conan user

$ conan user [-h] [-c] [-p [PASSWORD]] [-r REMOTE] [name]

Authenticates against a remote with user/pass, caching the auth token. Useful to avoid the user and password being requested later. e.g. while you’re uploading a package. You can have one user for each remote. Changing the user, or introducing the password is only necessary to perform changes in remote packages.

positional arguments:
  name                  Username you want to use. If no name is provided it
                        will show the current user

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clean           Remove user and tokens for all remotes
  -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
                        User password. Use double quotes if password with
                        spacing, and escape quotes if existing. If empty, the
                        password is requested interactively (not exposed)
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        Use the specified remote server


  • List my user for each remote:

    $ conan user
  • Change bar remote user to foo:

    $ conan user foo -r bar
  • Change bar remote user to foo, authenticating against the remote and storing the user and authentication token locally, so a later upload won’t require entering credentials:

    $ conan user foo -r bar -p mypassword
  • Clean all local users and tokens:

    $ conan user --clean
  • Change bar remote user to foo, asking user password to authenticate against the remote and storing the user and authentication token locally, so a later upload won’t require entering credentials:

    $ conan user foo -r bar -p
    Please enter a password for "foo" account:
    Change 'bar' user from None (anonymous) to foo


The password is not stored in the client computer at any moment. Conan uses JWT, so it gets a token (expirable by the server) checking the password against the remote credentials. If the password is correct, an authentication token will be obtained, and that token is the information cached locally. For any subsequent interaction with the remotes, the conan client will only use that JWT token.