conan editable

$ conan editable [-h] {add,remove,list} ...

Manage editable packages

positional arguments:
{add,remove,list}  sub-command help
    add              Put a package in editable mode
    remove           Disable editable mode for a package
    list             List packages in editable mode

optional arguments:
-h, --help         show this help message and exit

conan editable add

$ conan editable add [-h] [-l LAYOUT] path reference

Opens the package <reference> in editable mode in the user folder <path>

positional arguments:
path                  Path to the package folder in the user workspace
reference             Package reference e.g.: mylib/1.X@user/channel

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT
                        Relative or absolute path to a file containing the
                        layout. Relative paths will be resolved first relative
                        to current dir, then to local cache "layouts" folder

This command puts a package in “Editable mode”, and consumers of this package will use it from the given user folder instead of using it from the cache. The path pointed by path should exist and contain a

Example: Put the package cool/version@user/dev in editable mode, using the layout specified by the file win_layout.

$ conan editable add . cool/version@user/dev --layout=win_layout

conan editable remove

$ conan editable remove [-h] reference

Removes the editable mode of package reference.

positional arguments:
reference   Package reference e.g.: mylib/1.X@user/channel

optional arguments:
-h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example: remove the “Editable mode”, use again package from the cache:

$ conan editable remove cool/version@user/dev

conan editable list

$ conan editable list [-h]

Shows the list of the packages that are opened in “editable” mode.