Packaging Existing Binaries

There are specific scenarios in which it is necessary to create packages from existing binaries, for example from 3rd parties or binaries previously built by another process or team that are not using Conan. Under these circumstances building from sources is not what you want. You should package the local files in the following situations:

  • When you cannot build the packages from sources (when only pre-built binaries are available).

  • When you are developing your package locally and you want to export the built artifacts to the local cache. As you don’t want to rebuild again (clean copy) your artifacts, you don’t want to call conan create. This method will keep your build cache if you are using an IDE or calling locally to the conan build command.

Packaging Pre-built Binaries

Running the build() method, when the files you want to package are local, results in no added value as the files copied from the user folder cannot be reproduced. For this scenario, run conan export-pkg command directly.

A Conan recipe is still required, but is very simple and will only include the package meta information. A basic recipe can be created with the conan new command:

$ conan new hello/0.1 --bare

This will create and store the following package recipe in the local cache:

class HelloConan(ConanFile):
    name = "hello"
    version = "0.1"
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"

    def package(self):

    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = self.collect_libs()

The provided package_info() method scans the package files to provide end-users with the name of the libraries to link to. This method can be further customized to provide additional build flags (typically dependent on the settings). The default package_info() applies as follows: it defines headers in the “include” folder, libraries in the “lib” folder, and binaries in the “bin” folder. A different package layout can be defined in the package_info() method.

This package recipe can be also extended to provide support for more configurations (for example, adding options: shared/static, or using different settings), adding dependencies (requires), and more.

Based on the above, we can assume that our current directory contains a lib folder with a number binaries for this “hello” library libhello.a, compatible for example with Windows MinGW (gcc) version 4.9:

$ conan export-pkg . hello/0.1@myuser/testing  -s os=Windows -s compiler=gcc -s compiler.version=4.9 ...

Having a test_package folder is still highly recommended for testing the package locally before upload. As we don’t want to build the package from the sources, the flow would be:

$ conan new hello/0.1 --bare --test
# customize test_package project
# customize package recipe if necessary
$ cd my/path/to/binaries
$ conan export-pkg PATH/TO/ hello/0.1@myuser/testing  -s os=Windows -s compiler=gcc -s compiler.version=4.9 ...
$ conan test PATH/TO/test_package/ hello/0.1@myuser/testing -s os=Windows -s compiler=gcc -s ...

The last two steps can be repeated for any number of configurations.

Downloading and Packaging Pre-built Binaries

In this scenario, creating a complete Conan recipe, with the detailed retrieval of the binaries could be the preferred method, because it is reproducible, and the original binaries might be traced. Follow our sample recipe for this purpose:

class HelloConan(ConanFile):
    name = "hello"
    version = "0.1"
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"

    def build(self):
        if self.settings.os == "Windows" and self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio":
            url = ("https://<someurl>/downloads/"
                   % (str(self.settings.compiler.version), str(self.settings.build_type)))
        elif ...:
            url = ...
            raise Exception("Binary does not exist for these settings")

    def package(self):
        self.copy("*") # assume package as-is, but you can also copy specific files or rearrange

    def package_info(self):  # still very useful for package consumers
        self.cpp_info.libs = ["hello"]

Typically, pre-compiled binaries come for different configurations, so the only task that the build() method has to implement is to map the settings to the different URLs.


  • This is a standard Conan package even if the binaries are being retrieved from elsewhere. The recommended approach is to use conan create, and include a small consuming project in addition to the above recipe, to test locally and then proceed to upload the Conan package with the binaries to the Conan remote with conan upload.

  • The same building policies apply. Having a recipe fails if no Conan packages are created, and the --build argument is not defined. A typical approach for this kind of packages could be to define a build_policy="missing", especially if the URLs are also under the team control. If they are external (on the internet), it could be better to create the packages and store them on your own Conan server, so that the builds do not rely on third party URL being available.