Custom command: Clean old recipe and package revisions


This is mostly an example command. The built-in conan remove *#!latest syntax, meaning “all revisions but the latest” would probably be enough for this use case, without needing this custom command.

Please, first clone the sources to recreate this project. You can find them in the examples2 repository in GitHub:

$ git clone
$ cd examples2/examples/extensions/commands/clean

In this example we are going to see how to create/use a custom command: conan clean. It removes every recipe and its package revisions from the local cache or the remotes, except the latest package revision from the latest recipe one.


To understand better this example, it is highly recommended to read previously the Custom commands reference.

Locate the command

Copy the command file into your [YOUR_CONAN_HOME]/extensions/commands/ folder (create it if it’s not there). If you don’t know where [YOUR_CONAN_HOME] is located, you can run conan config home to check it.

Run it

Now, you should be able to see the new command in your command prompt:

$ conan -h
Custom commands
clean        Deletes (from local cache or remotes) all recipe and package revisions but the
               latest package revision from the latest recipe revision.

$ conan clean -h
usage: conan clean [-h] [-r REMOTE] [--force]

Deletes (from local cache or remotes) all recipe and package revisions but
the latest package revision from the latest recipe revision.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        Will remove from the specified remote
  --force               Remove without requesting a confirmation

Finally, if you execute conan clean:

$ conan clean
Do you want to remove all the recipes revisions and their packages ones, except the latest package revision from the latest recipe one? (yes/no): yes
Removed package revision: other/1.0#31da245c3399e4124e39bd4f77b5261f:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709#a16985deb2e1aa73a8480faad22b722c [Local cache]
Removed recipe revision: other/1.0#721995a35b1a8d840ce634ea1ac71161 and all its package revisions [Local cache]
Removed package revision: hello/1.0#9a77cdcff3a539b5b077dd811b2ae3b0:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709#cee90a74944125e7e9b4f74210bfec3f [Local cache]
Removed package revision: hello/1.0#9a77cdcff3a539b5b077dd811b2ae3b0:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709#7cddd50952de9935d6c3b5b676a34c48 [Local cache]

Nothing should happen if you run it again:

$ conan clean
Do you want to remove all the recipes revisions and their packages ones, except the latest package revision from the latest recipe one? (yes/no): yes

Code tour

The conan clean command has the following code:
from conan.api.conan_api import ConanAPI
from conan.api.output import ConanOutput, Color
from conan.cli.command import OnceArgument, conan_command
from conans.client.userio import UserInput

recipe_color = Color.BRIGHT_BLUE
removed_color = Color.BRIGHT_YELLOW

@conan_command(group="Custom commands")
def clean(conan_api: ConanAPI, parser, *args):
    Deletes (from local cache or remotes) all recipe and package revisions but
    the latest package revision from the latest recipe revision.
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote', action=OnceArgument,
                        help='Will remove from the specified remote')
    parser.add_argument('--force', default=False, action='store_true',
                        help='Remove without requesting a confirmation')
    args = parser.parse_args(*args)

    def confirmation(message):
        return args.force or ui.request_boolean(message)

    ui = UserInput(non_interactive=False)
    out = ConanOutput()
    remote = conan_api.remotes.get(args.remote) if args.remote else None
    output_remote = remote or "Local cache"

    # Getting all the recipes
    recipes ="*/*", remote=remote)
    if recipes and not confirmation("Do you want to remove all the recipes revisions and their packages ones, "
                                    "except the latest package revision from the latest recipe one?"):
    for recipe in recipes:
        out.writeln(f"{str(recipe)}", fg=recipe_color)
        all_rrevs = conan_api.list.recipe_revisions(recipe, remote=remote)
        latest_rrev = all_rrevs[0] if all_rrevs else None
        for rrev in all_rrevs:
            if rrev != latest_rrev:
                conan_api.remove.recipe(rrev, remote=remote)
                out.writeln(f"Removed recipe revision: {rrev.repr_notime()} "
                            f"and all its package revisions [{output_remote}]", fg=removed_color)
                packages = conan_api.list.packages_configurations(rrev, remote=remote)
                for package_ref in packages:
                    all_prevs = conan_api.list.package_revisions(package_ref, remote=remote)
                    latest_prev = all_prevs[0] if all_prevs else None
                    for prev in all_prevs:
                    if prev != latest_prev:
                        conan_api.remove.package(prev, remote=remote)
                        out.writeln(f"Removed package revision: {prev.repr_notime()} [{output_remote}]", fg=removed_color)

Let’s analyze the most important parts.


The parser param is an instance of the Python command-line parsing argparse.ArgumentParser, so if you want to know more about its API, visit its official website.

User input and user output

Important classes to manage user input and user output:

ui = UserInput(non_interactive=False)
out = ConanOutput()
  • UserInput(non_interactive): class to manage user inputs. In this example we’re using ui.request_boolean("Do you want to proceed?"), so it’ll be automatically translated to Do you want to proceed? (yes/no): in the command prompt. Note: you can use UserInput(non_interactive=conan_api.config.get("core:non_interactive")) too.

  • ConanOutput(): class to manage user outputs. In this example, we’re using only out.writeln(message, fg=None, bg=None) where fg is the font foreground, and bg is the font background. Apart from that, you have some predefined methods like, out.success(), out.error(), etc.

Conan public API


This feature is experimental and subject to breaking changes. See the Conan stability section for more information.

The most important part of this example is the usage of the Conan API via conan_api parameter. These are some examples which are being used in this custom command:

conan_api.remotes.get(args.remote)"*/*", remote=remote)
conan_api.list.recipe_revisions(recipe, remote=remote)
conan_api.remove.recipe(rrev, remote=remote)
conan_api.list.packages_configurations(rrev, remote=remote)
conan_api.list.package_revisions(package_ref, remote=remote)
conan_api.remove.package(prev, remote=remote)
  • conan_api.remotes.get(...): [RemotesAPI] Returns a RemoteRegistry given the remote name.

  • [SearchAPI] Returns a list with all the recipes matching the given pattern.

  • conan_api.list.recipe_revisions(...): [ListAPI] Returns a list with all the recipe revisions given a recipe reference.

  • conan_api.list.packages_configurations(...): [ListAPI] Returns the list of different configurations (package_id’s) for a recipe revision.

  • conan_api.list.package_revisions(...): [ListAPI] Returns the list of package revisions for a given recipe revision.

  • conan_api.remove.recipe(...): [RemoveAPI] Removes the given recipe revision.

  • conan_api.remove.package(...): [RemoveAPI] Removes the given package revision.

Besides that, it deserves especial attention these lines:

all_rrevs = conan_api.list.recipe_revisions(recipe, remote=remote)
latest_rrev = all_rrevs[0] if all_rrevs else None


packages = conan_api.list.packages_configurations(rrev, remote=remote)


all_prevs = conan_api.list.package_revisions(package_ref, remote=remote)
latest_prev = all_prevs[0] if all_prevs else None

Basically, these API calls are returning a list of recipe revisions and package ones respectively, but we’re saving the first element as the latest one because these calls are getting an ordered list always.

If you want to know more about the Conan API, visit the ConanAPI section