

This is a deprecated feature. Please refer to the Migration Guidelines to find the feature that replaced this one.

This is the reference page for visual_studio_multi generator. Go to Integrations/Visual Studio if you want to learn how to integrate your project or recipes with Visual Studio.


$ conan install . -g visual_studio_multi -s arch=x86 -s build_type=Debug
$ conan install . -g visual_studio_multi -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Debug
$ conan install . -g visual_studio_multi -s arch=x86 -s build_type=Release
$ conan install . -g visual_studio_multi -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Release

These commands will generate 5 files for each compiler version:

  • conanbuildinfo_multi.props: All properties

  • conanbuildinfo_release_x64_v141.props.props: Variables for release/64bits/VS2015 (toolset v141).

  • conanbuildinfo_debug_x64_v141.props.props: Variables for debug/64bits/VS2015 (toolset v141).

  • conanbuildinfo_release_win32_v141.props.props: Variables for release/32bits/VS2015 (toolset v141).

  • conanbuildinfo_debug_win32_v141.props.props: Variables for debug/32bits/VS2015 (toolset v141).

You can now load conanbuildinfo_multi.props in your Visual Studio IDE property manager, and all configurations will be loaded at once.

Each one of the configurations will have the format and information defined in the visual_studio generator.