to create "system wrapper" recipes easily. `#9087 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``conanfile.dependencies`` model, using a dict {requirement: ConanFileInterface} to prepare for Conan 2.0. `#9062 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow a explicit ``requires = "pkg..#recipe_revision"`` to update cache revision without ``--update``. `#9058 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``cmake_layout()`` layout helper to define a multi-platform CMake layout that will work for different generators (ninja, xcode, visual, unix), and is multi-config. `#9057 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `conan_toolchain.cmake` now includes `xxx_DIR` variables for the dependencies to ease the `find_package` mechanism to locate them. The declaration of these directories is a must when cross-building in OSX where CMake ignores `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` and `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` to look only at the system framework directories. `#9032 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide access in the recipes to the environment declared with the [new environment system](https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/reference/conanfile/tools/env.html). `#9030 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix Bazel build string defines. `#9139 `_ - Fix: Fixed behavior in the `self.folders` feature whereby the sources saved or downloaded inside the `source(self)` were saved at the `self.folders.source` folder. But `self.folders.source` is intended to describe where the sources are instead of forcing where the sources are saved. `#9124 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Properly generate qbs profile for msvc. `#9122 `_ - Fix: Configuration general.user_home_short works with "None" value. `#9118 `_ - Fix: Avoid ``CMakeToolchain`` to generate OSX and Apple config for non Apple builds. `#9107 `_ - Fix: The new `MesonToolchain` now takes the declared environment variables (`CC`, `CXX`...) from build-requires and profiles to set the variables `c`, `cpp`, `c_ld`, `cpp_ld` etc, into the `conan_meson_native.ini` `#8353 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Added new `preprocessor_definitions` to new Meson build helper. `#8353 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: The new `MesonToolchain` now allows adjusting any variable before generating the `conan_meson_native.ini` file. `#8353 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Disabled remotes shouldn't fail if not used at all `#9184 `_ - BugFix: ``ConanFileDependencies.build["dep"]`` was retrieving the ``host`` dependency if existing, or failing otherwise, because the default requires was hardcoded to fetch the host (build=False) dependency. `#9148 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Now, `conan profile {show, update, get, remove}` is working fine with new experimental `[conf]` section. `#9114 `_ 1.37.2 (14-Jun-2021) -------------------- - Bugfix: Avoid crash when using ``--lockfile`` with the :command:`conan test` command. `#9089 `_ - Bugfix: The `CMakeDeps` generator variables were named wrongly when a component had the same name as the package. `#9073 `_ 1.37.1 (08-Jun-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Update the experimental ``conan new ... -m=v2_cmake`` template to start using the new ``layout()`` basic info. `#9053 `_ - Fix: Do not fail in ``CMakeDeps`` when there are ``build_requires`` with same name as host requires, unless ``build_context_activated`` is enabled for those and a different suffix has not been defined. `#9046 `_ - Fix: When using the new `self.folders.source` (at `layout(self)` method) the sources (from `export`, `export_sources` and `scm`) are copied to the base source folder and not to the `self.folders.source` that is intended to describe where the sources are after fetching them. `#9043 `_ . Docs `here `__ - BugFix: Do not quote all values and allow integer and macro referencing in ``MSBuildToolchain.preprocessor_definitions`` `#9056 `_ - Bugfix: The new generators like `CMakeDeps` and `CMakeToolchain`write the generated files defaulting to the `install folder` if no `self.folders.generators` is specified in the `layout()` method. `#9050 `_ - Bugfix: The `CMakeToolchain` generator now manages correctly a recipe without `arch` declared in an Apple system. `#9045 `_ 1.37.0 (31-May-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Remove ``CMAKE_SKIP_RPATHS`` by default to True in ``CMakeToolchain``, it is not necessary by default, users can opt-in, and new test validates shared libs will work with ``VirtualEnv`` generator ``conanrunenv``. `#9024 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: simplified ``CMakeToolchain`` with only 1 category of blocks, made ``try-compile`` template code as another block, and reordered blocks so relevant flags for try-compile are taken into account. `#9009 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new default `conancenter` remote for `https://center.conan.io` as first in the list. `#8999 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implements a new experimental ``conan.tools.google`` Bazel integration with ``BazelDeps``, ``BazelToolchain`` and ``Bazel``. `#8991 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduced new options for the `CMakeDeps` generator allowing to manage `build_requires` even declaring the same package as a `require` and `build_require` avoiding the collision of the `config` cmake files and enabling to specify which `build_modules` should be included (e.g protobuf issue) `#8985 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Expand user-agent string to include OS info. `#8947 `_ - Feature: Implement ``build_policy=never`` for :command:`conan export-pkg` packages that cannot be rebuilt with ``--build=xxx``. `#8946 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define ``[conf]`` for defining the user toolchain for ``CMakeToolchain``, both for injecting a user toolchain in the ``CMakeToolchain`` generated ``conan_toolchain.cmake`` and for completely replacing ``conan_toolchain.cmake``. `#8945 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: add GCC 11 to _settings.yml_. `#8924 `_ - Feature: Add new `tools.rename()` interface. `#8915 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Update urlib3 Conan dependency setting version `>=1.25.8` to avoid CVE-2020-7212. `#8914 `_ - Feature: Build-requires can define [conf] for its consumers. `#8895 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: support M1 Catalyst. `#8818 `_ - Feature: New ``conan install --build-require`` and ``conan create --build-require`` (when not using ``test_package``) arguments to explicitly define that the installed or created package has to be a ``build-require``, receiving the build profile instead of the host one. `#8627 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduced the `layout()` method to the recipe to be able to declare the folder structure both for the local development methods (conan source, conan build...) and in the cache. Also, associated to the folders, cppinfo objects to be used in editable packages and file pattern descriptions to enable "auto packaging". `#8554 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: **CMakeDeps** generator: The transitive requirements for a build_require are not included in the `xxx-config.cmake` files generated. `#9015 `_ - Fix: The `CMakeToolchain` now supports Apple M1 cross-building with a profile without environment declared pointing to the system toolchain. `#9011 `_ - Fix: Set `env_info.DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH` correctly. `#8984 `_ - Fix: Fix some typos in the code. `#8977 `_ - Fix: Improve error message when a directory doesn't contain a valid repository. `#8956 `_ - Fix: The `build_modules` defined per generator in `cpp_info` now are