Migrating the recipes
We introduced changes to Conan 1.X
versions so you can start migrating your recipes to do a smooth transition to
Conan 2.0
Python import statements
All the imports from the
package have to be replaced. The Conan 2.0 ones are in theconan
package. Note the plural.The “tools” functions are now organized in different packages, you can check the complete reference here.
from conans import ConanFile, tools
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.files import save, load
from conan.tools.gnu import AutotoolsToolchain, AutotoolsDeps
from conan.tools.microsoft import unix_path, VCVars, is_msvc
from conan.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration
from conan.errors import ConanException
to define test requirements instead of the legacyself.build_requires(..., force_host_context)
to define the legacy build_requires.
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
def build_requirements(self):
self.build_requires("gtest/0.1", force_host_context=True)
from conan import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
def build_requirements(self):
The self.requires()
method allows in 1.X any **kwargs
, so something like self.requires(..., transitive_headers=True)
is possible in
Conan 1.X. These **kwargs
don’t have any effect at all in Conan 1.X, they are not even checked for correctness. But they are allowed to exist,
so if new requirement traits are used in Conan 2.0, they will not error.
Do not use dictionary expressions in your recipe
definition (likesettings = {"os": ["Windows", "Linux"]}
. This way of limiting supported configurations by one recipe will be removed. Use thevalidate()
method instead to raiseConanInvalidConfiguration
if strictly necessary to fail fast for unsupported configurations.from conan import ConanFile class Pkg(Conanfile): settings = "os", "arch", "compiler" ... def validate(self): if self.info.settings.os == "Macos": raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Macos not supported")
In Conan 2, removing a setting, for example,
del self.settings.compiler.libcxx
in theconfigure()
method, will raise an exception if the setting doesn’t exist. It has to be protected with try/except. Theself.settings.rm_safe()
method already implements the try/except clause internally. Use it like:def configure(self): # it's a C library self.settings.rm_safe("compiler.libcxx") self.settings.rm_safe("compiler.cppstd")
The definition of the default_options
attribute has changed when referring to a dependency. It is related to the
unified patterns in the command line.
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
default_options = {"pkg:some_option": "value"}
from conan import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
# "pkg/*:some_option" or ""pkg/1.0:some_option" or "pkg*:some_option" would be valid
default_options = {"pkg/*:some_option": "value"}
ANY special value
The special value ANY
has to be declared in a list:
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
options = {"opt": "ANY"}
from conan import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
options = {"opt": ["ANY"]}
In case the default value is None
, then it should be added as possible value to that option:
from conan import ConanFile
class Pkg(Conanfile):
options = {"opt": [None, "ANY"]}
default_options = {"opt": None}
The validate() method
Use always the self.info.settings
instead of self.settings
and self.info.options
instead of self.options
Otherwise, the compatibility mechanism won’t be able to verify if the configurations of potential compatible
are valid.
class Pkg(Conanfile):
def validate(self):
if self.settings.os == "Windows":
raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("This package is not compatible with Windows")
class Pkg(Conanfile):
def validate(self):
if self.info.settings.os == "Windows":
raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("This package is not compatible with Windows")
If you are not checking if the resulting binary is valid for the current configuration but need to check if a package
can be built or not for a specific configuration you must use the validate_build()
method instead of using self.settings
and self.options
to perform the checks:
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration
class myConan(ConanFile):
name = "foo"
version = "1.0"
settings = "os", "arch", "compiler"
def package_id(self):
# For this package, it doesn't matter what compiler is used for the binary package
del self.info.settings.compiler
def validate_build(self):
# But we know this cannot be built with "gcc"
if self.settings.compiler == "gcc":
raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("This doesn't build in GCC")
def validate(self):
# We shouldn't check self.info.settings.compiler here because it has been removed in the package_id()
# so it doesn't make sense to check if the binary is compatible with gcc because the compiler doesn't matter
The layout() method
The layout method is not mandatory but very recommended to:
Give better support for
packages.Work with local commands,
conan install
+conan source
+conan build
If your recipe is using CMake, you might want to use the cmake_layout(self)
from conan import ConanFile from conan.tools.cmake import cmake_layout class Pkg(Conanfile): def layout(self): cmake_layout(self)
A typical anti-pattern in the recipes that can be solved with a layout()
declaration would be:
From:from conans import ConanFile, tools class Pkg(Conanfile): @property def _source_subfolder(self): return "source_subfolder" def source(self): tools.get(**self.conan_data["sources"][self.version], destination=self._source_subfolder, strip_root=True)To:from conan import ConanFile from conan.tools.layout import basic_layout from conan.tools.files import get class Pkg(Conanfile): def layout(self): basic_layout(self, src_folder="source") def source(self): get(self, **self.conan_data["sources"][self.version], strip_root=True)
When declaring the layout, the variables self.source_folder
and self.build_folder
will point to the correct folder,
both in the cache or locally when using local methods, it is always recommended to use these when performing disk operations
(read, write, copy, etc).
