conan exportļƒ

$ conan export [-h] [-k] [-l [LOCKFILE]] [--ignore-dirty]
               path [reference]

Copies the recipe ( & associated files) to your local cache.

Use the ā€˜referenceā€™ param to specify a user and channel where to export it. Once the recipe is in the local cache it can be shared, reused and to any remote with the ā€˜conan uploadā€™ command.

positional arguments:
  path                  Path to a folder containing a or to a
                        recipe file e.g., my_folder/
  reference             user/channel, Pkg/version@user/channel (if name and
                        version are not declared in the or
                        Pkg/version@ if user/channel is not relevant.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k, -ks, --keep-source
                        Do not remove the source folder in the local cache,
                        even if the recipe changed. Use this for testing
                        purposes only
  -l [LOCKFILE], --lockfile [LOCKFILE]
                        Path to a lockfile or folder containing 'conan.lock'
                        file. Lockfile will be updated with the exported
  --ignore-dirty        When using the "scm" feature with "auto" values,
                        capture the revision and url even if there are
                        uncommitted changes

The reference field can be:

  • A complete package reference: pkg/version@user/channel. In this case, the recipe doesnā€™t need to declare the name or the version. If the recipe declares them, they should match the provided values in the command line.

  • The user and channel: user/channel. The command will assume that the name and version are provided by the recipe.

  • The version, user and channel: version@user/channel. The recipe must provide the name, and if it does provide the version, it should match the command line one.

There is also a ā€œrecipe_linterā€ hook in the official hooks repository that can be activated to run automatic linter checks on the recipes when they are exported.


  • Export a recipe using a full reference. Only valid if name and version are not declared in the recipe:

    $ conan export . mylib/1.0@myuser/channel
  • Same as above, but without any user/channel. The ending @ is here to disambiguate from the user/channel part:

    $ conan export . mylib/1.0@
  • Export a recipe from any folder directory, under the myuser/stable user and channel:

    $ conan export ./folder_name myuser/stable
  • Export a recipe without removing the source folder in the local cache:

    $ conan export . fenix/stable -k