conan download

$ conan download [-h] [-p PACKAGE] [-r REMOTE] [-re] reference

Downloads recipe and binaries to the local cache, without using settings.

It works specifying the recipe reference and package ID to be installed. Not transitive, requirements of the specified reference will NOT be retrieved. Useful together with ‘conan copy’ to automate the promotion of packages to a different user/channel. Only if a reference is specified, it will download all packages from the specified remote. If no remote is specified, it will use the default remote.

positional arguments:
  reference             pkg/version@user/channel

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
                        Force install specified package ID (ignore
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        look in the specified remote server
  -re, --recipe         Downloads only the recipe


  • Download all OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable binary packages from the remote foo:

    $ conan download OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable -r foo
  • Download a single binary package of OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable from the remote foo:

    $ conan download OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable -r foo -p 8018a4df6e7d2b4630a814fa40c81b85b9182d2
  • Download only the recipe of package OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable from the remote foo:

    $ conan download OpenSSL/1.0.2i@conan/stable -r foo -re