If you are using editables
, the external template files are going to be removed.
Use the layout()
method definition instead.
Read more about the layout feature and the reference of the layout() method.
Adjusting the cpp_info objects
You can adjust the cpp_info in the layout
method too, not only for a package in the cache, that was typically done
in the package_info()
method using the self.cpp_info
, but for editable packages (to reuse a conan package
that is being developed in a local directory):
def layout(self):
# This will be automatically copied to self.cpp_info
# This information is relative to the self.package_folder
# This information is relative to the self.build_folder
self.cpp.build.libdirs = ["."]
self.cpp.build.bindirs = ["bin"]
# This information is relative to the self.source_folder
self.cpp.source.includedirs = ["."]
cpp_info libdir, bindir, includedir accessors when using layout() in Conan 1.X
Since Conan 1.53.0 you can
access cpp_info.libdirs[0]
, cpp_info.bindirs[0]
using cpp_info.libdir
, cpp_info.bindir
The scm attribute
The scm
attribute won’t exist in Conan 2.0. You have to start using the export()
and source()
to mimic the same behavior:
method is responsible for capturing the “coordinates” of the current URL and commit. The newconan.tools.scm.Git
can be used for this (do not use the legacyGit
helper but this one)The
method, after capturing the coordinates, can store them in theconandata.yml
using theupdate_conandata()
helper functionThe
method can use the information inself.conan_data
coming from the exportedconandata.yml
file to do a clone and checkout of the matching code. The newconan.tools.scm.Git
can be used for this purpose.
from conans import ConanFile, tools
class Pkg(Conanfile):
scm = {
"type": "git",
"url": "auto",
"revision": "auto",
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.scm import Git
from conan.tools.files import load, update_conandata
class Pkg(Conanfile):
def export(self):
git = Git(self, self.recipe_folder)
scm_url, scm_commit = git.get_url_and_commit()
update_conandata(self, {"sources": {"commit": scm_commit, "url": scm_url}})
def source(self):
git = Git(self)
sources = self.conan_data["sources"]
git.clone(url=sources["url"], target=".")
Please check the full example on the conan.tools.scm.Git section.
The export_sources() method
The self.copy
method has been replaced by the explicit tool
copy. Typically you would copy from the
to the conafile.export_sources_folder
def export_sources(self):
from conan.tools.files import copy
def export_sources(self):
copy(self, "CMakeLists.txt", self.recipe_folder, self.export_sources_folder)
The generate() method
This is a key method to understand how Conan 2.0 works. This method is called during the
Conan “install” step, before calling the build() method.
All the information needed to build the current package has to be calculated and written in
disk (in the self.generators_folder
) by the generate()
method. The goal of the
method is to prepare the build generating all the information that
could be needed while running the build step. That means things like:
Write information about the dependencies for the build system. This is done by what we call “generators”, which are tools like CMakeDeps, PkgConfigDeps, MSBuildDeps, XcodeDeps, etc.
Write information about the configuration (settings, options…). This is done by what we call “toolchains”, which are tools like CMakeToolchain, AutotoolsToolchain, MSBuildToolchain, XcodeToolchain, etc.
Write other files to be used in the build step, like scripts that inject environment variables (check the part on how to migrate the environment on this guide), files to pass to the build system, etc.
This improves a lot the local development, a simple conan install
will generate everything we need to build our
project in the IDE or just call the build system. This example is using the CMake
integration, but if you use
other build systems, even a custom one, remember you should generate everything needed in the generate()
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.cmake import CMakeToolchain, CMakeDeps, CMake, cmake_layout
class Pkg(ConanFile):
requires = "foo/1.0", "bar/1.0"
def layout(self):
def generate(self):
# This generates "conan_toolchain.cmake" in self.generators_folder
tc = CMakeToolchain(self)
tc.variables["MYVAR"] = "1"
tc.preprocessor_definitions["MYDEFINE"] = "2"
# This generates "foo-config.cmake" and "bar-config.cmake" in self.generators_folder
deps = CMakeDeps(self)
If we are using that recipe for our project we can build it by typing:
$ conan install .