rendered properly using the `markdown` generator. `#8942 `_ - Fix: Simplify code access to [conf] variables removing attribute based access. `#8901 `_ - Bugfix: Prevent unintended evil insertions into metadata.json resulted in corrupted package and inability to install. `#9022 `_ - Bugfix: Allow ``MSBuildDeps`` to correctly process packages with dots in the package name. `#9012 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid errors because of ``package_id`` mismatch in lockfiles when using ``compatible_packages`` feature. `#9008 `_ - BugFix: Respect order of declared directories when using components. `#8927 `_ - Bugfix: Raise an exception when response header `Content-type` is different than `application/json` or `application/json; charset=utf-8`. `#8912 `_ - Bugfix: Fix exception in CMakeToolchain when settings remove known compilers. `#8900 `_ - Bugfix: Fix current directory definition in ``vcvars`` commands in new toolchains. `#8899 `_ - Bugfix: AptTool: add repo key before running apt-add-repository. `#8861 `_ - BugFix: Prevent evil insertions into metadata.json resulted in corrupted package and inability to install. `#8532 `_ 1.36.0 (28-Apr-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Add support to ``tools.cmake.CMake`` for Ninja toolchain defined with ``CMakeToolchain``. `#8887 `_ - Feature: The `CMakeDeps` generator will print CMake traces with the declared targets. e.g: `Target declared: 'OpenSSL::Crypto'`. `#8843 `_ - Feature: Add clang 12 support. `#8828 `_ - Feature: List tools and core from profile and _global.conf_. `#8821 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add cross-building tests for new AutoTools build helper. `#8819 `_ - Feature: ``CMakeToolchain`` generates a ``conanbuild.json`` file with the generator to be used in the ``CMake`` command line later, so it is not necessary to duplicate logic, and is explicit what generator should be used. `#8815 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: ``CMakeToolchain`` learned to build with different toolsets, down to the minor compiler version, for the ``msvc`` compiler. `#8815 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Validate checksum and retry download for corrupted downloaded cache files. `#8806 `_ - Feature: ``CMakeToolchain`` defining `CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET` for msvc version different than the default. `#8800 `_ - Feature: Implement ``test_build_require`` in ``test_package/conanfile.py`` recipes, so build_requires can be tested as such. `#8787 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Make available the full recipe and package reference to consumers via ``.dependencies``. `#8765 `_ - Feature: New ``CMakeToolchain`` customization and extensibility mechanism with blocks of components instead of inheritance. `#8749 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `set_property` and `get_property` to set properties and access them in generators. Can be set only for a specific generator or as a default value for all of them. `#8727 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use `set_property` and `get_property` to support custom defined content in `pkg_config` generator. `#8727 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new property names: `cmake_target_name`, `cmake_file_name`, `pkg_config_name` and `cmake_build_modules` that can be used for multiple generators of the same type allowing also an easier migration of `names`, `filenames` and `build_modules` properties to this model. `#8727 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Skip package when building all package from sources at once using `--build=!` syntax. `#8483 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: ``CMakeToolchain`` will generate ``conanvcvars.bat`` for Ninja builds for ``msvc``. `#8005 `_ - Fix: Remove ``tools.gnu.MakeToolchain``, superseded by ``tools.gnu.AutotoolsToolchain``. `#8880 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Allow spaces in the path for new environment files and ``conancvvars.bat`` Visual toolchain file. `#8847 `_ - Fix: Return `deprecated` attribute in :command:`conan inspect` command. `#8832 `_ - Fix: Check if Artifactory url for publishing the build_info has `artifactory` string as the service context and remove from the API url if it doesn't. `#8826 `_ - Fix: Recognize ``Ninja Multi-Config`` as a CMake multi-configuration generator. `#8814 `_ - Fix: using `CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR` in `CMakeToolchain` to locate `CMakeDeps` config files. `#8810 `_ - Fix: `config_install_interval` no longer enter in loop when invalid. `#8769 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove multi-config support for ``CMakeDeps`` generator. `#8767 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Accept relative profile path when folder is on same tree level. `#8685 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fixed test_package/conanfile.py using ``build_requires`` for a package belonging to a lockfile. `#8793 `_ 1.35.2 (19-Apr-2021) -------------------- - Bugfix: Revert regression that replaces first ``/`` by ``-`` in ``cpp_info.xxxxlinkflags`` in _CMake_ generators because it can break passing objects and other paths that start with ``/``. `#8812 `_ 1.35.1 (13-Apr-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Avoid breaking users calling forbidden private api ``conanfile.__init__``. `#8746 `_ - Bugfix: Fix opensuse SystemPackageTools incorrectly using apt-get when zypper-aptitude. `#8747 `_ - Bugfix: Fix linker flags in cmake (find_package based) generators. `#8740 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed bug in transitive build_requires of MSBuildDeps. `#8734 `_ 1.35.0 (30-Mar-2021) -------------------- - Feature: ``MSBuildDeps`` generator uses new visitor model and handles conditional requirements correctly. `#8733 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: CMake toolchain supports include_guard() feature `#8728 `_ - Feature: New ``conan lock bundle clean-modified`` command. `#8726 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use ``conancvvars.bat`` file for Meson toolchain `#8719 `_ - Feature: Allow arbitrary defines in :command:`conan new` templates. `#8718 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Automatically handle `CONAN_RUN_TESTS` to avoid extra boilerplate. `#8687 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: More fine-grained control (using [conf]) for build parallelization. `#8665 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for testing with different tools versions. `#8656 `_ - Feature: Add different CMake versions for testing. `#8656 `_ - Feature: Move the definition of CMakeDeps variables to its own file `#8655 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `conan.tools.files.patch` to apply a single patch (new interface for legacy `conans.tools.patch` function. `#8650 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Added `conan.tools.files.apply_conandata_patches` to apply patches defined in `conandata.yml`. `#8650 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow integers as ``preprocessor_definitions`` in ``CMakeToolchain``. `#8645 `_ - Feature: New ``Environment`` model for recipes and profiles `#8630 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Do not remove sh from the path in the new CMake helper. `#8625 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow definition of custom Visual Studio version for msvc compiler in MSBuild helpers. `#8603 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: MSBuildToolchain creates conanvcvars.bat containing vcvars command for command line building. `#8603 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Set `CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG=ON`. `#8599 `_ - Feature: Include the recipe name when constrained settings prevent install. `#8559 