def patch(conanfile, base_path=None, patch_file=None, patch_string=None,
          strip=0, fuzz=False, **kwargs):

Applies a diff from file (patch_file) or string (patch_string) in base_path directory. If base_path is not passed it is applied in the current directory.

  • base_path: Base path where the patch should be applied.

  • patch_file: Patch file that should be applied.

  • patch_string: Patch string that should be applied.

  • strip: Number of folders to be stripped from the path.

  • output: Stream object.

  • fuzz: Should accept fuzzy patches.

  • kwargs: Extra parameters that can be added and will contribute to output information.

def apply_conandata_patches(conanfile):

Applies patches stored in conanfile.conan_data (read from conandata.yml file). It will apply all the patches under patches entry that matches the given conanfile.version. If versions are not defined in conandata.yml it will apply all the patches directly under patches keyword.

Example of conandata.yml without versions defined:

- patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
  base_path: "source_subfolder"
- patch_file: "patches/0002-implicit-copy-constructor.patch"
  base_path: "source_subfolder"
  patch_type: backport
  patch_description: Needed to build with modern clang compilers.

Example of conandata.yml with different patches for different versions:

    - patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
      base_path: "source_subfolder"
    - patch_file: "patches/0002-implicit-copy-constructor.patch"
      base_path: "source_subfolder"
      patch_type: backport
      patch_description: Needed to build with modern clang compilers.
    - patch_file: "patches/0001-buildflatbuffers-cmake.patch"
      base_path: "source_subfolder"

def rename(conanfile, src, dst)

Utility functions to rename a file or folder src to dst. On Windows, it is very common that os.rename() raises an “Access is denied” exception, so this tool uses:command:robocopy if available. If that is not the case, or the rename is done in a non-Windows machine, it falls back to the os.rename() implementation.

def source(self):
  tools.rename(self, "lib-sources-abe2h9fe", "sources")  # renaming a folder
  • conanfile: Conanfile object.

  • src (Required): Path to be renamed.

  • dst (Required): Path to be renamed to.