# This will generate the config files from the dependencies and the toolchain
$ cmake . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./cmake-build-release/conan/conan_toolchain.cmake
$ cmake --build .
You can check all the generators and toolchains for different build systems in the tools reference page.
It is also very important to know that every access to the information from the dependencies
must be done in the
method using the self.dependencies access.
Do not use self.deps_cpp_info
, self.deps_env_info
or self.deps_user_info
, these have been removed in 2.0.
If you don’t need to customize anything in a generator you can specify it in the generators
attribute and skip
using the generate()
method for that:
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.cmake import CMake, cmake_layout
class Pkg(ConanFile):
requires = "foo/1.0", "bar/1.0"
generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"
The build() method
There are no relevant changes in how the build()
method works in Conan v2 compared to
v1. Just be aware that the generate()
method should be used to prepare the build,
generating information used in the build()
step. Please, learn how to do that in the
section of this guide about the generate()
The package() method
The self.copy
has been replaced by the explicit tool copy.
def package(self):
self.copy("*.h", dst="include", src="src")
self.copy("*.lib", dst="lib", keep_path=False)
self.copy("*.dll", dst="bin", keep_path=False)
from conan.tools.files import copy
def package(self):
copy(self, "*.h", self.source_folder, join(self.package_folder, "include"), keep_path=False)
copy(self, "*.lib", self.build_folder, join(self.package_folder, "lib"), keep_path=False)
copy(self, "*.dll", self.build_folder, join(self.package_folder, "bin"), keep_path=False)
The package_info() method
Changed cpp_info default values
There are some defaults in self.cpp_info
object that are not the same in Conan 2.X than in Conan 1.X (except
for Conan >= 1.50
if the layout()
method is declared):
self.cpp_info.includedirs => ["include"]
self.cpp_info.libdirs => ["lib"]
self.cpp_info.resdirs => []
self.cpp_info.bindirs => ["bin"]
self.cpp_info.builddirs => []
self.cpp_info.frameworkdirs => []
If you declare components, the defaults are the same, so you only need to change the defaults if they are not correct.
Remember that it’s now possible to declare cpp_info
in the layout() method
using self.cpp.package
instead of using self.cpp_info
in the package_info()
Removed self.user_info
Replaced by the self.conf_info
object, much more versatile than the previous self.user_info
Check the complete usage of self.conf_info.
import os
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(ConanFile):
name = "pkg"
version = "1.0"
def package_info(self):
self.user_info.FOO = "bar"
import os
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(ConanFile):
name = "pkg"
version = "1.0"
def package_info(self):
self.conf_info.define("user.myconf:foo", "bar")
In a consumer recipe:
import os
from conans import ConanFile
class Pkg(ConanFile):
requires = "pkg/1.0"
def generate(self):
my_value = self.dependencies[pkg].conf_info.get("user.myconf:foo")
The consumer recipes will have a self.conf
object available with the aggregated configuration from all the
recipes in the build
from conan import ConanFile
class Pkg(ConanFile):
settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
generators = "CMakeToolchain"
build_requires = "android_ndk/1.0"
def generate(self):
self.output.info("NDK: %s" % self.conf.get("tools.android:ndk_path"))
Removed self.env_info
The attribute self.env_info
has been replaced by:
: For the dependent recipes, the environment variables will be present during the build process.self.runenv_info
: For the dependent recipes, environment variables will be present during the runtime.
Read more about how to use them in the environment management of Conan 2.0.
Remember that if you want to pass general information to the dependent recipes, you should use the self.conf_info
and not environment variables if they are not supposed to be reused as environment variables in the dependent recipes.
Removed self.cpp_info.builddirs
The default value (pointing to the package root folder) from self.cpp_info.builddirs
has been removed.
Also assigning it will be discouraged because it affects how CMakeToolchain and
CMakeDeps locate executables, libraries, headers… from the right context (host vs build).
