

This feature is still under development, while it is recommended and usable and we will try not to break them in future releases, some breaking changes might still happen if necessary to prepare for the Conan 2.0 release.

This tool is intended to replace the current and the current scm attribute, that will be removed in Conan 2.0.

Available since: 1.46.0


def __init__(self, conanfile, folder=".")

Construct a Git object, specifying the current directory, by default ".", the current working directory.


def get_commit(self)

Returns the current commit, with git rev-list HEAD -n 1 -- <folder>. The latest commit is returned, irrespective of local not committed changes.


def get_remote_url(self, remote="origin")

Obtains the URL of the remote git remote repository, with git remote -v


This method will get the output from git remote -v. If you added tokens or credentials to the remote in the URL, they will be exposed. Credentials shouldn’t be added to git remotes definitions, but using a credentials manager or similar mechanism. If you still want to use this approach, it is your responsibility to strip the credentials from the result.


def commit_in_remote(self, commit, remote="origin")

Checks that the given commit exists in the remote, with branch -r --contains <commit> and checking an occurrence of a branch in that remote exists.


def is_dirty(self)

Returns if the current folder is dirty, running git status -s


def get_repo_root(self)

Returns the current repository top folder with git rev-parse --show-toplevel


def clone(self, url, target="", args=None)

Performs a git clone <url> <args> <target> operation, where target is the target directory.

Optional arguments can be passed as a list, for example:

from conan import ConanFile
from import Git

class App(ConanFile):
    version = "1.2.3"

    def source(self):
        git = Git(self)
        clone_args = ['--depth', '1', '--branch', self.version]
        git.clone(url="https://path/to/repo.git", args=clone_args)


def checkout(self, commit)

Checkouts the given commit


def get_url_and_commit(self, remote="origin")
    # returns a (url, commit) tuple


This method will get the output from git remote -v. If you added tokens or credentials to the remote in the URL, they will be exposed. Credentials shouldn’t be added to git remotes definitions, but using a credentials manager or similar mechanism. If you still want to use this approach, it is your responsibility to strip the credentials from the result.

This is an advanced method, that returns both the current commit, and the remote repository url. This method is intended to capture the current remote coordinates for a package creation, so that can be used later to build again from sources from the same commit. This is the behavior:

  • If the repository is dirty, it will raise an exception. Doesn’t make sense to capture coordinates of something dirty, as it will not be reproducible. If there are local changes, and the user wants to test a local conan create, should commit the changes first (locally, not push the changes).

  • If the repository is not dirty, but the commit doesn’t exist in the given remote, the method will return that commit and the URL of the local user checkout. This way, a package can be conan create created locally, testing everything works, before pushing some changes to the remote.

  • If the repository is not dirty, and the commit exists in the specified remote, it will return that commit and the url of the remote.


Returns the list of files not ignored by .gitignore

def included_files(self):

This method runs git ls-files --full-name --others --cached --exclude-standard and returns the result as a list. It can be used for implementing a controlled export of files not gitignored, something like:

def export_sources(self):
    git = Git(self)
    included = git.included_files()
    for i in included:
        dst =  os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, i)
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copy2(i, dst)


Can be used to efficiently retrieve just 1 commit from the server, instead of doing a full clone, which can be slower.

def source(self):
    git = Git(self)
    git.fetch_commit(url="repo-url", commit="specific-commit")

Note that this can fail if the server does not support this fetch mode. Most of modern servers like Github, Gitlab support it, but if you host your own server, please check.


Available since: 1.53.0

def run(self, cmd)

Executes git <cmd> and returns the console output of the command.

For example, if you want to print the git version, just pass cmd="--version" as argument:

import os
from conan import ConanFile
from import Git

class Pkg(ConanFile):
    name = "pkg"
    version = "0.1"

    def export(self):
        git = Git(self)"--version"))

Example: Implementing the scm feature

This example is the new way to implement the scm feature (the scm attribute will be removed in Conan 2.0, and the way it will survive is the one described in this section), using this new Git capabilities.

Assume we have this project with this layout, in a git repository:

β”œβ”€β”€ CMakeLists.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ src
β”‚Β Β  └── hello.cpp

And the is:

import os
from conan import ConanFile
from import Git
from import load, update_conandata

class Pkg(ConanFile):
    name = "pkg"
    version = "0.1"

    def export(self):
        git = Git(self, self.recipe_folder)
        scm_url, scm_commit = git.get_url_and_commit()
        # we store the current url and commit in conandata.yml
        update_conandata(self, {"sources": {"commit": scm_commit, "url": scm_url}})

    def layout(self):
        self.folders.source = "."

    def source(self):
        # we recover the saved url and commit from conandata.yml and use them to get sources
        git = Git(self)
        sources = self.conan_data["sources"]
        git.clone(url=sources["url"], target=".")

    def build(self):
        # build() will have access to the sources, obtained with the clone in source()
        cmake = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "CMakeLists.txt")
        hello = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "src/hello.cpp")"MYCMAKE-BUILD: {}".format(load(self, cmake)))"MYFILE-BUILD: {}".format(load(self, hello)))

This conanfile does:

  • In the export() method, it captures the url and commit, according to the rules of get_url_and_commit() above

  • The url and commit are saved in the conandata.yml

  • These two first steps happen in the conan export or first part of conan create when the recipe is exported to the cache.

  • When the recipe is building from sources in the cache, it will call the source() method which will clone and checkout from the user folder if the commit is only local or from the git remote if the commit is remote too.

This conan create flow is not recommended for continuous usage. To develop and test, users should use the local flow (conan install + build system). Only in the last stage, to check that things are looking good to push, the user can do a local commit, and before pushing, do a conan create to check locally.