conan new

$ conan new [-h] [-t] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-b] [-m TEMPLATE] [-cis] [-cilg]
            [-cilc] [-cio] [-ciw] [-ciglg] [-ciglc] [-ciccg] [-ciccc]
            [-cicco] [-gi] [-ciu CI_UPLOAD_URL]

Creates a new package recipe template with a ‘’ and optionally, ‘test_package’ testing files.

positional arguments:
  name                  Package name, e.g.: "poco/1.9.4" or complete reference
                        for CI scripts: "poco/1.9.4@"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --test            Create test_package skeleton to test package
  -i, --header          Create a headers only package template
  -c, --pure-c          Create a C language package only package, deleting
                        "self.settings.compiler.libcxx" setting in the
                        configure method
  -s, --sources         Create a package with embedded sources in "src"
                        folder, using "exports_sources" instead of retrieving
                        external code with the "source()" method
  -b, --bare            Create the minimum package recipe, without build()
                        method. Useful in combination with "export-pkg"
  -m TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Use the given template from the local cache for
  -cis, --ci-shared     Package will have a "shared" option to be used in CI
  -cilg, --ci-travis-gcc
                        Generate travis-ci files for linux gcc
  -cilc, --ci-travis-clang
                        Generate travis-ci files for linux clang
  -cio, --ci-travis-osx
                        Generate travis-ci files for OSX apple-clang
  -ciw, --ci-appveyor-win
                        Generate appveyor files for Appveyor Visual Studio
  -ciglg, --ci-gitlab-gcc
                        Generate GitLab files for linux gcc
  -ciglc, --ci-gitlab-clang
                        Generate GitLab files for linux clang
  -ciccg, --ci-circleci-gcc
                        Generate CircleCI files for linux gcc
  -ciccc, --ci-circleci-clang
                        Generate CircleCI files for linux clang
  -cicco, --ci-circleci-osx
                        Generate CircleCI files for OSX apple-clang
  -gi, --gitignore      Generate a .gitignore with the known patterns to
  -ciu CI_UPLOAD_URL, --ci-upload-url CI_UPLOAD_URL
                        Define URL of the repository to upload


  • Create a new for a new package mypackage/1.0@myuser/stable

    $ conan new mypackage/1.0
  • Create also a test_package folder skeleton:

    $ conan new mypackage/1.0 -t
  • Create files for travis (both Linux and OSX) and appveyor Continuous Integration:

    $ conan new mypackage/1.0@myuser/stable -t -cilg -cio -ciw
  • Create files for gitlab (linux) Continuous integration and set upload conan server:

    $ conan new mypackage/1.0@myuser/stable -t -ciglg -ciglc -ciu
  • Create files from a custom, predefined user template:

    $ conan new mypackage/1.0

    Conan will look for templates/ in the Conan local cache. If an absolute path is given as argument, it will be used instead. These files can be installed and managed by conan config install command. The templates use Jinja syntax:

    class {{package_name}}Conan(ConanFile):
        name = "{{name}}"
        version = "{{version}}"

    Where name and version placeholders are defined from the command line, and package_name is a camel case variant of the package name.