To be prepared for Conan 2.0:
If you have cmake modules or cmake config files at the root of the package, it is strongly recommended to move them to a subfolder
and assign it:self.cpp_info.builddirs = ["cmake"]
If you are not assigning any
assign an empty list:self.cpp_info.builddirs = []
.Instead of appending new values to the default list, assign it:
self.cpp_info.builddirs = ["cmake"]
The package_id() method
The self.info.header_only()
method has been replaced with self.info.clear()
def package_id(self):
def package_id(self):
New properties model
Using .names
, .filenames
and .build_modules
will not work anymore for new
generators, like CMakeDeps and PkgConfigDeps.
They have a new way of setting this information using set_property
methods of the cpp_info
object (available since Conan 1.36).
def set_property(self, property_name, value)
def get_property(self, property_name):
New properties cmake_target_name
, cmake_file_name
, cmake_module_target_name
, pkg_config_name
and cmake_build_modules
are defined to allow
migrating names
, filenames
and build_modules
properties to this model. In Conan 2.0 this
will be the default way of setting these properties for all generators and also passing
custom properties to generators.
The 2 mechanisms are completely independent:
Old way using
will work exclusively for legacy generators likecmake_find_package
New properties, like
will work exclusively for new generators likeCMakeDeps
. They have changed to be absolute, and that would break legacy generators.Recipes that want to provide support for both generators need to provide the 2 definitions in their
New properties defined for CMake generators family, used by CMakeDeps generator:
cmake_file_name property will define in
the name of the generated config file (xxx-config.cmake
)cmake_target_name property will define the absolute target name in
cmake_module_file_name property defines the generated filename for modules (
)cmake_module_target_name defines the absolute target name for find modules.
cmake_build_modules property replaces the
property. It can’t be declared in a component, do it inself.cpp_info
.cmake_find_mode will tell CMakeDeps to generate config files, modules files, both or none of them, depending on the value set (
Properties related to pkg_config, supported by both legacy pkg_config and new PkgConfigDeps:
pkg_config_name property equivalent to the
attribute.pkg_config_custom_content property supported by both generators that will add user-defined content to the .pc files created by the generator
component_version property supported by both generators that set a custom version to be used in the
field belonging to the created*.pc
file for that component.
Properties related to pkg_config, only supported by new PkgConfigDeps:
pkg_config_aliases property sets some aliases of any package/component name for the
generator only, it doesn’t work inpkg_config
. This property only accepts list-like Python objects.
All of these properties, except for cmake_file_name
and cmake_module_file_name
can be defined at the
global cpp_info
level or at the component level.
The set/get_property model is very useful if you are creating a custom generator.
Using set_property()
you can pass the parameters of your choice and read them using the
method inside the generator.
def package_info(self):
# you have created a custom generator that reads the 'custom_property' property and you set here
# the value to 'prop_value'
self.cpp_info.components["mycomponent"].set_property("custom_property", "prop_value")
Please check a detailed migration guide in the dedicated section.
Removed imports() method
The def imports(self)
method from the conanfile has been removed. If you need to import files from your
dependencies you can do it in the generate(self)
method with the new copy
from conan.tools.files import copy
def generate(self):
for dep in self.dependencies.values():
copy(self, "*.dylib", dep.cpp_info.libdirs[0], self.build_folder)
copy(self, "*.dll", dep.cpp_info.libdirs[0], self.build_folder)
Migrate conanfile.compatible_packages to the new compatibility() method
To declare compatible packages in a valid way for both Conan 1.X and 2.0, you should migrate from using the Compatible packages method to the compatibility() method.
def package_id(self):
if self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and self.settings.compiler.version == "4.9":
for version in ("4.8", "4.7", "4.6"):
compatible_pkg = self.info.clone()
compatible_pkg.settings.compiler.version = version
def compatibility(self):
if self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and self.settings.compiler.version == "4.9":
return [{"settings": [("compiler.version", v)]}
for v in ("4.8", "4.7", "4.6")]
Changes in the test_package recipe
In Conan 2.0, the test_package/conanfile.py
needs to declare the requirement being tested explicitly.
