Conan 2 - C and C++ Package Manager Documentation¶
Welcome! This is the user documentation for Conan, an open source, decentralized C/C++ package manager that works in all platforms and with all build systems and compilers. Other relevant resources:
Conan home page. Entry point to the project, with links to docs, blog, social, downloads, release mailing list, etc.
Github project and issue tracker. The main support channel, file issues here for questions, bug reports and feature requests.
Table of contents:
- Introduction
- What’s new in Conan 2
- Install
- Tutorial
- CI Tutorial
- Devops guide
- Using ConanCenter packages in production environments
- Local Recipes Index Repository
- Backing up third-party sources with Conan
- Managing package metadata files
- Versioning
- Save and restore packages from/to the cache
- Vendoring dependencies in Conan packages
- Package promotions
- Checking package vulnerabilities
- Integrations
- Examples
- Reference
- Knowledge
- Incubating features
- Changelog