conan graphļƒ

$ conan graph [-h] {update-lock,build-order,clean-modified,lock} ...

Generates and manipulates lock files.

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    update-lock         merge two lockfiles
    build-order         Returns build-order
    clean-modified      Clean modified
    lock                create a lockfile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

conan graph update-lockļƒ

$ conan graph update-lock [-h] old_lockfile new_lockfile

Updates the old_lockfile file with the contents of the new_lockfiles.

positional arguments:
  old_lockfile  path to previous lockfile
  new_lockfile  path to modified lockfile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Only the packages in new_lockfile marked as ā€œmodifiedā€ will be processed. If a node in old_lockfile is already modified and an incompatible (different binary ID, different revision) updated is attempted, it will raise an error. The updated nodes will keep the ā€œmodifiedā€ flag when updated in old_lockfile

This command is useful for distributed or concurrent builds of different packages in the same dependency graph locked by the same lockfile. When one package is rebuilt it will modify the package reference, and will be marked as ā€œmodifiedā€. The way of integrating the information of package builds into the main lockfile is this command.


Integrate the information of building a ā€œpkgbā€ package using a lockfile (and modified in the folder pkgb_temp) in the main lockfile:

$ conan graph update-lock release/conan.lock pkgb_temp/release/conan.lock

conan graph clean-modifiedļƒ

$ conan graph clean-modified [-h] lockfile

Cleans all ā€œmodifiedā€ flags from the given lockfile.

positional arguments:
  lockfile    lockfile folder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

When a package of a dependency graph is going to be re-built, using a given lockfile, it is desired to finish the build knowing which packages of the graph have been actually rebuilt as a result of the last command. This command will clean all the previously existing ā€œmodifiedā€ flags before such build, so after the build the ā€œmodifiedā€ are only those that have been built now.

conan graph build-orderļƒ

$ conan graph build-order [-h] [-b [BUILD]] [--json JSON] lockfile

Given a lockfile, compute which packages and in which order they should be built, as mandated by the binary ID (package_id()) definitions and the --build argument, which is the same as conan create|install

positional arguments:
  lockfile              lockfile folder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b [BUILD], --build [BUILD]
                        Optional, specify which packages to build from source.
                        Combining multiple '--build' options on one command
                        line is allowed. For dependencies, the optional
                        'build_policy' attribute in their takes
                        precedence over the command line parameter. Possible
                        parameters: --build Force build for all packages, do
                        not use binary packages. --build=never Disallow build
                        for all packages, use binary packages or fail if a
                        binary package is not found. Cannot be combined with
                        other '--build' options. --build=missing Build
                        packages from source whose binary package is not
                        found. --build=outdated Build packages from source
                        whose binary package was not generated from the latest
                        recipe or is not found. --build=cascade Build packages
                        from source that have at least one dependency being
                        built from source. --build=[pattern] Build packages
                        from source whose package reference matches the
                        pattern. The pattern uses 'fnmatch' style wildcards.
                        Default behavior: If you omit the '--build' option,
                        the 'build_policy' attribute in will be
                        used if it exists, otherwise the behavior is like '--
  --json JSON           generate output file in json format

The result is a list of lists, containing tuples. Each tuple contains 2 elements, the first is a UUID of the node of the graph. It is unique and ensures a way to address exactly one node, even if there are nodes with the same reference (it is possible for example to have different build_requires with the same name and version, but different configuration)

conan graph lockļƒ

conan graph lock [-h] [-l LOCKFILE] [-b [BUILD]] [-r REMOTE] [-u] [-e ENV_HOST]
                 [-e:b ENV_BUILD] [-e:h ENV_HOST] [-o OPTIONS_HOST]
                 [-o:b OPTIONS_BUILD] [-o:h OPTIONS_HOST] [-pr PROFILE_HOST]
                 [-pr:b PROFILE_BUILD] [-pr:h PROFILE_HOST] [-s SETTINGS_HOST]
                 [-s:b SETTINGS_BUILD] [-s:h SETTINGS_HOST]
positional arguments:
  path_or_reference     Path to a folder containing a recipe ( or
                        conanfile.txt) or to a recipe file. e.g.,
                        ./my_project/conanfile.txt. It could also be a reference

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOCKFILE, --lockfile LOCKFILE
                        Path to lockfile to be created. If not specified 'conan.lock' will
                        be created in current folder
  -b [BUILD], --build [BUILD]
                        Packages to build from source
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        Look in the specified remote server
  -u, --update          Check updates exist from upstream remotes
  -e ENV_HOST, --env ENV_HOST
                        Environment variables that will be set during the package build
                        (host machine). e.g.: -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
  -e:b ENV_BUILD, --env:build ENV_BUILD
                        Environment variables that will be set during the package build
                        (build machine). e.g.: -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
  -e:h ENV_HOST, --env:host ENV_HOST
                        Environment variables that will be set during the package build
                        (host machine). e.g.: -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
                        Define options values (host machine), e.g.: -o Pkg:with_qt=true
  -o:b OPTIONS_BUILD, --options:build OPTIONS_BUILD
                        Define options values (build machine), e.g.: -o Pkg:with_qt=true
  -o:h OPTIONS_HOST, --options:host OPTIONS_HOST
                        Define options values (host machine), e.g.: -o Pkg:with_qt=true
                        Apply the specified profile to the host machine
  -pr:b PROFILE_BUILD, --profile:build PROFILE_BUILD
                        Apply the specified profile to the build machine
  -pr:h PROFILE_HOST, --profile:host PROFILE_HOST
                        Apply the specified profile to the host machine
                        Settings to build the package, overwriting the defaults (host
                        machine). e.g.: -s compiler=gcc
  -s:b SETTINGS_BUILD, --settings:build SETTINGS_BUILD
                        Settings to build the package, overwriting the defaults (build
                        machine). e.g.: -s compiler=gcc
  -s:h SETTINGS_HOST, --settings:host SETTINGS_HOST
                        Settings to build the package, overwriting the defaults (host
                        machine). e.g.: -s compiler=gcc

This command is similar to conan install or conan info, but with a few differences:

  • It doesnā€™t need to retrieve binaries, it will only compute what is necessary to do, according to the --build argument and rules

  • Even when --build values are specified, packages will not be built from sources. It will just compute, as a ā€œdry-runā€ what would happen in an equivalent conan install