Build order in lockfiles


This is an experimental feature subject to breaking changes in future releases.

In this section we are going to use the following packages, defining this dependency graph.



The code used in this section, including a script to reproduce it, is in the examples repository: You can go step by step reproducing this example while reading the below documentation.

$ git clone
$ cd features/lockfiles/build_order
# $ python only to run the full example, but better go step by step

The example in this section uses full_version_mode, that is, if a package changes any part of its version, its consumers will need to build a new binary because a new package_id will be computed. This example will use version ranges, and it is not necessary to have revisions enabled. It also does not require a server, everything can be reproduced locally.

$ conan config set general.default_package_id_mode=full_version_mode

Let’s start by creating the initial dependency graph, without binaries (just the exported recipes), in our local cache:

$ conan export liba liba/0.1@user/testing
$ conan export libb libb/0.1@user/testing
$ conan export libc libc/0.1@user/testing
$ conan export libd libd/0.1@user/testing
$ conan export app1 app1/0.1@user/testing
$ conan export app2 app2/0.1@user/testing

Now we will create a lockfile that captures the dependency graph for app1/0.1@user/testing. In the same way we created lockfiles for a local in a user folder, we can also create a lockfile for a recipe in the Conan cache, with the --reference argument:

$ conan lock create --reference=app1/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app1.lock

The resulting app1.lock lockfile will not be able to completely lock the binaries because such binaries do not exist at all. This can be checked in the app1.lock file, the packages do not contain a package revision (prev) field at all:

   "4": {
   "ref": "liba/0.1@user/testing",
   "options": "",
   "package_id": "5ab84d6acfe1f23c4fae0ab88f26e3a396351ac9",
   "context": "host"

We can now compute the “build-order” of the dependency graph. The “build-order” lists in order all the packages that needs to be built from sources. The logic is the following:

  • If a package is fully locked (it contains a package revision field prev in the lockfile), it will not be built from sources and will never appear in the build-order list.

  • If a package is not fully locked (it does not contain a package revision prev in the lockfile), it will appear in the build-order list. This situation happens both when the package binary doesn’t exist yet, or when the --build argument was used while creating the lockfile.

$ conan lock build-order app1.lock --json=build_order.json

The resulting build_order.json file is a list of lists, structured by levels of possible parallel builds:

  # First level liba
  [["liba/0.1@user/testing", "5ab8...1ac9", "host", "4"]],
  # Second level libb and libc
  [["libb/0.1@user/testing", "cfd1...ec23", "host", "3"],
   ["libc/0.1@user/testing", "cfd1...ec23", "host", "5"]],
  # Third level libd
  [["libd/0.1@user/testing", "d075...5b9d", "host", "2"]],
  # Fourth level libd
  [["app1/0.1@user/testing", "3bf2...5188", "host", "1"]]

Every item in the outer list is a “level” in the graph, a set of packages that needs to be built, and are independent of every other package in the level, so they can be built in parallel. Levels in the build order must be respected, as the second level cannot be built until all the packages in the first level are built and so on. In this example, once the build of liba/0.1@user/testing finishes, as it is the only item in the first level, the second level can start, and it can build both libb/0.1@user/testing and libc/0.1@user/testing in parallel. It is necessary that both of them finish their build to be able to continue to the third level, that contains libd/0.1@user/testing, because this package depends on them.

Every item in each level has 4 elements: [ref, package_id, context, node-id]. At the moment the only necessary one is the first one. The ref value is the one that can be used for example in a conan install command like:

$ conan install <ref> --build=<ref> --lockfile=mylock.lock

The last value, the node-id could be used in cases where the ref is not enough to address a given package in the graph, for example when the same package can be found in the graph multiple times. In this case, explicitly adding the --lockfile-node-id argument can resolve the ambiguity (this is an experimental feature, subject to breaking changes):

$ conan install <ref> --build=<ref> --lockfile=mylock.lock --lockfile-node-id=<node-id>

Defining builds

The definition of what needs to be built comes from the existing binaries plus the --build argument in the conan lock create.

Let’s build all the binaries for the exported packages first:

# Build app1 and dependencies
$ conan install app1/0.1@user/testing --build=missing

Now that there are binaries for all packages in the cache, let’s capture them in a new lockfile and compute the build order:

# Create a new lockfile now with all the package binaries
$ conan lock create --reference=app1/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app1.lock
# And check which one needs to be built
$ conan lock build-order app1.lock --json=build_order.json
# The build order is emtpy, nothing to build

The result of this build order is empty. As the conan lock create found existing binaries, everything is fully locked, nothing needs to be built.

If we specify the --build flag, then the behavior is different:

$ conan lock create --reference=app1/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app1.lock --build
# the lockfile will not lock the binaries
# And check which one needs to be built
$ conan lock build-order app1.lock --json=build_order.json
[[["liba/0.1@user/testing", "5ab8...1ac9", "host", "4"]], ...

This feature is powerful when combined with package_id_modes, because it can automatically define the minimum set of packages that needs to be built for any change in the dependency graph.

Let’s say that a new version libb/1.1@user/testing is created. But if we check the libd requirement libb/[>0.0 <1.0]@user/testing, we can see that this 1.1 version falls outside of the valid version range. Then, it does not affect libd or app1 and nothing needs to be built:

$ conan create libb libb/1.1@user/testing
$ conan lock create --reference=app1/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app1.lock
$ conan lock build-order app1.lock --json=build_order.json
[] # Empty, nothing to build, libb/1.1 does not become part of app1

If on the contrary, a new libb/0.2@user/testing is created, and we capture a new lockfile, it will contain such new version. Other packages, like liba and libc are not affected by this new version, and will be fully locked in the lockfile, but the dependents of libb now won’t be locked and it will be necessary to build them:

$ conan create libb libb/0.2@user/testing
$ conan lock create --reference=app1/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app1.lock
$ conan lock build-order app1.lock --json=build_order.json
[[['libd/0.1@user/testing', '97e9...b7f4', 'host', '2']],
 [['app1/0.1@user/testing', '2bf1...e405', 'host', '1']]]

So in this case the app1.lock is doing these things:

  • Fully locking the non-affected packages (liba/0.1, libc/0.1)

  • Fully locking the libb/0.2, as the binary that was just created is valid for our app1 (Note that this might not always be true, and app1 build could require a different libb/0.2 binary).

  • Partial locking (the version and package-id) of the affected packages that need to be built (libd/0.1 and app1/0.1).

  • Retrieving via build-order the right order in which the affected packages need to be built.

Recall that a package in a lockfile is fully locked if it contains a prev (package revision) field defined. Fully locked packages cannot be built from sources. Partially locked packages do not contain a prev defined. They lock the reference and the package-id, and they can be built from sources.

If we want to check if the new libb/0.2 version affects to the app2 and something needs to be rebuilt, the process is identical:

$ conan lock create --reference=app2/0.1@user/testing --lockfile-out=app2.lock
$ conan lock build-order app2.lock --json=build_order2.json

As expected, nothing to build, as app2 does not depend on libb at all.