
Calls Visual Studio msbuild command to build a sln project:

from conans import ConanFile, MSBuild

class ExampleConan(ConanFile):

    def build(self):
        msbuild = MSBuild(self)"MyProject.sln")

Internally the MSBuild build helper uses:

You can adjust all the information from the requirements accessing to the build_env that it is a VisualStudioBuildEnvironment object:

 from conans import ConanFile, MSBuild

 class ExampleConan(ConanFile):

     def build(self):
         msbuild = MSBuild(self)
         msbuild.build_env.link_flags = []


class MSBuild(object):

    def __init__(self, conanfile)
  • conanfile (Required): ConanFile object. Usually self in a



def build(self, project_file, targets=None, upgrade_project=True, build_type=None, arch=None,
          parallel=True, force_vcvars=False, toolset=None, platforms=None, use_env=True,
          vcvars_ver=None, winsdk_version=None)

Builds Visual Studio project with the given parameters. It will call tools.msvc_build_command().

  • project_file (Required): Path to the sln file.

  • targets (Optional, Defaulted to None): List of targets to build.

  • upgrade_project (Optional, Defaulted to True): Will call devenv to upgrade the solution to your current Visual Studio.

  • build_type (Optional, Defaulted to None): Optional. Defaulted to None, will use the settings.build_type

  • arch (Optional, Defaulted to None): Optional. Defaulted to None, will use settings.arch

  • force_vcvars (Optional, Defaulted to False): Will ignore if the environment is already set for a different Visual Studio version.

  • parallel (Optional, Defaulted to True): Will use the configured number of cores in the conan.conf file (cpu_count):
    • In the solution: Building the solution with the projects in parallel. (/m: parameter)

    • CL compiler: Building the sources in parallel. (/MP: compiler flag)

  • toolset (Optional, Defaulted to None): Specify a toolset. Will append a /p:PlatformToolset option.

  • platforms (Optional, Defaulted to None): Dictionary with the mapping of archs/platforms from Conan naming to another one. It is useful for Visual Studio solutions that have a different naming in architectures. Example: platforms={"x86":"Win32"} (Visual solution uses “Win32” instead of “x86”). This dictionary will update the default one:

    msvc_arch = {'x86': 'x86',
                 'x86_64': 'x64',
                 'armv7': 'ARM',
                 'armv8': 'ARM64'}
  • use_env (Optional, Defaulted to True: Applies the argument /p:UseEnv=true to the msbuild() call.

  • vcvars_ver (Optional, Defaulted to None): Specifies the Visual Studio compiler toolset to use.

  • winsdk_version (Optional, Defaulted to None): Specifies the version of the Windows SDK to use.

  • properties (Optional, Defaulted to None): Dictionary with new properties, for each element in the dict {name: value} it will append a /p:name="value" option.


Returns a string command calling msbuild

def get_command(self, project_file, props_file_path=None, targets=None, upgrade_project=True, build_type=None,
                arch=None, parallel=True, toolset=None, platforms=None, use_env=False):
  • project_file (Optional, defaulted to None): Path to a properties file to include in the project.

  • Same other parameters than build()


Prepares the needed environment variables to invoke the Visual Studio compiler. Use it together with vcvars_command tool

from conans import ConanFile, VisualStudioBuildEnvironment

class ExampleConan(ConanFile):


    def build(self):
        if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio":
           env_build = VisualStudioBuildEnvironment(self)
           with tools.environment_append(env_build.vars):
               vcvars = tools.vcvars_command(self.settings)
     '%s && cl /c /EHsc hello.cpp' % vcvars)
     '%s && lib hello.obj -OUT:hello.lib' % vcvars

Set environment variables:




Library paths separated with “;”


“/I” flags with include directories, Runtime (/MT, /MD…), Definitions (/DXXX), and any other C and CXX flags.





List with directories of include paths


List with directories of libraries


List with definitions (from requirements cpp_info.defines)


List with directories (from settings.compiler.runtime)


List with flag (from requirements cpp_info.cflags


List with cxx flags (from requirements cpp_info.cppflags


List with linker flags (from requirements cpp_info.sharedlinkflags and cpp_info.exelinkflags


If the setting cppstd is set, the property will contain the corresponding flag of the language standard


Default False, when True, the flag /MP will be adjusted in order to compiler the sources in parallel (using cpu_count)

You can adjust the automatically filled values modifying the attributes above:

   def build(self):
      if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio":
         env_build = VisualStudioBuildEnvironment(self)
         env_build.link_flags = []
         with tools.environment_append(env_build.vars):
             vcvars = tools.vcvars_command(self.settings)
   '%s && cl /c /EHsc hello.cpp' % vcvars)
   '%s && lib hello.obj -OUT:hello.lib' % vcvars