Package promotions

Package promotions are the recommended devops practice to handle quality, maturity or stages of packages in different technologies, and of course, also for Conan packages.

The principle of package promotions is that there are multiple server package repositories defined and packages are uploaded and copied among repositories depending on the stage. For example we could have two different server package repositories called “testing” and “release”:

digraph repositories { node [fillcolor="lightblue", style=filled, shape=box] rankdir="LR"; subgraph cluster_0 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; rankdir="LR"; label = "Packages server"; "testing\n repository" -> "release\n repository" [ label="promotion" ]; } }


Best practices

  • Using different user/channel to try to denote maturity is strongly discouraged. It was described in the early Conan 1 days years ago, before the possibility of having multiple repositories, but it shouldn’t be used anymore.

  • Packages should be completely immutable accross pipelines and stages, a package cannot rename or change its user/channel, and re-building it from source to have a new user/channel is also a strongly discourage devops practice.

Between those repositories there will be some quality gates. In our case, some packages will be put in the “testing” repository, for the QA team to test them, for example zlib/1.3.1 and openssl/3.2.2:

digraph repositories { node [fillcolor="lightskyblue", style=filled, shape=box] rankdir="LR"; subgraph cluster_0 { label="Packages server"; style=filled; color=lightgrey; subgraph cluster_1 { label = "testing\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "zlib/1.3.1"; "openssl/3.2.2"; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "release\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "release" [style=invis]; } { edge[style=invis]; "zlib/1.3.1" -> "release" ; rankdir="BT"; } } }

When the QA team tests and approves these packages, they can be promoted to the “release” repository. Basically, a promotion is a copy of the packages, including all the artifacts and metadata from the “testing” to the “release” repository.

There are different ways to implement and execute a package promotion. Artifactory has some APIs that can be used to move individual files or folders. The Conan extensions repository contains the conan art:promote command that can be used to promote Conan “package lists” from one server repository to another repository.

If we have a package list pkglist.json that contains the above zlib/1.3.1 and openssl/3.2.2 packages, then the command would look like:

Promoting from testing->release
$ conan art:promote pkglist.json --from=testing --to=release --url=https://<url>/artifactory --user=<user> --password=<password>

Note that the conan art:promote command doesn’t work with ArtifactoryCE, Pro editions of Artifactory are needed. The promote functionality can be implemented in these cases with a simple download+upload flow:

Promoting from testing->release
# Promotion using Conan download/upload commands
# (slow, can be improved with art:promote custom command)
$ conan download --list=promote.json -r=testing --format=json > downloaded.json
$ conan upload --list=downloaded.json -r=release -c

After the promotion from “testing” to “release” repository, the packages would be like:

digraph repositories { node [fillcolor="lightskyblue", style=filled, shape=box] rankdir="LR"; subgraph cluster_0 { label="Packages server"; style=filled; color=lightgrey; subgraph cluster_1 { label = "testing\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "zlib/1.3.1"; "openssl/3.2.2"; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "release\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "zlibpromoted" [label="zlib/1.3.1"]; "opensslpromoted" [label="openssl/3.2.2"]; } { "zlib/1.3.1" -> "zlibpromoted"; "openssl/3.2.2" -> "opensslpromoted" [label="Promotion"]; } } }


Best practices

  • In modern package servers such as Artifactory package artifacts are deduplicated, that is, they do not take any extra storage when they are copied in different locations, including different repositories. The deduplication is checksum based, so the system is also smart to avoid re-uploading existing artifacts. This is very important for the “promotions” mechanism: this mechanism is only copying some metadata, so it can be very fast and it is storage efficient. Pipelines can define as many repositories and promotions as necessary without concerns about storage costs.

  • Promotions can also be done in JFrog platform with Release Bundles. The Conan extensions repository also contains one command to generate a release bundle (that can be promoted using the Artifatory API).