Search output


This is an experimental feature subject to breaking changes in future releases.

The conan search provides a --json parameter to generate a file containing the information of the search process.

The output JSON contains a two first level keys:

  • error: True if the upload completed without error, False otherwise.

  • results: A list of the remotes with the packages found. Each element contains:

    • remote: Name of the remote.

    • items: List of the items found in that remote. For each item there will always be a

      recipe and optionally also packages when searching them.

      • recipe: Document representing the uploaded recipe.
        • id: Reference, e.g., “openssl/1.0.2u”

      • packages: List of elements representing the binary packages found for the recipe.
        • id: Package ID, e.g., “8018a4df6e7d2b4630a814fa40c81b85b9182d2b”

        • options: Dictionary of options of the package.

        • settings: Dictionary with settings of the package.

        • requires: List of requires of the package.

        • outdated: Boolean to show whether package is outdated from recipe or not.


  • Search references in all remotes: conan search eigen* -r all

        "error": false,
        "results": [{
            "remote": "conan-center",
            "items": [{
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.4@conan/stable"
            }, {
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.5@conan/stable"
            }, {
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.7"
            }, {
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.7@conan/stable"
        }, {
            "remote": "conan-community",
            "items": [{
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.4@conan/stable"
            }, {
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.5@conan/stable"
            }, {
                "recipe": {
                    "id": "eigen/3.3.7@conan/stable"
  • Search packages of a reference in a remote: conan search paho-c/1.2.0@conan/stable -r conan-center --json search.json

  • Search references in local cache: conan search paho-c* --json search.json

  • Search packages of a reference in local cache: conan search paho-c/1.2.0@danimtb/testing --json search.json

                                    "compiler":"Visual Studio",
                                    "compiler":"Visual Studio",
                                    "compiler":"Visual Studio",
                                    "compiler":"Visual Studio",