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Create new conan.tools.files for 2.0. `#8550 `_ - Feature: New AutotoolsDeps, AutotoolsToolchain helpers in conan.tools.gnu `#8457 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Experimental ``conan lock install`` that can install a lockfile in the cache, all the binaries or only the recipes with ``--recipes``, intended for CI flows. `#8021 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix incorrect output of ``default_user`` and ``default_channel`` in ``export``. `#8732 `_ - Fix: remotes not being loaded for the :command:`conan alias` command, which was preventing :command:`conan alias` from working if python_requires is used. `#8704 `_ - Fix: Improve error message for ``lock create`` providing a path instead of full path with filename. `#8695 `_ - Fix: Rename `tools.microsoft:msbuild_verbosity` to `tools.microsoft.msbuild:verbosity` `#8692 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Simplifications to ``CMakeDeps`` generator to remove legacy code. `#8666 `_ - Fix: Add dirty management in download cache, so interrupted downloads doesn't need a manual cleaning of such download cache. `#8664 `_ - Fix: Build helper qbs install now installs directly into package_folder. `#8660 `_ - Fix: Allow arbitrary template structure. `#8641 `_ - Fix: Restoring the behavior that `exports` and `exports_sources` were case sensitive by default. `#8585 `_ - Fix: Remove default dummy value for iOS XCode signature. `#8576 `_ - Fix: Do not order Settings lists, so error messages are in declared order. `#8573 `_ - BugFix: Command :command:`conan new` accepts short reference with address sign. `#8721 `_ - Bugfix: Fix profile definitions of env-vars per-package using patterns, not only the package name. `#8688 `_ - Bugfix: Preserve the explicit value `None` for SCM attributes if the default is a different value. `#8622 `_ - Bugfix: Properly detect Amazon Linux 2 distro. `#8612 `_ - Bugfix: Fix config install not working when .git* folder is in the path. `#8605 `_ - Bugfix: Fix: Transitive python requires not working with the new syntax. `#8604 `_ 1.34.1 (10-Mar-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Allow ``cmake_find_package_multi`` and ``CMakeDeps`` to be aliases for ``cpp_info.names`` and ``cpp_info.filenames`` to allow easy migration. `#8568 `_ - Bugfix: Restoring the behavior that `exports` and `exports_sources` were case sensitive by default. `#8621 `_ - BugFix: Solved issues with already existing packages appearing in ``conan lock bundle build-order``. `#8579 `_ 1.34.0 (26-Feb-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Add `path` and `repository` properties to conan_build_info v2. `#8436 `_ - Feature: Setting _conan_ as name for `buildAgent` in `conan_build_info`. `#8433 `_ - Feature: Using actual conan version in version for `buildAgent` in `conan_build_info` instead of 1.X. `#8433 `_ - Feature: Add `type` _conan_ to Conan build info modules. `#8433 `_ - Feature: Add ``scm`` output in :command:`conan info` command. `#8380 `_ - Feature: Forked ``cmake_find_package_multi`` into ``CMakeDeps``, to allow evolution without breaking. `#8371 `_ - Feature: Use built-in retries in requests lib to retry http requests with _5xx_ response code. `#8352 `_ - Feature: New lockfile "bundle" feature that can integrate different lockfiles for different configurations and different graphs into a single lockfile bundle that can be used to vastly optimize CI (specially for multiple products), implementing bundle build-order and bundle update operations. `#8344 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Renamed generator `QbsToolchain` to `QbsProfile`. `#8537 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Renamed default filename of _QbsProfile_ generated file to _conan_toolchain_profile_.qbs. `#8537 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Renamed Qbs attribute `use_toolchain_profile` to `profile`. `#8537 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove extra spaces in flags and colons in path variables. `#8496 `_ - Fix: `conan_v2_error` if `scm_to_conandata` is not enabled. `#8447 `_ - Fix: `CONAN_V2_MODE` env-var does not longer alter behavior, only raises errors for Conan 2.0 incompatibilities `#8399 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: meson : Add target and jobs arguments. `#8384 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Set `qbs.targetPlatform` with qbs toolchain. `#8372 `_ - Fix: Remove warnings for old toolchains imports and ``generate_toolchain_files()`` calls (use new imports and ``generate()`` calls. `#8361 `_ - BugFix: Improve `tools.unix_path` for Cygwin. `#8509 `_ - BugFix: Allow `run_in_windows_bash` in MSYS/Cygwin. `#8506 `_ - BugFix: Add some sanity check to avoid a vague error for custom architectures. `#8502 `_ - BugFix: Fix Apple M1 detection. `#8501 `_ - Bugfix: Fix repeated ``build_requires``, including conflicting versions in profile composition or inclusion that repeats ``[build_requires]`` values. `#8463 `_ - Bugfix: Fixing a `CMakeDeps` bug with components, not finding the _conan_macros.cmake_ file. `#8445 `_ - Bugfix: Fix exit code for `conan_build_info`. `#8408 `_ 1.33.1 (02-Feb-2021) -------------------- - Fix: Rename _conan.cfg_ to _global.conf_. `#8422 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Make CMakeDeps generator available in declarative mode ``generators = "CMakeDeps"`` `#8416 `_ - Fix: Make the new Macos subsystem Catalyst lowercase to be consistent with existing subsystems. `#8389 `_ . Docs `here `__ - BugFix: Fix Apple Catalyst flags. `#8389 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.33.0 (20-Jan-2021) -------------------- - Feature: Introducing a new ``[conf]`` section in profiles that allows a more systematic configuration management for recipes and helpers (build helpers, toolchains). Introducing a new ``conan_conf.txt`` cache configuration file that contains configuration definition with the same syntax as in profiles. `#8266 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add Apple Catalyst support (as new os.subsystem) `#8264 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add os.sdk sub-settings for Apple `#8263 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Provide support for ``msvc`` compiler in ``MSBuild`` tools `#8238 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Specify build modules by the generator in `cpp_info`. Added backwards compatibility for `*.cmake` build modules added at global scope, but not for other file extensions. `#8232 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: The `tools.get`, `tools.unzip` and `tools.untargz` now accept a new argument `strip_root=True` to unzip moving all the files to the parent folder when all of them belongs to a single folder. `#8208 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add new ``msvc`` compiler setting and preliminary support in ``conan.tools.cmake`` generator and toolchain. `#8201 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: ``CMakeDeps`` now takes values for configurations from ``settings.yml``. `#8194 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implement ``ConanXXXRootFolder`` in ``MSBuildDeps`` generator. `#8177 `_ - Feature: Add _Meson_ build helper. `#8147 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `QbsToolchain` and a Qbs build helper class (currently working for Mcus, not for Android or iOS). `#8125 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add e2k (elbrus) architectures and mcst-lcc compiler `#8032 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``CMakeDeps`` generator (at the moment is the ``cmake_find_package_multi``, that allows custom configurations, like ``ReleaseShared``. `#8024 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow ``MSBuildToolchain`` custom configurations in ``generate()`` method. `#7754 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fixed help