conan pkglist


This feature is experimental and subject to breaking changes. See the Conan stability section for more information.

Perform different operations over package lists:

  • Merge multiple package lists (deep merge) into a single one: conan pkglist merge

  • Find in which remotes packages from the cache can be found: conan pkglist find-remote

conan pkglist merge

$ conan pkglist merge -h
Migration: Successfully updated settings.yml
usage: conan pkglist merge [-h] [-f FORMAT] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [-v [V]]
                           [-cc CORE_CONF] [-l LIST]

(Experimental) Merge several package lists into a single one

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json, html
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  -l LIST, --list LIST  Package list file

The conan pkglist merge command can merge multiple package lists into a single one:

$ conan pkglist merge --list=list1.json --list=list2.json --format=json > result.json

The merge will be a deep merge, different versions can be added, and within versions multiple revisions can be added, and for every recipe revision multiple package_ids can be also accumulated.

conan pkglist find-remote

$ conan pkglist find-remote -h
Migration: Successfully updated settings.yml
usage: conan pkglist find-remote [-h] [-f FORMAT] [--out-file OUT_FILE]
                                 [-v [V]] [-cc CORE_CONF] [-r REMOTE]

(Experimental) Find the remotes of a list of packages in the cache

positional arguments:
  list                  Input package list

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Select the output format: json, html
  --out-file OUT_FILE   Write the output of the command to the specified file
                        instead of stdout.
  -v [V]                Level of detail of the output. Valid options from less
                        verbose to more verbose: -vquiet, -verror, -vwarning,
                        -vnotice, -vstatus, -v or -vverbose, -vv or -vdebug,
                        -vvv or -vtrace
  -cc CORE_CONF, --core-conf CORE_CONF
                        Define core configuration, overwriting global.conf
                        values. E.g.: -cc core:non_interactive=True
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        Remote names. Accepts wildcards ('*' means all the
                        remotes available)

The conan pkglist find-remote command will take a package list of packages in the cache (key "Local Cache") and look for them in the defined remotes. For every exact occurence in a remote matching the recipe, version, recipe-revision, etc, an entry in the resulting “package lists” will be added for that specific remote.