

This feature is experimental and subject to breaking changes. See the Conan stability section for more information.

The BazelDeps is the dependencies generator for Bazel. Generates a <REPOSITORY>/BUILD.bazel file per dependency, where the <REPOSITORY>/ folder is the Conan recipe reference name by default, e.g., mypkg/BUILD.bazel. Apart from that, it also generates Bazel 6.x compatible file like dependencies.bzl, and other Bazel >= 7.1 compatible ones like conan_deps_module_extension.bzl and conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl. All of them contain the logic to load all your Conan dependencies through your WORKSPACE | MODULE.bazel.

The BazelDeps generator can be used by name in conanfiles:

class Pkg(ConanFile):
    generators = "BazelDeps"

And it can also be fully instantiated in the conanfile generate() method:

from conan import ConanFile
from import BazelDeps

class App(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
    requires = "zlib/1.2.11"

    def generate(self):
        bz = BazelDeps(self)

Generated filesΒΆ

When the BazelDeps generator is used, every invocation of conan install will generate several bazel files. For the above, for example:

$ conan install .
β”œβ”€β”€ BUILD.bazel
β”œβ”€β”€ dependencies.bzl
└── zlib
    └── BUILD.bazel

Every conan install generates these files:

  • BUILD.bazel: An empty file aimed to be alongside the dependencies.bzl one. More information here.

  • zlib/BUILD.bazel: contains all the targets that you can load from any of your BUILD files. More information in Customization.

  • dependencies.bzl: (Bazel 6.x compatible) this file tells your Bazel WORKSPACE how to load the dependencies.

  • conan_deps_module_extension.bzl: (since Conan 2.4.0)(Bazel >= 7.1 compatible) This file is used to load each dependency as repository.

  • conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl: (since Conan 2.4.0)(Bazel >= 7.1 compatible) The rule provided by this file is used to create a repository. It is not intended to be used by consumers but by conan_deps_module_extension.bzl.

Let’s check the content of the files created:

Bazel 6.x compatible

# This Bazel module should be loaded by your WORKSPACE file.
# Add these lines to your WORKSPACE one (assuming that you're using the "bazel_layout"):
# load("@//conan:dependencies.bzl", "load_conan_dependencies")
# load_conan_dependencies()

def load_conan_dependencies():

Bazel >= 7.1 compatible

# This bazel repository rule is used to load Conan dependencies into the Bazel workspace.
# It's used by a generated module file that provides information about the conan packages.
# Each conan package is loaded into a bazel repository rule, with having the name of the
# package. The whole method is based on symlinks to not copy the whole package into the
# Bazel workspace, which is expensive.
def _conan_dependency_repo(rctx):
    package_path = rctx.workspace_root.get_child(rctx.attr.package_path)

    child_packages = package_path.readdir()
    for child in child_packages:
        rctx.symlink(child, child.basename)

    rctx.symlink(rctx.attr.build_file_path, "BUILD.bazel")

conan_dependency_repo = repository_rule(
    implementation = _conan_dependency_repo,
    attrs = {
        "package_path": attr.string(
            mandatory = True,
            doc = "The path to the Conan package in conan cache.",
        "build_file_path": attr.string(
            mandatory = True,
            doc = "The path to the BUILD file.",
# This module provides a repo for each requires-dependency in your conanfile.
# It's generated by the BazelDeps, and should be used in your Module.bazel file.
load(":conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl", "conan_dependency_repo")

def _load_dependenies_impl(mctx):
        name = "zlib",
        package_path = "/path/to/conan/package/folder/",
        build_file_path = "/your/current/working/directory/zlib/BUILD.bazel",

    return mctx.extension_metadata(
        # It will only warn you if any direct
        # dependency is not imported by the 'use_repo' or even it is imported
        # but not created. Notice that root_module_direct_dev_deps can not be None as we
        # are giving 'all' value to root_module_direct_deps.
        # Fix the 'use_repo' calls by running 'bazel mod tidy'
        root_module_direct_deps = 'all',
        root_module_direct_dev_deps = [],

        # Prevent writing function content to lockfiles:
        # -
        # Important for remote build. Actually it's not reproducible, as local paths will
        # be different on different machines. But we assume that conan works correctly here.
        # IMPORTANT: Not compatible with bazel < 7.1
        reproducible = True,

conan_extension = module_extension(
    implementation = _load_dependenies_impl,
    os_dependent = True,
    arch_dependent = True,

Given the examples above, and imagining that your WORKSPACE | MODULE.bazel is at the same directory, you would have to add these lines in there:

Bazel 6.x compatible

load("@//:dependencies.bzl", "load_conan_dependencies")

Bazel >= 7.1 compatible

load_conan_dependencies = use_extension("//:conan_deps_module_extension.bzl", "conan_extension")
# use_repo(load_conan_dependencies, "dep1", "dep2", ..., "depN")
use_repo(load_conan_dependencies, "zlib")

As you can observe, the zlib/BUILD.bazel defines these global targets:

# Components precompiled libs
# Root package precompiled libs
    name = "z_precompiled",
    static_library = "lib/libz.a",

# Components libraries declaration
# Package library declaration
    name = "zlib",
    hdrs = glob([
    includes = [
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [

# Filegroup library declaration
    name = "zlib_binaries",
    srcs = glob([
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
  • zlib: bazel library target. The label used to depend on it would be @zlib//:zlib.

