registry.txt / registry.json


registry.json was introduced in Conan 1.9 and it substitutes the registry.txt. Both files are equivalent in content.

This file is generally automatically managed and it stores information about the remotes configured in the Conan client and the installed packages in your cache associated with the remote they were retrieved from.


The recommendation is not to modify this file directly and only use it as registry information. In case you want to change a remote the information of the remotes can be accessed or changed via the conan remote command.

 conan-center True
 local http://localhost:9300 True

 Hello/0.1@demo/testing local

The first section of the file is listing remote-name: remote-url verify_ssl. Adding, removing or changing those lines, will add, remove or change the respective remote. If verify_ssl is enabled, Conan will verify the SSL certificates for that remote server.

The second part of the file contains a list of package references and the remote-name. This is a reference to which remote was that package retrieved from, which will act also as the default for operations on that package.

Here you have an example of the file registry.json:

         "nanomsg/1.1.2@bincrafters/stable:26d575619895d584ff4fb07701901d53ff4cdd6b": "bincrafters",