message in command `conan remove --outdated` with reference or pattern `#8350 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Do not define CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM and CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET in the ``CMakeToolchain`` file unless the CMake generator is "Visual Studio". Fix https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/7485 `#8333 `_ - Fix: Remove spurious '-find' argument to XCodes xcrun tool. `#8329 `_ - Fix: Update pylint plugin, some fields are now available in the base `ConanFile`. `#8320 `_ - Fix: Remove PyJWT deprecation warning by adding explicitly ``algorithms`` argument. `#8267 `_ - Fix: CMake's generator name for Visual Studio compiler uses only the major version. `#8257 `_ - Fix: Remove nosetests support, now using pytest for the test suite. `#8253 `_ - Fix: Remove `CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE` in `CMakeToolchain`, no longer necessary as the MSVC runtime can be defined with a generator expression in the toolchain. `#8251 `_ - Fix: Temporarily allow ``cmake_paths`` generator for ``CMakeToolchain``, to allow start using the toolchain for users that depend on that generator. `#8230 `_ - Fix: Let CMake generator generate code for checking against "ClangCL" msvc toolset. `#8218 `_ - Fix: Include ``build_requires`` in the global ``conandeps.props`` file generated by MSBuildDeps. `#8186 `_ - Fix: Change `MSBuildDeps` file ``conan_deps.props`` to ``conandeps.props`` to avoid collision with a package named "deps". `#8186 `_ - Fix: Throw error when the recipe description is not a string. `#8143 `_ - Fix: Inject build modules after CMake targets are created `#8130 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Define ``package_folder`` in the ``test_package`` folder (defaulting to "package"), so the test recipe can execute ``cmake.install()`` in its ``build()`` method. `#8117 `_ - Fix: Remove the downloaded file if it doesn't satisfy provided checksums (modifies `tools.download`). `#8116 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Solved ``assert node.package_id != PACKAGE_ID_UNKNOWN`` assertion that happened when using ``build_requires`` that also exist in ``requires``, and using ``package_revision_mode`` and ``full_transitive_package_id=1`` `#8358 `_ - BugFix: Fix SCM user and password by making them url-encoded `#8355 `_ - Bugfix: Fix bug in definition of ``ROOT`` variables in ``MakeGenerator``. `#8301 `_ - BugFix: fix `-j` being passed to _NMake_ in `AutotoolsBuildEnvironment`. `#8285 `_ - BugFix: Fix per-package settings exact match for packages without user/channel. `#8281 `_ - BugFix: Fix detected_architecture() for Apple M1, mapping to ``armv8`` (from returned ``arm64``). `#8262 `_ - Bugfix: Make prompt names unique when using multiple virtualenv scripts in Powershell. `#8228 `_ - Bugfix: Fix when _conandata.yml_ is empty and `scm_to_conandata` is enabled `#8215 `_ - Bugfix: Removed a reference to deprecated `FlagsForFile` function in place of current `Settings` function. `#8167 `_ - Bugfix: Add test for AutoToolsBuildEnvironment on Apple platforms `#8118 `_ - Bugfix: Change the `rpath_flags` flag to always use the comma separator instead of "=", because the current behaviour causes linker error messages when attempting to cross-compile to Mac OS, and the comma separator is accepted everywhere. `#7716 `_ 1.32.1 (15-Dec-2020) -------------------- - Bugfix: Avoid conflict of user custom generators names with new generators. `#8183 `_ - Bugfix: Fix errors when using ``conan info --paths`` and ``short_paths=True`` in Windows, due to creation of empty folders in the short-paths storage. `#8181 `_ - Bugfix: ``conan new /version -t`` wrong include when not using ``-s`` (using the hardcoded git repo). `#8175 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``excludes`` pattern case-insensitive in non Windows platforms. `#8155 `_ - Bugfix: Enabling set_name, set_version for lockfile roo not location. `#8151 `_ 1.32.0 (03-Dec-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Generate `-config.cmake` files for lowercase packages to improve case compatibility. `#8129 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add meson cross-build toolchain. `#8111 `_ - Feature: Temporary acquire write permissions in `replace_in_file`. `#8107 `_ - Feature: Update :command:`conan new` to latest guidelines. `#8106 `_ - Feature: Deprecate experimental ``toolchain()`` in favor of more generic ``generate()`` method. Deprecate toolchains ``write_toolchain_files()`` to new ``generate()`` method. `#8101 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Move the ``CMakeToolchain`` and new ``CMake`` experimental helpers to the new ``from conan.tools.cmake`` import. `#8096 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Move the ``MSBuildToolchain`` and new ``MSBuild`` experimental helpers to the new ``from conan.tools.microsoft`` import. `#8096 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Move the ``MakeToolchain`` experimental helper to the new ``from conan.tools.gnu`` import. `#8096 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``conan remote list_ref --no-remote`` to list recipes without a remote defined. `#8094 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``conan remote list_pref --no-remote`` to list packages without a remote defined. `#8094 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``--lockfile-node-id`` argument to ``conan install --lockfile`` so it can target different packages with same reference (different binary, this can happen with private requirements). `#8077 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Proof that ``python_requires`` can be used (as a workaround) to affect the ``package_id`` of consumers of ``build_requires`` that otherwise will not be rebuilt based on changes. `#8076 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Introduce configuration ``general.keep_python_files`` to allow packaging of Python .pyc files. `#8070 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Tests for toolchains and Intel compiler. `#8062 `_ - Feature: Add recipe and package revision to show a complete Conan reference when generating the `build_info --v2` id fields. `#8055 `_ - Feature: Introduce a new `BINARY_INVALID` mode for more flexible definition and management of invalid configurations. `#8053 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add headers with settings and options to HTTP GET requests when searching for packages. `#8046 `_ - Feature: Preliminary experimental support for toolchains with CMake + Visual + Ninja. `#8034 `_ - Feature: Allow (experimental) custom configuration of the ``msbuild`` generator. `#8014 `_ - Feature: Rename ``msbuild`` generator to ``MSBuildDeps`` and use the new ``generate()`` method. `#8014 `_ - Feature: Make the ``conan new bye/0.1 -s -t`` to provide variable filenames and messages that include the package name and version, instead of a hardcoded "hello" one. `#7989 `_ - Feature: Tagged tests and created a `conftest.py` to run the tests with `pytest` skipping the tests using not available tools (cmake, visual studio...). `#7975 `_ - Feature: Provide correct `--pure_c` implementation to :command:`conan new`. `#7947 `_ - Feature: System package tools can install a list of different packages. `#7779 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: meson toolchain `#7662 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add Conan package name and version to Visual Studio generator properties file. `#7645 `_ - Fix: Remove ``__init__.py`` in the root of the repo, which was useless, without a purpose, but caused issues with other projects importing Conan Python code. `#8132 `_ - Fix: Make variables defined in ``CMakeToolchain`` cache variables, so they can define directly values defined in ``CMakeLists.txt``. `#8124 `_ - Fix: Remove cryptography, pyopenssl and idna from