Understanding the flexibility of using conanfile.py vs conanfile.txt

In the previous examples, we declared our dependencies (Zlib and CMake) in a conanfile.txt file. Let’s have a look at that file:




Using a conanfile.txt to build your projects using Conan it’s enough for simple cases, but if you need more flexibility you should use a conanfile.py file where you can use Python code to make things such as adding requirements dynamically, changing options depending on other options or setting options for your requirements. Let’s see an example on how to migrate to a conanfile.py and use some of those features.

Please, first clone the sources to recreate this project. You can find them in the examples2 repository in GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/conan-io/examples2.git
$ cd examples2/tutorial/consuming_packages/conanfile_py

Check the contents of the folder and note that the contents are the same that in the previous examples but with a conanfile.py instead of a conanfile.txt.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── conanfile.py
└── src
    └── main.c

Remember that in the previous examples the conanfile.txt had this information:




We will translate that same information to a conanfile.py. This file is what is typically called a “Conan recipe”. It can be used for consuming packages, like in this case, and also to create packages. For our current case, it will define our requirements (both libraries and build tools) and logic to modify options and set how we want to consume those packages. In the case of using this file to create packages, it can define (among other things) how to download the package’s source code, how to build the binaries from those sources, how to package the binaries, and information for future consumers on how to consume the package. We will explain how to use Conan recipes to create packages in the Creating Packages section later.

The equivalent of the conanfile.txt in form of Conan recipe could look like this:

from conan import ConanFile

class CompressorRecipe(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"

    def requirements(self):

    def build_requirements(self):

To create the Conan recipe we declared a new class that inherits from the ConanFile class. This class has different class attributes and methods:

  • settings this class attribute defines the project-wide variables, like the compiler, its version, or the OS itself that may change when we build our project. This is related to how Conan manages binary compatibility as these values will affect the value of the package ID for Conan packages. We will explain how Conan uses this value to manage binary compatibility later.

  • generators this class attribute specifies which Conan generators will be run when we call the conan install command. In this case, we added CMakeToolchain and CMakeDeps as in the conanfile.txt.

  • requirements() in this method we use the self.requires() method to declare the zlib/1.2.11 dependency.

  • build_requirements() in this method we use the self.tool_requires() method to declare the cmake/3.22.6 dependency.


It’s not strictly necessary to add the dependencies to the tools in build_requirements(), as in theory everything within this method could be done in the requirements() method. However, build_requirements() provides a dedicated place to define tool_requires and test_requires, which helps in keeping the structure organized and clear. For more information, please check the requirements() and build_requirements() docs.

You can check that running the same commands as in the previous examples will lead to the same results as before.

$ conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing
$ cd build
$ conanbuild.bat
# assuming Visual Studio 15 2017 is your VS version and that it matches your default profile
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake
$ cmake --build . --config Release
Building with CMake version: 3.22.6
[100%] Built target compressor

$ Release\compressor.exe
Uncompressed size is: 233
Compressed size is: 147
$ deactivate_conanbuild.bat
Linux, macOS
$ conan install . --output-folder build --build=missing
$ cd build
$ source conanbuild.sh
Capturing current environment in deactivate_conanbuildenv-release-x86_64.sh
Configuring environment variables
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .
Building with CMake version: 3.22.6
[100%] Built target compressor

$ ./compressor
Uncompressed size is: 233
Compressed size is: 147
$ source deactivate_conanbuild.sh

So far we have achieved the same functionality we had using a conanfile.txt, let’s see how we can take advantage of the capabilities of the conanfile.py to define the project structure we want to follow and also to add some logic using Conan settings and options.

Use the layout() method

In the previous examples, every time we executed a conan install command, we had to use the –output-folder argument to define where we wanted to create the files that Conan generates. There’s a neater way to decide where we want Conan to generate the files for the build system that will allow us to decide, for example, if we want different output folders depending on the type of CMake generator we are using. You can define this directly in the conanfile.py inside the layout() method and make it work for every platform without adding more changes.

import os

from conan import ConanFile

class CompressorRecipe(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"

    def requirements(self):

    def build_requirements(self):

    def layout(self):
        # We make the assumption that if the compiler is msvc the
        # CMake generator is multi-config
        multi = True if self.settings.get_safe("compiler") == "msvc" else False
        if multi:
            self.folders.generators = os.path.join("build", "generators")
            self.folders.build = "build"
            self.folders.generators = os.path.join("build", str(self.settings.build_type), "generators")
            self.folders.build = os.path.join("build", str(self.settings.build_type))

As you can see, we defined the self.folders.generators attribute in the layout() method. This is the folder where all the auxiliary files generated by Conan (CMake toolchain and cmake dependencies files) will be placed.

Note that the definitions of the folders is different if it is a multi-config generator (like Visual Studio), or a single-config generator (like Unix Makefiles). In the first case, the folder is the same irrespective of the build type, and the build system will manage the different build types inside that folder. But single-config generators like Unix Makefiles, must use a different folder for each different configuration (as a different build_type Release/Debug). In this case we added a simple logic to consider multi-config if the compiler name is msvc.

Check that running the same commands as in the previous examples without the –output-folder argument will lead to the same results as before:

$ conan install . --build=missing
$ cd build
$ generators\conanbuild.bat
# assuming Visual Studio 15 2017 is your VS version and that it matches your default profile
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=generators\conan_toolchain.cmake
$ cmake --build . --config Release
Building with CMake version: 3.22.6
[100%] Built target compressor

$ Release\compressor.exe
Uncompressed size is: 233
Compressed size is: 147
$ generators\deactivate_conanbuild.bat
Linux, macOS
$ conan install . --build=missing
$ cd build/Release
$ source ./generators/conanbuild.sh
Capturing current environment in deactivate_conanbuildenv-release-x86_64.sh
Configuring environment variables
$ cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=generators/conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .
Building with CMake version: 3.22.6
[100%] Built target compressor

$ ./compressor
Uncompressed size is: 233
Compressed size is: 147
$ source ./generators/deactivate_conanbuild.sh

There’s no need to always write this logic in the conanfile.py. There are some pre-defined layouts you can import and directly use in your recipe. For example, for the CMake case, there’s a cmake_layout() already defined in Conan:

from conan import ConanFile
from conan.tools.cmake import cmake_layout

class CompressorRecipe(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"

    def requirements(self):

    def build_requirements(self):

    def layout(self):

Use the validate() method to raise an error for non-supported configurations

The validate() method is evaluated when Conan loads the conanfile.py and you can use it to perform checks of the input settings. If, for example, your project does not support armv8 architecture on macOS you can raise the ConanInvalidConfiguration exception to make Conan return with a special error code. This will indicate that the configuration used for settings or options is not supported.

from conan.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration

class CompressorRecipe(ConanFile):

    def validate(self):
        if self.settings.os == "Macos" and self.settings.arch == "armv8":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("ARM v8 not supported in Macos")

Conditional requirements using a conanfile.py

You could add some logic to the requirements() method to add or remove requirements conditionally. Imagine, for example, that you want to add an additional dependency in Windows or that you want to use the system’s CMake installation instead of using the Conan tool_requires:

from conan import ConanFile

class CompressorRecipe(ConanFile):
    # Binary configuration
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"

    def requirements(self):

        # Add base64 dependency for Windows
        if self.settings.os == "Windows":

    def build_requirements(self):
        # Use the system's CMake for Windows
        if self.settings.os != "Windows":

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