To be prepared you have to set the attribute test_type="explicit"
(this will be ignored in 2.0) to make Conan
activate the explicit mode, then declaring the requirement using the self.tested_reference_str
that contains the
reference being tested.
from conan import ConanFile
class MyTestPkg(ConanFile):
test_type = "explicit"
def requirements(self):
# A regular requirement
def build_requirements(self):
# If we want to test the package as a tool_require (formerly `test_type = "build_requires"`)
# Keep both "requires()" and "tool_requires()" if you want to test the same package both as a regular
# require and a tool_require (formerly `test_type = "build_requires", "requires"`)
Other recipe changes
The environment management
The environment management has changed quite a bit. In Conan 1.X the environment was managed by modifying the environment
of Python (of the running process), often using the environment_append
tool, which is not available in 2.0 anymore.
In Conan 2.0, all the applied environment variables are managed by script files
(sh, bat) that will be run just before calling the command specified in every self.run("mycommand")
These “environment launchers” can be organized by scopes. Conan will aggregate all the launchers of the same scope in a single
launcher called conan<scope_name>.bat/sh
For example, if you need to call your build system, passing some environment variables:
from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.env import Environment
class MyTestPkg(ConanFile):
def generate(self):
env = Environment()
env.define("foo", "var")
# scope="build" is the default
envvars = env.vars(self, scope="build")
# This will generate a my_launcher.sh but also will create a "conan_build.sh" calling "my_launcher.sh"
def build(self):
# by default env="conanbuild"
self.run("my_build_system.exe", env="conanbuild")
The resulting command executed in the build() method would be something like:
$ conan_build.sh && my_build_system.exe
So the environment variable foo
declared in the generate()
method will be automatically passed to the my_build_system.exe
There are two generators managing the environment, the VirtualBuildEnv
and the VirtualRunEnv
. By default, these
generators are automatically declared in Conan 2.0 but you have to explicitly declare them in Conan 1.X otherwise you
can set tools.env.virtualenv:auto_use=True
in the global.conf
VirtualBuildEnv: It will generate a conanbuildenv .bat or .sh script containing environment variables of the build time environment. That information is collected from the direct
in “build” context recipes from theself.buildenv_info
definition plus theself.runenv_info
of the transitive dependencies of thosetool_requires
.The scope used by the
so, as explained before, it will be applied by default before calling any command.Check more details here.
VirtualRunEnv: It will generate a conanrunenv .bat or .sh script containing environment variables of the run time environment. The launcher contains the runtime environment information, anything that is necessary for the environment to actually run the compiled executables and applications. The information is obtained from the
and also automatically deducted from theself.cpp_info
definition of the package, to definePATH
environment variables.The scope used by the
so if you need that environment applied you need to specify it in theself.run
command.An example of usage of the
is the test_package of a recipe that builds a shared library:import os from conan import ConanFile from conan.tools.env import Environment class MyTestPkg(ConanFile): generators = "VirtualRunEnv" ... def test(self): my_app_path = os.path.join(self.cpp.build.bindirs[0], "my_app") # The default env is "conanbuild" but we want the runtime here to locate the shared library self.run(my_app_path, env="conanrun")
Check more details here.
Windows Subsystems
If you want to run commands inside a Windows subsystem (e.g bash from msys2) you have to set the self.win_bash=True
in your recipe, instead of using the deprecated self.run(..., win_bash=True)
from 1.X.
You need to configure how to run the commands with two config variables:
tools.microsoft.bash:subsystem: Possible values: ‘msys2’, ‘msys’, ‘cygwin’, ‘wsl’ and ‘sfu’
tools.microsoft.bash:path (Default “bash”): Path to the shell executable.
tools.microsoft.bash:active (Default “None”): Used to define if Conan is already running inside a subsystem (Msys2) terminal.
Any command run with self.run
, if self.win_bash == True
will run the command inside the specified shell.
Any command run with self.run(..., scope="run")
if self.win_bash_run == True
will run that command inside the shell.
In both cases running explicitly in the bash shell only happens if tools.microsoft.bash:active
is not True, because
when it is True, it means that Conan is already running inside the shell.
Conan won’t alter any symlink while exporting or packaging files. If any manipulation to the symlinks is required, the package conan.tools.files.symlinks contains some tools to help with that.
New tools for managing system package managers
There are some changes you should be aware of if you are migrating from SystemPackageTool to the new conan.tools.system.package_manager to prepare the recipe for Conan 2.0:
Unlike in
and is set toTrue
as default, thetools.system.package_manager:sudo
configuration isFalse
by default.SystemPackageTool is initialized with
but for these new toolstools.system.package_manager:mode='check'
is set by default.