OSX requirements in Python. `#8075 `_ - Fix: Rename the generated file of ``MSBuildToolchain`` to ``conantoolchain.props`` so it doesn't collide with a potential ``toolchain`` package name and the ``msbuild`` generator. `#8073 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Avoid warning in ``msbuild`` generator importing multiple times the same .props file due to transitive dependencies. `#8072 `_ - Fix: Set username or password individually in git SCM with ssh. `#8016 `_ - Fix: When using lockfiles, allow ``config_options`` and ``configure`` to compute different options as long as the final evaluated values match the locked ones. `#7993 `_ - Fix: Make the ``conan new --pure_c`` pure C template to remove both ``compiler.libcxx`` and ``compiler.cppstd`` settings, as described in the docs. `#7989 `_ - BugFix: Fix linkage to a same global target of different package components in `cmake_find_package/_multi` generators. `#8114 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Solve ``os.rename`` crash when using ``short_paths`` with a short path storage located in another Windows drive unit. `#8103 `_ - BugFix: Allow lockfiles to be relaxed with the `--build` argument. `#8054 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Append existing ``LocalDebuggerEnvironment`` in ``msbuild`` generator. `#8040 `_ - Bugfix: Remove correctly short-paths folders in Windows. `#7986 `_ 1.31.4 (25-Nov-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Add new `CONAN_CMAKE_SYSROOT` environment variable to enable the definition of sysroot from environment, without abusing `CONAN_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH`. `#8097 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: remove definition of sysroot from `CONAN_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH`. `#8097 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Bugfix: Solve os.rename crash when using short_paths with a short path storage located in another Windows drive unit. Ported from: `#8103 `_ 1.31.3 (17-Nov-2020) -------------------- - Bugfix: Fix addition of CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME for SunOS and AIX 64->32 bits builds `#8059 `_ 1.31.2 (11-Nov-2020) -------------------- - Bugfix: Recent ``liburl3`` 1.26 library updates is breaking the constraints in Conan ``requirements.txt`` as ``requests`` 2.24 has a limitation for ``liburl3``. This PR constrains ``liburl3`` version to be less than 1.26, so it does not break with requests 2.24. `#8042 `_ 1.31.1 (10-Nov-2020) -------------------- - Fix: Bump _cryptography_ dependency in MacOS to equal or later than 3.2. `#7962 `_ - Bugfix: Fix a problem with the ``init()`` function not being called when the recipe loader uses some cached data, which can happen when using lockfiles and with ``python_requires``. `#8018 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed ``self.copy()`` incorrectly handling ``ignore_case``. `#8009 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed wrong ``ignore_case`` default in ``[imports]`` section of *conanfile.txt*. `#8009 `_ - Bugfix: Do not try to encrypt a `None` value when using `CONAN_LOGIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY` environment variable. `#8004 `_ 1.31.0 (30-Oct-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Add argument `conanfile` to `pre_download_package` and `post_download_package` hook functions. `#7968 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `CONAN_LOGIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY` environment variable to obfuscate stored auth token. `#7958 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use profile to filter results in the :command:`conan search` HTML output. `#7956 `_ - Feature: Changed recommended way to launch test suite, with pytest over nosetests. `#7952 `_ - Feature: Provide a ``MSBuildCmd`` helper class that encapsulates calling MSBuild. `#7941 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Download and keep the ``conan_export.tgz`` and ``conan_source.tgz`` in the cache, so they are not affected by different Operating Systems compression and de-compression and uploading is way more efficient. `#7938 `_ - Feature: Add `provides` and `deprecated` fields to :command:`conan info` output `#7916 `_ - Feature: Including package revision information in output from :command:`conan info` (when revisions are enabled). `#7890 `_ - Feature: Download and keep the conan_package.tgz in the cache, so they are not affected by different Operating Systems compression and de-compression and uploading is way more efficient. `#7886 `_ - Feature: Add POC on a toolchain for iOS (using CMake XCode generator). `#7855 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add POC on a toolchain for Android (using CMake provided modules). `#7843 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow ``conan config install`` of a single file `#7840 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use Python loggers for Conan output in cli 2.0. `#7502 `_ - Fix: Improve permission error message when migrating cache folder. `#7966 `_ - Fix: Make per-package settings definition complete the existing settings values, not requiring a complete redefinition. `#7953 `_ - Fix: Avoid unnecessary extra loading of *conan.conf* file in the version migrations check. `#7949 `_ - Fix: Simplified MakeToolchain to remove things that were not checked by tests or unused. `#7942 `_ - Fix: displayed message when settings of the recipe are constrained. `#7930 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Set `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` set to `iOS`, `tvOS` or `watchOS` or `Darwin` depending on the CMake version. `#7924 `_ - Fix: Remove duplicate entries while modifying PATH-like environment variables internally. Especially important for Windows where system PATH size is limited by 8192 characters (when using cmd.exe). `#7891 `_ - Fix: Make default behaviour explicit in search help output. `#7877 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Automatically add OSX deployment flags in ``AutootoolsBuildEnvironment`` with the value of ``os_version``, unless the values are already defined in environment variables `CFLAGS` or `CXXFLAGS`. `#7862 `_ - Fix: Remove toolset variability from the ``msbuild`` generator and ``MSBuildToolchain``. `#7825 `_ - Fix: Component requirement checking now properly handles private and override requirements. `#7585 `_ - Bugfix: Set default storage_folder to .conan/data in case if storage_path entry fails to be defined by conan.conf. `#7910 `_ - Bugfix: Fix regression in self.run(output=xxxx) that have a write() method but do not wrap a stream. `#7905 `_ - Bugfix: Fix local flow (conan install + build) support for ``cpp_info.names`` and ``cpp_info.filenames``. `#7867 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``inspect --remote`` forcing to retrieve the remote for evaluation, overwriting what is in the local cache. `#7749 `_ - Bugfix: Copy symbolic links to directory with deploy generator. `#7655 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.30.2 (15-Oct-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Supports Clang 11. `#7871 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix regression https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/7856, ``imports`` failing to match subfolders in Windows due to backslash differences. `#7861 `_ - Bugfix: Allow defining new options values when creating a new lockfile from an existing base lockfile. `#7859 `_ 1.30.1 (09-Oct-2020) -------------------- - Fix: Use quotes around the install path, it can contain spaces. `#7842 `_ - Fix: prefix intel functions with ``intel_`` because they are now exposed via tools. Fixes https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/7820. `#7821 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Fix regression introduced in 1.30 (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/7673), with incorrect matches of user/channel for version ranges. `#7847 `_ - Bugfix: Fix ``CMakeToolchain`` with multiple variables definitions. `#7833 `_ - Bugfix: Check comparing the host and the build architecture to decide if cross building and set `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` in the ``CMake`` build helper. `#7827 `_ 1.30.0 (05-Oct-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Implement real detection of ``compiler.libcxx`` value for ``gcc`` compiler. Only enabled in `CONAN_V2_MODE`, otherwise it would be breaking. `#7776 `_ - Feature: Added [Depends](https://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbslanguageitems-depends.html) items for every public dependency of conanfiles requires/dependencies. `#7729 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Instructions on how to run conan tests against a real Artifactory server. `#7697 `_ - Feature: List `cpp_info.names` and `cpp_info.filenames` in JSON and Markdown generator. `#7690 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add information about components to `markdown` generator. `#7677 `_ - Feature: New experimental ``MSBuildToolchain`` to generate ``conan_toolchain.props`` files (it is multi-config, will generate one specific toolchain file per configuration) for more transparent integration and better developer experience with Visual Studio. `#7674 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow packages that do not declare components to depend on other packages components and manage transitivity correctly, with the new ``self.cpp_info.requires`` attribute. `#7644 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add MacOS 11 ("Big Sur") support. `#7601 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Expose intel_installation_path, compilervars, compilervars_dict, and compilervars_command under tools module in order to support usage of the intel compiler. `#7572 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow user-defined generators to be installed and used from the Conan cache. `#7527 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add :command:`conan remote` proposal for cli 2.0. `#7401 `_ - Fix: Allow usage of MD5 checksums in FIPS systems that would raise error otherwise. `#7807 `_ - Fix: Fix capture output when running tests that call the ConanRunner in the conanfile. `#7799 `_ - Fix: Consider absolute paths when parsing `conanbuildinfo.txt` `#7797 `_ - Fix: Update parallel uploads help message. `#7785 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Removed check in lockfiles computed from other lockfile that it should be part of it. Users can check the resulting lockfile themselves if they want to. `#7763 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Extend help message indicating how to run :command:`conan export` without `user/channel`. `#7757 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Conan copy shows better description when using full reference for destination. `#7741 `_ - Fix: Do not capture output for normal conan run (no logging or testing) when launching processes via `ConanRunner` so that color from build tools output is not lost. `#7740 `_ - Fix: `self.copy()` follows `ignore_case` correctly on Windows. `#7704 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Use patterns in server query when resolving version ranges. `#7673 `_ - Fix: Raising conflict errors when options doesn't match in the evaluation of graphs with lockfiles. `#7513 `_ - Bugfix: Fixed bug where uploading to multiple remotes in a single conan upload command would fail. `#7781 `_ - BugFix: Add ``armv5hf`` and ``armv5el`` to the Android ABI architectures. `#7730 `_ - Bugfix: Correctly inherit and use ``system_requirements`` when using ``python_requires``. `#7721 `_ - Bugfix: Translate `settings.os` value `Macos` to `Darwin` for `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` to allow compiling CMake-based packages for MacOS. `#7695 `_ 1.29.2 (21-Sept-2020) --------------------- - Feature: Add support for apple-clang 12.0. `#7722 `_ . Docs `here `__ 1.29.1 (17-Sept-2020) --------------------- - Bugfix: Fix ``pkg_config`` generator adding to .pc files empty include and lib dirs. `#7703 `_ - Bugfix: Fix non existing (failed import) ``tools.remove_files_by_mask``. `#7700 `_ - BugFix: Removed lockfile checking build_requires when they come from 2 different origins: profiles and recipes. `#7698 `_ - Bugfix: CMake build helper: Use actual CMake generator version to append platform generator, instead of the Conan setting `compiler.version`. `#7684 `_ 1.29.0 (02-Sept-2020) --------------------- - Feature: Add QNX Neutrino version 7.1 to settings. `#7627 `_ - Feature: Added support for `cpp_info.system_libs`, `cpp_info.framework_paths` and `cpp_info.frameworks` for ``qbs`` generator. `#7619 `_ - Feature: Provide useful information trying to compute the build order using a `--base` lockfile. `#7551 `_ - Feature: Add `user_info_build` field to JSON generator. `#7550 `_ - Feature: `PkgConfig` tools now exposes the packages's version as property. `#7534 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support from iOS 13.2 to 13.6. `#7507 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add an experimental toolchain for gnu make. `#7430 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``tools.rename`` function to rename a file or folder to avoid 'Access is denied' on Windows. `#6774 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fix `conan info --build-order` deprecation message. `#7632 `_ - Fix: Set CMake targets compile options based on language `#7600 `_ - Fix: Support installing configs from non-regular files. `#7583 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Update docs in `conan info -bo` command. `#7570 `_ - Fix: Relax python six dependency to allow 1.15. `#7538 `_ - Fix: Add pre-release versions when resolving `required_conan_version`. `#7535 `_ - Fix: Adds support of URL-like git ssh syntax. `#7509 `_ - Fix: Improve message of missing dependencies for components. `#7483 `_ - Fix: Changed _requirements.txt_ to include distro package version 1.5.0. `#7461 `_ - Fix: Avoid requiring the existence of all ``conanbuildinfo_xxx.cmake`` files in ``cmake_multi`` generator. `#7376 `_ - Bugfix: Fix `cpp_info` filename in FindPackageHandleStandardArgs for cmake_find_package generator. `#7610 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid marking as "modified" packages in a lockfile computed from a base lockfile. `#7592 `_ - Bugfix: Update correctly "Package_ID_Unknown" nodes when using ``conan lock update`` and ``package_revision_mode``. `#7592 `_ - Bugfix: Respect `winsdk_version` for WindowsStore. `#7584 `_ - Bugfix: Fix frameworks usage with components for `cmake_find_package_multi` generator. `#7580 `_ - Bugfix: Support `frameworks` and `framework_paths` in _qmake_ generator. `#7579 `_ - Bugfix: Provide a more descriptive error when an unknown statement is added to a profile `#7577 `_ - Bugfix: Add support for `cpp_info.system_libs` to _QMake_ generator. `#7563 `_ - Bugfix: Make frogarian show up as a whole (not sliced) on linux terminal. `#7553 `_ - Bugfix: Fix import of `collections.Iterable` compatible with Python2. `#7545 `_ - Bugfix: Propagate the global version of the recipe for components. `#7524 `_ - Bugfix: Use `CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH` to locate frameworks. `#7515 `_ 1.28.2 (31-Aug-2020) -------------------- - Fix: Fix import of ``six.moves.collections_abc`` non existing for some six versions. `#7622 `_ - Fix: Add system libs and frameworks to components targets in `cmake_find_package` and `cmake_find_package_multi` generators. `#7611 `_ - Bugfix: Fix `cpp_info` filename in FindPackageHandleStandardArgs for cmake_find_package generator. `#7625 `_ - Bugfix: Fix regression in ``deps_cpp_info`` incorrectly adding directories when reading from ``conanbuildinfo.txt`` file. `#7599 `_ 1.28.1 (06-Aug-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Add `user_info_build` attribute to `txt` generator. `#7488 `_ - Fix: Attribute `user_info_build` is available for commands in the local development workflow. `#7488 `_ - Fix: Do not override value of `public_deps` in `pkg_config` generator. `#7482 `_ - Bugfix: correctly set `CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT` and `CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES`. `#7512 `_ - Bugfix: When using ``build_requires`` defined in a profile that is passed as ``profile_host``, it was not being applied to ``build_requires`` that live in the host context (with ``force_host_context=True``). `#7500 `_ - Bugfix: Fix broken ``cmake_find_package_multi`` when using components, as different configurations were being resolved to the same name, overwriting each other. `#7492 `_ - Bugfix: Powershell files generated by `virtualenv` generators use proper path separators. `#7472 `_ 1.28.0 (31-Jul-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Show Conan version on HTML output. `#7443 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support for `cpp_info.components` in `pkg_config` generator. `#7413 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds ps1 virtualenv to other OS for use with powershell 7. #7407 `#7408 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Propose ``init()`` method to unconditionally initialize class attributes like ``license`` or ``description``. `#7404 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: add deprecated attribute `#7399 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow ``conan.conf`` user configuration of paths to client certificate and key, outside of the Conan cache. `#7398 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Document return value of `self.copy()` in the `package()` method. `#7389 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Complete cli2.0 framework to handle sub-commands and add :command:`conan user` command for cli 2.0 `#7372 `_ - Feature: Implement ``required_conan_version`` in ``conanfile.py``, will raise if the current Conan version does not match the defined version range. `#7360 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `provides` attribute to `ConanFile`: recipes can declare what they provide and Conan will fail if several recipes provide the same functionality (ODR violation). `#7337 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: When using `CONAN_V2_MODE` if build_type or compiler are not defined Conan will raise an error. `#7327 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds "filenames" to cppinfo attribute, and changes `cmake_find_package` and `cmake_find_package_multi` generators so that they support it. `#7320 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Define ``recipe_folder`` attribute pointing to the folder containing ``conanfile.py`` `#7314 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Checking if a Linux distro uses `apt` is now based on the existence of `apt` in the system, instead of checking if the distro currently being used is in a hard-coded list of distros known to use `apt`. `#7309 `_ - Feature: Add commands management for cli 2.0. `#7278 `_ - Feature: Complete revamp of the **lockfiles** feature. Including version-only lockfiles, partial lockfiles, new command line syntax, improved management of build-order and many pending fixes. `#7243 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: More detailed description for `--update` argument. `#7167 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: improve compiler detection for `CONAN_V2_MODE`. `#5740 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add settings for clang-cl (clang on Windows). `#5705 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Relax ``pluginbase`` requirement to ``pluginbase>=0.5``, including latest 1.0.0 . `#7441 `_ - Fix: Make explicit the file writing of ``toolchain()`` helpers, so the method can be used to save custom files. `#7435 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Fixing `--help` for commands in proposal for command line v2.0. `#7394 `_ - Fix: Show outdated packages when running `search --table`. `#7364 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Relax ``msbuild`` generator to not raise in Linux. `#7361 `_ - Fix: Conan config install does not trigger scheduled config command. `#7311 `_ - Fix: Implement missing ``__contains__`` method, so checking ``if "myoption" in self.info.options`` is possible in ``package_id()``. `#7303 `_ - Fix: Build first occurrence of a node in a lockfile when it is repeated (build requires) `#7144 `_ - BugFix: Only add User-Agent to headers dict if it was not provided by the user. `#7390 `_ - Bugfix: `cppstd` was missing in `settings.yml` for the qcc compiler and updates to 8.3. `#7384 `_ - BugFix: Fix missing download of ``conan_sources.tgz`` created using ``export_sources()`` method. `#7380 `_ - Bugfix: Intel Compiler install location detection on Windows. `#7370 `_ - Bugfix: Avoid crash while computing ``package_id`` when using ``package_revision_mode``, and also incorrectly using installed binaries and reporting them installed after the re-computation of ``package_id`` resolved to a different binary. `#7353 `_ - Bugfix: cmake_multi generator used with Xcode CMake generator. `#7341 `_ - Bugfix: Do not fail for `conan remove -r remote -p` when there are no packages in the remote. `#7338 `_ - Bugfix: Add ``system_libs`` to ``scons`` generator. `#7302 `_ 1.27.1 (10-Jul-2020) -------------------- - Bugfix: Recover quotes around linker flags in CMake generators, fix failure with Macos frameworks `#7322 `_ 1.27.0 (01-Jul-2020) -------------------- - Feature: (Only if using two profiles) Information from the `self.user_info` field is provided to consumers: information from the _host_ context is accessible via `deps_user_info` attribute, and information from the _build_ context via `user_info_build` attribute. `#7266 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``conan config install --list`` and ``conan config install --remove=index`` arguments to display and remove conan config install origins. `#7263 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support components for `cmake_find_package_multi` generator. `#7259 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add Pop!_OS to the list of APT based distributions. `#7237 `_ - Feature: Use Bootstrap in search table template style. `#7224 `_ - Feature: Added support for template dir in :command:`conan new`. `#7215 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Configuration for checking the required Conan client version. `#7183 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Adds tool to fix symlinks in the `package_folder`. `#7178 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Templates for `conan search --table` and `conan info --graph` can be overridden by the user. `#7176 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add support for the `CLICOLOR`/`CLICOLOR_FORCE`/`NO_COLOR` output colorization control variables. `#7154 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Remove message from the qmake generator. `#7228 `_ - Fix: Allow ``--build=Pkg/0.1@`` to match the ``Pkg/0.1`` package, so the ``conan install Pkg/0.1@ --build=Pkg/0.1@`` also works. `#7219 `_ - Fix: Improve error message when svn or git are not in the installed or in the path. `#7194 `_ - Fix: Graph created for the `test_package/conanfile.py` recipe takes the `profile:build` if given. `#7182 `_ - Fix: Define user variables in the ``conan_toolchain.cmake`` file, not in the project-include file. `#7160 `_ - Fix: Set toolset for MSBuild in case of Intel C++. `#6809 `_ - Bugfix: Allow to extend classes with ``python_requires_extend`` from packages that contain "." dots in the package name. `#7262 `_ - Bugfix: Correctly