  • zlib_binaries: bazel filegroup target. The label used to depend on it would be @zlib//:zlib_binaries.

You can put all the files generated by BazelDeps into another folder using the bazel_layout:

from conan import ConanFile
from import BazelDeps, bazel_layout

class App(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
    requires = "zlib/1.2.11"

    def layout(self):

    def generate(self):
        bz = BazelDeps(self)

Running again the conan install command, we now get this structure:

$ conan install .
β”œβ”€β”€ conan
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ BUILD.bazel
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ dependencies.bzl
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ conan_deps_module_extension.bzl
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl
β”‚   └── zlib
β”‚       └── BUILD.bazel

Now your Conan-bazel files were generated in the conan/ folder, your WORKSPACE will look like:

load("@//conan:dependencies.bzl", "load_conan_dependencies")

Or your MODULE.bazel:

load_conan_dependencies = use_extension("//conan:conan_deps_module_extension.bzl", "conan_extension")
use_repo(load_conan_dependencies, "zlib")



The <REPOSITORY>/BUILD.bazel file contains all the targets declared by the dependency. Both the <REPOSITORY>/ folder and the targets declared in there will be named following these rules by default:

  • For packages, it uses the package name as folder/target name, e.g., package zlib/1.2.11 will have:
    • Folder: zlib/BUILD.bazel.

    • Global target: zlib.

    • How it can be consumed: @zlib//:zlib.

  • For components, the package name + hyphen + component name, e.g., package openssl/3.1.4 will have:
    • Folder: openssl/BUILD.bazel.

    • Global target: openssl.

    • Components targets: openssl-ssl, and openssl-crypto.

    • How it can be consumed:
      • @openssl//:openssl (global one which includes all the components)

      • @openssl//:openssl-ssl (component one)

      • @openssl//:openssl-crypto (component one)

You can change that default behavior with the bazel_target_name and the bazel_repository_name properties. See Properties section below.


class BazelDeps(conanfile)ΒΆ

conanfile – < ConanFile object > The current recipe object. Always use self.


Activates the build context for the specified Conan package names.


Generates all the targets <DEP>/BUILD.bazel files, a dependencies.bzl (for bazel<7), a conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl and a conan_deps_module_extension.bzl file (for bazel>=7.1) one in the build folder.

In case of bazel < 7, it’s important to highlight that the dependencies.bzl file should be loaded by your WORKSPACE Bazel file:

load("@//[BUILD_FOLDER]:dependencies.bzl", "load_conan_dependencies")

In case of bazel >= 7.1, the conan_deps_module_extension.bzl file should be loaded by your Module.bazel file, e.g. like this:

load_conan_dependencies = use_extension(
use_repo(load_conan_dependencies, "dep-1", "dep-2", ...)


When you have a build-requirement, by default, the Bazel files are not generated. But you can activate it using the build_context_activated attribute:

def build_requirements(self):

def layout(self):

def generate(self):
    bz = BazelDeps(self)
    # generate the build-mytool/BUILD.bazel file for the tool require
    bz.build_context_activated = ["my_tool"]

Running the conan install command, the structure created is as follows:

$ conan install . -pr:b default
β”œβ”€β”€ conan
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ BUILD.bazel
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ build-my_tool
β”‚   β”‚   └── BUILD.bazel
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ conan_deps_module_extension.bzl
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ conan_deps_repo_rules.bzl
β”‚   └── dependencies.bzl

Notice that my_tool Bazel folder is prefixed with build- which indicates that it’s being used in the build context.


The following properties affect the BazelDeps generator:

  • bazel_target_name property will define the name of the target declared in the <REPOSITORY>/BUILD.bazel. This property can be defined at both global and component cpp_info level.

  • bazel_repository_name property will define the name of the folder where the dependency BUILD.bazel will be allocated. This property can only be defined at global cpp_info level.


def package_info(self):
    self.cpp_info.set_property("bazel_target_name", "my_target")
    self.cpp_info.set_property("bazel_repository_name", "my_repo")
    self.cpp_info.components["mycomponent"].set_property("bazel_target_name", "component_name")