

This is a deprecated feature. Please check the new SConsDeps tool that will be compatible with Conan 2.X.

Conan provides integration with SCons with this generator.

The generated SConscript_conan will generate several dictionaries, like:

"conan" : {
    "CPPPATH"     : ['/path/to/include'],
    "LIBPATH"     : ['/path/to/lib'],
    "BINPATH"     : ['/path/to/bin'],
    "LIBS"        : ['hello'],
    "CPPDEFINES"  : [],
    "CXXFLAGS"    : [],
    "CCFLAGS"     : [],
    "SHLINKFLAGS" : [],
    "LINKFLAGS"   : [],

"hello" : {
    "CPPPATH"     : ['/path/to/include'],
    "LIBPATH"     : ['/path/to/lib'],
    "BINPATH"     : ['/path/to/bin'],
    "LIBS"        : ['hello'],
    "CPPDEFINES"  : [],
    "CXXFLAGS"    : [],
    "CCFLAGS"     : [],
    "SHLINKFLAGS" : [],
    "LINKFLAGS"   : [],

The conan dictionary will contain the aggregated values for all dependencies, while the individual "hello" dictionaries, one per package, will contain just the values for that specific dependency.

These dictionaries can be directly loaded into the environment like:

conan = SConscript('{}/SConscript_conan'.format(build_path_relative_to_sconstruct))