

This is a deprecated feature. Please refer to the Migration Guidelines to find the feature that replaced this one.

This is the reference page for qbs generator. Go to Integrations/Qbs if you want to learn how to integrate your project or recipes with Qbs.

Generates a file named conanbuildinfo.qbs that can be used for your Qbs builds.

A Product ConanBasicSetup contains the aggregated requirement values and also there is N Product declared, one per requirement.

import qbs 1.0

Project {
    Product {
        name: "ConanBasicSetup"
        Export {
            Depends { name: "cpp" }
            cpp.libraryPaths: [{LIB DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 1}, {LIB DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.systemIncludePaths: [{BIN DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 1}, {BIN DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.dynamicLibraries: [{LIB NAMES REQUIRE 1}, {LIB NAMES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.defines: []
            cpp.cxxFlags: []
            cpp.cFlags: []
            cpp.linkerFlags: []

    Product {
        name: "REQUIRE1"
        Export {
            Depends { name: "cpp" }
            cpp.includePaths: [{INCLUDE DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 1}]
            cpp.libraryPaths: [{LIB DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 1}]
            cpp.systemIncludePaths: [{BIN DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 1}]
            cpp.dynamicLibraries: ["{LIB NAMES REQUIRE 1}"]
            cpp.defines: []
            cpp.cxxFlags: []
            cpp.cFlags: []
            cpp.linkerFlags: []
    // lib root path: {ROOT PATH REQUIRE 1}

    Product {
        name: "REQUIRE2"
        Export {
            Depends { name: "cpp" }
            cpp.includePaths: [{INCLUDE DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.libraryPaths: [{LIB DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.systemIncludePaths: [{BIN DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 2}]
            cpp.dynamicLibraries: ["{LIB NAMES REQUIRE 2}"]
            cpp.defines: []
            cpp.cxxFlags: []
            cpp.cFlags: []
            cpp.linkerFlags: []
    // lib root path: {ROOT PATH REQUIRE 2}

    Product {
        name: "REQUIRE3"
        Export {
            Depends { name: "cpp" }
            cpp.includePaths: [{INCLUDE DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 3}]
            cpp.libraryPaths: [{LIB DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 3}]
            cpp.systemIncludePaths: [{BIN DIRECTORIES REQUIRE 3}]
            cpp.dynamicLibraries: ["{LIB NAMES REQUIRE 3}"]
            cpp.defines: []
            cpp.cxxFlags: []
            cpp.cFlags: []
            cpp.linkerFlags: []
            Depends { name: "REQUIRE1" }
            Depends { name: "REQUIRE2" }
    // lib root path: {ROOT PATH REQUIRE 3}