inherit ``scm`` definitions from ``python_requires`` base classes. `#7238 `_ - Bugfix: Change GNU triplet for iOS, watchOS, tvOS to allow simulator builds. `#6748 `_ - SCM mode with ``scm_to_conandata`` and revisions marked as stable. Docs `here `__ 1.26.1 (23-Jun-2020) -------------------- - Fix: Add missing migrations. `#7213 `_ - Fix: Packages listed as `build_requires` in recipes that belong to the _host_ context don't add as `build_requires` those listed in the _host_ profile. `#7169 `_ 1.26.0 (10-Jun-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Expose `msvs_toolset` tool. `#7134 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add components to `cmake_find_package` generator. `#7108 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `stdcpp_library` tool. `#7082 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add remove_files_by_mask helper `#7080 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New ``toolchain()`` recipe method, as a new paradigm for integrating build systems, and simplifying developer flows. `#7076 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: New experimental ``msvc`` generator that generates a .props file per dependency and is also multi-configuration. `#7035 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `conan config init` command. `#6959 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add ``export()`` and ``export_sources()`` methods, that provide the ``self.copy()`` helper to add files to recipe or sources in the same way as the corresponding attributes. `#6945 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Allow access to ``self.name`` and ``self.version`` in ``set_name()`` and ``set_version()`` methods. `#6940 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Use a template approach for the `html` and `dot` output of the Conan graph. `#6833 `_ - Feature: Handle C++ standard flag for Intel C++ compiler. `#6766 `_ - Feature: Call compilervars.sh within CMake helper (Intel C++). `#6735 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Pass command to Runner as a sequence instead of string. `#5583 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: JSON-serialize sets as a list when using `conan inspect --json`. `#7151 `_ - Fix: Update the lockfile passed as an argument to the install command instead of the default `conan.lock`. `#7127 `_ - Fix: Adding a package as editable stores full path to `conanfile.py`. `#7079 `_ - Fix: Fix broken test `PkgGeneratorTest`. `#7065 `_ - Fix: Fix wrong naming of variables in the ``pkg_config`` generator. `#7059 `_ - Fix: Do not modify `scm` attribute when the `origin` remote cannot be deduced. `#7048 `_ - Fix: `vcvars_dict` should accept a conanfile too. `#7010 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: ``conan config install`` can overwrite read-only files and won't copy permissions. `#7004 `_ - Fix: Better error message for missing binaries, including multiple "--build=xxx" outputs. `#7003 `_ - Fix: Add quotes to folders to accept paths with spaces when calling pyinstaller. `#6955 `_ - Fix: Previously `conan` always set `cpp_std` option in `meson` project, even if `cppstd` option was not set in `conan` profile. Now it sets the option only if `cppstd` profile option has a concrete value. `#6895 `_ - Fix: Handle compiler flags for Intel C++ (AutoToolsBuildEnvironment, Meson). `#6819 `_ - Fix: Set the default CMake generator and toolset for Intel C++. `#6804 `_ - Bugfix: Fix iOS CMake architecture. `#7164 `_ - Bugfix: Getting attribute of ``self.deps_user_info["dep"]`` now raise ``AttributeError`` instead of a (wrong) ``KeyError``, enabling ``hasattr()`` and correct ``getattr()`` behaviors. `#7131 `_ - Bugfix: Fix crash while computing the ``package_id`` of a package when different ``package_id_mode`` are mixed and include ``package_revision_mode``. `#7051 `_ - Bugfix: Do not allow uploading packages with missing information in the `scm` attribute. `#7048 `_ - Bugfix: Fixes an issue where Apple Framework lookup wasn't working on `RelWithDebInfo` CMake build types. `#7024 `_ - Bugfix: Do not check patch compiler version in the ``cmake`` generators. `#6976 `_ 1.25.2 (19-May-2020) -------------------- - Bugfix: Previously conan always set ``cpp_std`` option in meson project, even if ``cppstd`` option was not set in conan profile. Now it sets the option only if ``cppstd`` profile option has a concrete value. `#7047 `_ - Bugfix: Fix deploy generator management of relative symlinks. `#7044 `_ - Bugfix: Fixes an issue where Apple Framework lookup wasn't working on RelWithDebInfo. `#7041 `_ - Bugfix: Fix broken ``AutoToolsBuildEnvironment`` when a profile:build is defined. `#7032 `_ 1.25.1 (13-May-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Add missing gcc versions: 6.5, 7.5, 8.4, 10.1. `#6993 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Bugfix: Resumable download introduced a bug when there is a fronted (like Apache) to Artifactory or other server that gzips the returned files, returning an incorrect ``Content-Length`` header that doesn't match the real content length. `#6996 `_ - Bugfix: Set ``shared_linker_flags`` to CMake ``MODULE`` targets too in ``cmake`` generators, not only to ``SHARED_LIBRARIES``. `#6983 `_ - Bugfix: Fix `conan_get_policy` return value. `#6982 `_ - Bugfix: Fix json output serialization for ``cpp_info.components``. `#6966 `_ 1.25.0 (06-May-2020) -------------------- - Feature: Consume ``settings_build`` to get the value of the OS and arch from the ``build`` machine (only when ``--profile:build`` is provided). `#6916 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Implements ``cpp_info.components`` dependencies. `#6871 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Change HTML output for `conan search --table` command. `#6832 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Execute periodic config install command. `#6824 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Add `build_modules` to markdown generator output. `#6800 `_ - Feature: Resume interrupted file downloads if server supports it. `#6791 `_ - Feature: Using `CONAN_V2_MODE` the `version` attribute in a `ConanFile` is always a string (already documented). `#6782 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Support GCC 9.3. `#6772 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: Populate `settings_build` and `settings_target` in conanfile (only if provided ``--profile:build``). `#6769 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Feature: handle C++ standard for Intel C++ compiler `#6766 `_ - Feature: add Intel 19.1 (2020). `#6733 `_ - Fix: `tools.unix_path` is noop in all platforms but Windows (already documented behavior). `#6935 `_ - Fix: Preserve symbolic links for deploy generator. `#6922 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Adds missing version GCC 10 to default settings. `#6911 `_ . Docs `here `__ - Fix: Populate `requires` returned by the servers from the search endpoint using `requires` (Artifactory) or `full_requires` (conan_server) fields. `#6861 `_ - Fix: Avoid failures that happen when Conan runs in a non-existing folder. `#6825 `_ - Fix: Use pep508 environment markers for defining Conan pip requirements. `#6798 `_ - Fix: Improve error message when ``[options]`` are not specified correctly in conanfile.txt. `#6794 `_ - Fix: add missing compiler version check for Intel. `#6734 `_ - Bugfix: Prevent crash when mixing package_id modes for the same dependency. `#6947 `_ - BugFix: Propagate arch parameter to ``tools.vcvars_command()`` in `MSBuild()` build helper. `#6928 `_ - Bugfix: Fix the output of :command:`conan info` package folder when using ``build_id()`` method. `#6917 `_ - Bugfix: Generate correct PACKAGE_VERSION in ``cmake_find_package_multi`` generator for multi-config packages. `#6914 `_ - Bugfix: enable C++20 on Apple Clang. `#6858 `_ - Bugfix: Variable `package_name` in `conan new -t