Project setup

The code necessary for this tutorial is found in the examples2 repo, clone it and move to the folder:

$ git clone
$ cd examples2/ci/game

Server repositories setup

We need 3 different repositories in the same server. Make sure to have an Artifactory running and available. You can download the free Artifactory CE from the downloads page and run it in your own computer, or you can use docker:

$ docker run --name artifactory -d -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082
# Can be stopped with "docker stop artifactory"

When you launch it, you can go to http://localhost:8081/ to check it (user: “admin”, password: “password”). If you have another available Artifactory, it can be used too if you can create new repositories there.

As a first step, log into the web UI and create 3 different local repositories called develop, packages and products.

Then according to the file, these are the necessary environment variables to configure the server. Please define ARTIFACTORY_URL, ARTIFACTORY_USER and/or ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD if necessary to adapt to your setup:

# TODO: This must be configured by users
SERVER_URL = os.environ.get("ARTIFACTORY_URL", "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan")
USER = os.environ.get("ARTIFACTORY_USER", "admin")
PASSWORD = os.environ.get("ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD", "password")

Initial dependency graph


  • The initialization of the project will remove the contents of the 3 develop, products and packages repositories in the server.

  • The examples2/ci/game folder contains a .conanrc file that defines a local cache, so commands executed in this tutorial do not pollute or alter your main Conan cache.

$ python

This will do several tasks, clean the server repos, create initial Debug and Release binaries for the dependency graph and upload them to the develop repo, then clean the local cache. Note in this example we are using Debug and Release as our different configurations for convenience, but in real cases these would be different configurations such as Windows/X86_64, Linux/x86_64, Linux/armv8, etc., running in different computers.

After the setup, it can be checked that the 3 remotes are defined, but only develop remote is enabled, and there are no packages in the local cache:

$ conan remote list
products: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan/products [Verify SSL: True, Enabled: False]
develop: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan/develop [Verify SSL: True, Enabled: True]
packages: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan/packages [Verify SSL: True, Enabled: False]

$ conan list *
Found 0 pkg/version recipes matching * in local cache
Local Cache
WARN: There are no matching recipe references


The order of the remotes is important. If the products repository is enabled, it will have higher priority than the develop one, so if it contains new versions, they will be picked from there.

This dependency graph of packages in the develop repo is the starting point for our tutorial, assumed as a functional and stable “develop” state of the project that developers can conan install to work in any of the different packages.

digraph repositories { node [fillcolor="lightskyblue", style=filled, shape=box] rankdir="LR"; subgraph cluster_0 { label="Packages server"; style=filled; color=lightgrey; subgraph cluster_1 { label = "packages\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "packages" [style=invis]; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "products\n repository" shape = "box"; style=filled; color=lightblue; "products" [style=invis]; } subgraph cluster_3 { rankdir="BT"; shape = "box"; label = "develop repository"; color=lightblue; rankdir="BT"; node [fillcolor="lightskyblue", style=filled, shape=box] "game/1.0" -> "engine/1.0" -> "ai/1.0" -> "mathlib/1.0"; "engine/1.0" -> "graphics/1.0" -> "mathlib/1.0"; "mapviewer/1.0" -> "graphics/1.0"; "game/1.0" [fillcolor="lightgreen"]; "mapviewer/1.0" [fillcolor="lightgreen"]; } { edge[style=invis]; "packages" -> "products" -> "game/1.0" ; rankdir="BT"; } } }