

This is a deprecated feature. Please refer to the Migration Guidelines to find the feature that replaced this one.

The new, under development integration with CMake can be found in This is the integration that will become the standard one in Conan 2.0, and the below generators and integrations will be deprecated and removed. While they are recommended and usable and we will try not to break them in future releases, some breaking changes might still happen if necessary to prepare for the Conan 2.0 release.

This is the reference page for cmake_paths generator. Go to Integrations/CMake if you want to learn how to integrate your project or recipes with CMake.

It generates a file named conan_paths.cmake and declares these variables:

Variables in conan_paths.cmake




Containing all requires root folders, any declared self.cpp_info.builddirs and the current directory of this file


Containing all requires root folders, any declared self.cpp_info.builddirs and the current directory of this file


For each dep, the root folder, being XXX the dep name uppercase. Useful when a .cmake is patched with cmake.patch_config_paths()

Where <PKG-NAME> is the placeholder for the name of the require in uppercase (ZLIB for zlib/1.2.11) or the one declared in cpp_info.names["cmake_paths"] if specified.