

These tools are still experimental (so subject to breaking changes) but with very stable syntax. We encourage the usage of it to be prepared for Conan 2.0.

For example, this would implement the standard CMake project layout:

from import cmake_layout

def layout(self):

If you want to try it, use the conan new hello/0.1 --template=cmake_lib template.

It is very important to note that this cmake_layout() is just calling the folders and cpp attributes described in the (layout reference).

This is the implementation of cmake_layout():

def cmake_layout(conanfile, generator=None, src_folder="."):
    gen = conanfile.conf.get("tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator", default=generator)
    if gen:
        multi = "Visual" in gen or "Xcode" in gen or "Multi-Config" in gen
        compiler = conanfile.settings.get_safe("compiler")
        if compiler in ("Visual Studio", "msvc"):
            multi = True
            multi = False

    conanfile.folders.source = src_folder
        build_type = str(conanfile.settings.build_type)
    except ConanException:
        raise ConanException("'build_type' setting not defined, it is necessary for cmake_layout()")
    if multi: = "build"
        build_type = build_type.lower() = "cmake-build-{}".format(build_type)

    conanfile.folders.generators = "build/generators"
    conanfile.cpp.source.includedirs = ["include"]

    if multi: = ["{}".format(build_type)] = ["{}".format(build_type)]
    else: = ["."] = ["."]

First, it is important to notice that the layout depends on the CMake generator that will be used. So if defined from [conf], that value will be used. If defined in recipe, then the recipe should pass it as cmake_layout(self, cmake_generator).

The definitions of the folders is different if it is a multi-config generator (like Visual Studio or Xcode), or a single-config generator (like Unix Makefiles). In the first case, the folder is the same irrespective of the build type, and the build system will manage the different build types inside that folder. But single-config generators like Unix Makefiles, must use a different folder for each different configuration (as a different build_type Release/Debug).

Nevertheless, the conanfile.folders.generators folder containing the saved files from the generators (CMakeDeps, CMakeToolchain…) is always at build/generators because they support multi-configuration. That is, you can run conan install . -s build_type=Debug and conan install . -s build_type=Release and the generated files will coexist at the build/generators without any issue.

Finally, the location where the libraries are created also depends. For multi-config, the respective libraries will be located in a dedicated folder inside the build folder, while for single-config, the libraries will be located directly in the build folder.

This helper defines a few things, for example that the source folder is called "." by default, meaning that Conan will expect the sources in the same directory were the conanfile is (most likely the project root). If you have a different folder where the CMakeLists.txt is located, for example, when creating a package for an external library, you can use the src_folder argument:

def layout(self):
    cmake_layout(self, src_folder="subfolder")