Return Codes
The Conan client returns different exit codes for every command depending on the situation:
Return code: 0
Execution terminated successfully
General error
Return code: 1
Execution terminated with a general error, normally caused by a ConanException
Migration error
Return code: 2
Execution terminated with an error migrating configuration files to new format.
User Ctrl+C
Return code: 3
Execution terminated due to manually stopping the process with Ctrl+C
key combination.
User Ctrl+Break
Return code: 4
Execution terminated due to manually stopping the profess with Ctrl+Break
key combination.
Return code: 5
Execution terminated due to SIGTERM
Invalid configuration
Return code: 6
Execution terminated due to an exception caused by a ConanInvalidConfiguration
. This exit code
can be considered a success as it is expected for
configurations not supported by the recipe.