Evolving lockfilesļƒ


This is an experimental feature subject to breaking changes in future releases.

As described before, lockfiles are immutable, they cannot change the information they contain. If some install or create command tries to change some data in a lockfile, it will error. This doesnā€™t mean that operations on lockfiles cannot be done, as it is possible to create a new lockfile from an existing one. We have already done this, obtaining a full lockfile for a specific configuration from an initial ā€œbaseā€ lockfile.

There are several scenarios you might want to create a new lockfile from an existing one.

Deriving a partial lockfileļƒ

Lets say that we have an application app/1.0 that depends on libc/1.0 that depends on libb/1.0 that finally depends on liba/1.0. We could capture a ā€œbaseā€ lockfile from it, and then several full lockfiles, one per configuration:

$ conan lock create --reference=app/1.0@ --base --lockfile-out=app_base.lock
$ conan lock create --reference=app/1.0@ --lockfile=app_base.lock -s build_type=Release --lockfile-out=app_release.lock
$ conan lock create --reference=app/1.0@ --lockfile=app_base.lock -s build_type=Debug --lockfile-out=app_debug.lock

Now a developer wants to start testing some changes in libb, using the same dependencies versions defined in the lockfile. As libb is locked, it will not be possible to create a new version libb/1.1 or build a new binary for it with the existing lockfiles. But we can create a new lockfile for it in different ways. For example, we could derive directly from the app_release.lock and app_debug.lock lockfiles:

$ git clone <libb-repo> && cd libb
$ conan lock create conanfile.py --lockfile=app_release.lock --lockfile-out=libb_deps_release.lock
$ conan lock create conanfile.py --lockfile=app_debug.lock --lockfile-out=libb_deps_debug.lock

This will create partial lockfiles, only for libb dependencies, i.e. locking liba/1.0, that can be used while installing, building and testing libb.

But it is also possible to derive a new ā€œbaseā€ profile from app_base.lock only for libb dependencies, and then compute from it the configuration specific profiles.

These partial lockfiles will be smaller than the original app lockfiles, not containing information at all about app and libc.

Unlocking packages with ā€“buildļƒ

It is also possible to derive a partial lockfile for libb/1.0 without cloning the libb repository, directly with:

$ conan lock create --reference=libb/1.0 --lockfile=app_release.lock --lockfile-out=libb_release.lock
$ conan lock create --reference=libb/1.0 --lockfile=app_debug.lock --lockfile-out=libb_debug.lock

These new lockfiles could be used to install the libb/1.0 package, without building it, but if we tried to build it from sources, it will fail:

$ conan install libb/1.0@ --lockfile=libb_release.lock # Works
$ conan install libb/1.0@ --build=libb --lockfile=libb_release.lock # Fails, libb is locked

The second scenario fails. This is because when the app_release.lock lockfile was captured, it completely locked all the information (including libb/1.0ā€™s package revision). If we try to build a new binary, the lock protection will raise. If we want to ā€œunlockā€ the binary package revision, we need to tell the lockfile when we are capturing such lockfile, that we plan to build it, with the --build argument:

# Note the --build=libb argument
$ conan lock create --reference=libb/1.0 --build=libb --lockfile=app_release.lock --lockfile-out=libb_release.lock
# This will work, building a new binary
$ conan install libb/1.0@ --build=libb --lockfile=libb_release.lock --lockfile-out=libb_release2.lock

As usual, if you are building a new binary, it is desired to provide a --lockfile-out=libb_release2.lock to capture such a new binary package revision in the new lockfile.

Integrating a partial lockfileļƒ

This would be the opposite flow. Lets take the previous libb_deps_release.lock and libb_deps_debug.lock lockfiles and create new libb/1.1 packages with it, and obtaining new lockfiles:

# in the libb source folder
$ conan  create . --lockfile=libb_deps_release.lock --lockfile-out=libb_release.lock
$ conan  create . --lockfile=libb_deps_debug.lock --lockfile-out=libb_debug.lock

These lockfiles will be containing locked information to liba/1.0 and a new libb/1.1 version. Now we would like to check if app/1.0 will pick this new version, and in case it is used, we would like to rebuild whatever is necessary (that is part of the next CI section).


It is not possible to pick the old app_base.lock, app_release.lock or app_debug.lock lockfiles and inject the new libb/1.1 version, as this would be violating the integrity of the lockfile. Nothing guarantees that the downstream packages will effectively use the new version, as it might fall outside the valid range defined in libc/1.0, for example. Also, downstream consumers app/1.0 and libc/1.0 could result in different package-ids as a result of having a new dependency, and this goes against the immutability of the lockfile data, as the package-ids for them would be already locked.

Letā€™s create new lockfiles that will use the existing libb_debug.lock and libb_release.lock information if possible:

$ conan lock create --reference=app/1.0@ --lockfile=libb_release.lock --lockfile-out=app_release.lock
$ conan lock create --reference=app/1.0@ --lockfile=libb_debug.lock --lockfile-out=app_debug.lock

This will create new app_release.lock and app_debug.lock that will have both libb/1.1 and liba/1.0 locked. If for some reason, libc/1.0 had fixed a requires = "libb/1.0", then the resulting lockfile would resolve and lock libb/1.0 instead. The build-order command (see next section) will tell us that there is nothing to build, as it is effectively computing the same lockfile that existed before. It is also possible, and a CI pipeline could do it, to directly check that libb/1.1 is defined inside the new lockfiles. If it is not there, it means that it didnā€™t integrate, and nothing needs to be done downstream.